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Scaling Models for the severity and frequency of external operational loss Data. Hela Dahen Georges Dionne April 2007. Outline. Introduction Motivations Literature review Methodology - Severity Scaling Model - Frequency Scaling Model Results Conclusion.
Scaling Models for the severity and frequency of external operational loss Data Hela Dahen Georges Dionne April 2007
Outline • Introduction • Motivations • Literature review • Methodology - Severity Scaling Model - Frequency Scaling Model • Results • Conclusion
Introduction • Huge operational losses have occurred recently in the financial sector (Barings, Allied Irish Bank, Enron…) • Basel II accord : regulatory capital requirement for operational risk. • Operational risk is defined as the loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events • 3 methods for the measurement of regulatory capital : • Basic Indicator Approach (BIA) • Standardized Approach (SA) • Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA)
Motivations • Research is still in its embryonic stage. • Internal operational Loss data is often insufficient. • The use of external losses is a must in the implantation of an advanced measurement approach. • Challenge to using external loss data
Literature Review • Little research was done for the development of scaling models for the severity and frequency of external operational loss data : • Shih, Samad-Khan and Medapa (2000) : Non linear severity scaling model using only the institution’s size. • Na (2004) : • loss amount is split into a common component and an idiosyncratic component • power relationship between the institution size and the idiosyncratic component. • A similar model for scaling frequency • Hartung (2004) : severity scaling model using a normalization formula introducing scaling factors and adjustment parameters.
Objectives • Developing a scaling model for the external operational loss amounts • The use of external data with internal data • Provide more information on the tail of the severity distribution • Developing a scaling model for the number of external operational losses • Determine the number of scaled external losses that we have to introduce in the model
Contributions: • Improve the existing severity scaling model (Shih et al., 2000; Na 2004) • Develop a first frequency scaling model. • Use of zero truncated Poisson and negative binomial regression in the context of operational risk (Hausman et al., 1984; Cameron and Trivedi, 1986; Dionne and Vanasse, 1992…) • Capital calculation based on scaled external loss data.
Data • Fitch data base • 1056 loss observations more than $1M us • 323 financial institutions • Information on : • Loss event, • Location, • Date, • Business line, • Risk type, • The institution where loss occured (Assets, deposits, equity, revenues, number of employees).
Severity scaling : Assumption 1- Loss components (Na, 2004 ): Lossi = Compcommonx g(Compidiosyncratic))i Compcommon: common component to all banks (macroeconomic, geopolitical, cultutal environment, human nature…) Compidiosyncratic : idiosyncratic component : specific risk (bank size, location, business line, risk type…) 2- Non linear relationship between the idiosyncratic component and the different factors composing it. 3- All the other non-observable factors (quality of control environment…) are supposed to remain the same for all banks.
Severity scaling : the model with : Size : Log(assetsi) US, Canada, Europe : binary variables of location (USA, Canada, Europe) BLij: binary variables of business line RTij : binary variables of risk type
Severity scaling : Estimation results • Estimation of the coefficients by OLS method : Variables of size, location (US, Canada), Business line (commercial banking) and risk type (clients, products and business practices) are significantly different from 0. • Results (see table 1) • R2adjusted=10.63%
Severity scaling : Robustness tests for the size variables Model 1 : Regression including only the size (Shih et al., 2000) Model 2 : Regression including the size and the location Model 3 : Regression including the size, the location and the business lines. Model 4 : Regression including only the significantly non null variables Results (see table 2)
Severity scaling : estimation results Normalization formula : With
Severity scaling : validation of the model • Reference Bank : Merrill Lynch with 52 loss events over 1994-2004 in the data base. • Scaling all the losses (1050) included in the data base to Merrill Lynch bank. • Comparaison of the statistics calculated on the sample of 52 observed losses and those calculated on the 1050 losses that could occur in the same bank (after scaling) • Statistics : Table 3 • Impact of the scaling factors on loss amount : Table 4
Frequency scaling : the model • Modelling the number of losses per company over the period [1994 -2004] zero truncated Poisson and negative binomial • Frequency depends on the size and the distribution of banking activities Include a regression component in the model Variables included in the model : • Size : log (assets) • US, Canada, Europe, Others : binary variables (1 if the institution has had losses in this country (continent), 0 otherwise)
Frequency scaling :zero truncated count models Yi : number of losses sustained by company over 1994-2004 • Zero truncated Poisson regression : • Zero truncated negative binomial regression : ~
Frequency scaling : results • Most of the variables introduced in the model are statistically different from 0 • Test for overdispersion (test for truncated regression models : Gurmu, 1991) : Existence of significant overdispersion : The negative binomial model dominates the Poisson. • Results (see table 5)
Capital calculation from external loss data Example : Merrill Lynch • Scale all the external losses contained in the database to Merrill Lynch • Scale the frequency of the external data to Merrill Lynch • Determin the parameters of the negative binomial • Determin the frequency distribution of the annual number of operational losses • Generate a number of losses from the frequency distribution • Make random drawing of scaled loss amounts to Merrill Lynch, according to the number generated. • Calculate the total annual losses • Repeat steps 3; 4 and 5 • Calculate statistics from the annual aggregate distribution of annual losses.
Conclusion and extension • We improve the existing scaling model : • Besides the size, other factors have a significant and more important impact on the external loss amounts than size. These variables have to be introduced in the severity scaling model. • We develop a frequency scaling model : • The negative binomial regression model permits the scaling of the number of the external operational losses and generates a number of scaled losses to a specific bank. • Extensions : • Introducing variables estimating the quality of the control environment, and macroeconomic variables in the common component.
Variable Basic model Constant 0.799 Log (assets) 0.077*** US -0.541*** Canada -1.087*** Europe -0.053 Retail brokerage 0.115 Corporate finance 0.386 Asset management 0.398 Trading and sales 0.417 Commercial banking 0.797*** Retail banking 0.043 Agency services 0.478 Damages to physical assets 1.300 Clients, products, and business practices 1.123* Employment, practices and workplace safety 0.088 External fraud 0.360 Internal fraud 0.731 Execution, delivery, and process management 0.577 F(18, 1037) 8.38 R2 12.07% R2adj 10.63% Table 1: Results from the estimation of the Linear Regression Parameters
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Constant 1.495*** (0.000) 1.797*** (0.000) 1.713*** (0.000) 1.379*** (0.000) Log (assets) 0.076** (0.007) 0.084*** (0.003) 0.077*** (0.006) 0.082*** (0.001) US -0.583*** (0.000) -0.446** (0.001) -0.595*** (0.000) Canada -1.219*** (0.000) -1.055*** (0.000) -1.102*** (0.000) Europe 0.020 (0.907) 0.083 (0.624) Retail brokerage -0.275 (0.271) Corporate finance 0.423 (0.166) Assets management 0.369 (0.225) Trading and sales 0.148 (0.599) Commercial banking 0.455* (0.062) 0.665*** (0.000) Retail banking -0.200 (0.398) Agency services 0.383 (0.327) Clients, products and businesspractices 0.633*** (0.000) F 7.6 (0.000) 12.91 (0.000) 8.39 (0.000) 22.84 (0.000) R2 0.69% 4.68% 8.12% 9.81% R2adj 0.60% 4.32% 7.16% 9.38% Table 2 : Robustness Tests
Table 3 : Comparaison between statistics on observed and scaled
Truncated Poisson regression model Truncated negative binomial regression model Constant -5.876*** (-15.28) -10.439*** (-8.35) Log (assets) 1.176*** (15.30) 1.783*** (8.45) United States 1.432*** (14.20) 2.000*** (6.60) Canada 0.559*** (5.51) 1.721*** (2.83) Europe 0.141* (1.73) -0.111 (-0.34) Other countries 0.191** (2.43) 0.457 (1.52) 4.347 (1.53) Log (likelihood function) -695.314 -439.414 Score test 34.637 Table 5 : Results of the Estimation of the Coefficients in the Frequency Model