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Palm Middle School Back to School Night 2010. 7 th Grade Social Studies . Mr. Chris Leon C-102. CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK.
Palm Middle School Back to School Night 2010 7thGrade Social Studies Mr. Chris Leon C-102
CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK Homework is not assigned regularly, although it is your child’s responsibility to review notes taken in class and read the text on a consistent basis to be prepared for any quiz or test. During the year several projects will be assigned and will require your child to complete work at home. Evaluation of course grades include: tests, homework, class assignments, projects, class participation, and group work. The grading scale is as follows: 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D 59% and below = F
CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK After an EXCUSED absence, work will be due within the number of days equal to the days absent (ex. 3 days absent, 3 days to make up the assignments). IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO REQUEST WORK/TESTS MISSED FOLLOWING AN ABSENCE.
CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK All students will be required to use a homework planner. This year we are fortunate enough that each child will be given a planner at no cost. Please check the planner on a daily basisas a form of communication between school and home. This is a vital component of student success. I will check to be sure that students copied homework assignments correctly and verify this with a stamp each and every Friday.
CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK School wide tutoring is available every Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:20- 8:50 AM. All students that need to make up tests or work from absences should attend. It is recommended that all students with low grades should attend.
DISCIPLINE PLAN To create the best learning environment, all students are expected to adhere to the following rules: Enter the classroom quietly and start work right after the tardy bell rings. No talking during class. Directions will only be given once so do your best to actively listen and not disrupt others. No bathroom passes during class. Only in emergency or medical situations may I allow students to do so during the class period.
DISCIPLINE PLAN(cont.) No eating, drinking, or chewing gum during the class period. Water bottles will be allowed during summer and fall seasons to prevent illness due to the heat. No late work accepted. Exceptions may be considered to excused absences or Independent Study. Remain seated during class. Come to class everyday with necessary materials. Be prepared to work everyday and behave responsibly. Be respectful to yourself and others. No put-downs in class.
DISCIPLINE PLAN Consequences for students who do not comply with these rules can include: Verbal warnings Time out or writing standard Contact with parents (letter/phone) Inability to participate in reward activities Detentions/ Campus Beautification “Parent Shadowing”/ Parent-Teacher Conference Office referral
DISCIPLINE PLAN Students who show appropriate behavior will be recognized and rewarded with praise, positive notes, special activities and nominations for Student of the Month. School Phone number: 951-571-4260 ext. 23210 Email address cleon1@mvusd.net Positive Attitudes Will Succeed
Tips for Improving Your Social Studies Grade Be at school. It’s impossible to make-up all class work and assignments. Many students don’t check the weekly agenda, when they miss a day. It is their responsibility to make-up the missing work. Do make-up work and turn it in. I repeat to insure a better grade do your to make up work for any lost points.
Tips for Improving Your Social Studies Grade Bring your Social Studies Interactive Notebook (binder) and something to write with to class everyday. Supplies are essential. Follow classroom procedures. A paper listing our classroom procedures was given to each student and should be in the notebook. Write class and homework assignments in an daily planner. If you don’t finish something in class, finish it for homework. If you don’t have the proper books to finish the assignment, see me after school to borrow one.
Tips for Improving Your Social Studies Grade Be organized. One of the biggest problems is the fact that the students are disorganized. Parents may want to check their backpacks and Interactive Notebooks for neatness and completion. Be sure you have a social studies book at home. Any assignments not finished in class will be required to complete at home. If there are any questions about the daily assignments, refer to http://www.palmms.org/ and use the tabs to locate your child's class and teacher.
Tips for Improving Your Social Studies Grade Stay on task and behave in class. Many students don’t hear the directions or waste time in class. Note writing, toys, and pictures of friends are enjoyable, but distracts students from doing their work. Encourage your child to do the BEST work they can do. Quality work is not important to many, it’s more important to get it done. I want their best work.
Tips for Improving Your Social Studies Grade Encourage your child to talk to me if they need help. Most students who received a D or F did nothing to improve their grade after progress reports went home. Those who did extra credit, asked for help, and were responsible for turning in work did much better.
Improved Students Give Advice on Raising Grades We surveyed our students and asked what they did to improve their grades or to maintain their A/B average. The following is a list of their responses:
Improved Students Give Advice on Raising Grades What did teachers do to help? Talked to me, encouraged me, offered help Repeated instructions and explained a second time when I needed it. Posted grades or told me my grades, so I knew how I was doing Signed homework assignment sheet/green sheet Tutoring at lunch and after school Gives extra time for assignments in class Reminds me to write down assignments Gave extra credit Gave more projects to help grades Moved my seat away from friends
Improved Students Give Advice on Raising Grades What did my parents do to help? Checked my homework to be sure it was finished Helps me with homework Made me do my homework Checked my green sheet every night Encouraged me, pushed me, nagged me, bugged me Grounded me- took away television, video games, etc. Bought me supplies Made me get a weekly report from my teachers Made me attend Saturday school Gave me rewards for good grades
Improved Students Give Advice on Raising Grades What did the students do to improve grades? Did all my work Turned in work on time Went to tutoring at lunch or after school Wrote down my homework Tried harder, studied more, changed my attitude “I cared” Paid attention in class Talked to my teachers about my grades and assignments Asked questions in class when I didn’t understand Didn’t miss school very much and made up absent work Stayed on task and didn’t talk in class