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THE BASICS. Transmission. STD Means. Modes of STD Transmission:. How common are STDs?. 1 in 4 young women (between the ages of 14-19) in the U.S. is infected with an STD . [1] More than half of all people will have an STD at some point of their lifetime. [2]

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  2. Transmission

  3. STD Means . . .

  4. Modes of STD Transmission:

  5. How common are STDs? • 1 in 4 young women (between the ages of 14-19) in the U.S. is infected with an STD. [1] • More than half of all people will have an STD at some point of their lifetime.[2] • Education and awareness is key in reducing transmission of STDs. • SOURCE: • 1.CDC • www.cdc.gov/STDConference/2008/media/release-11march2008.htm • American Social Health Association • www.ashastd.org/learn/learn_statistics.cfm

  6. Who has the STD? All of them do! Symptoms can be severe, mild or non- existent!

  7. STD Symptoms

  8. STD Symptoms

  9. STDs Matched to Symptoms Burning during urination/ejaculation Unusual odor/discharge Itching

  10. STDs Matched to Symptoms Sores No Symptoms Fever

  11. STDs Matched to Symptoms Ouch! Bleeding /pain during sex Rash Drip from the penis

  12. STD Prevention When it comes to STD prevention- nothing protects more than not having sexual contact with others, called abstinence. Abstinence is the most effective way to not get or give an STD.

  13. STD Prevention When people decide to have oral, anal or vaginal sex, they should: always use a latex condom or dental dam barrier be monogamous (sexually exclusive) with a non-infected partner get tested and if they have an STD, get treated

  14. STD Testing • Testing for STDs is typically done in one of 4 ways: • Physical exam by a healthcare provider • Blood test • Urine test • Urethral, cervical or mouth swab

  15. STD Treatment Curable STDs Non-Curable STDs Viral infections- herpes, human papilllomavirus (HPV), HIV and Hepatitis B are not curable. Medications are available to help with symptoms. Vaccinations are available for Hepatitis B and certain types of HPV. Bacterial infections like Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis, and Syphilis can be treated with antibiotics. Parasitic infections like public lice and scabies can be treated with over the counter medication.

  16. Don’t forget… You can’t tell by looking at a person if they are infected or not. Someone can have an STD and not know it. Medical testing is the only way to know for sure if you or a partner have an STD. Testing can be done confidentially.

  17. Definitions

  18. Definitions

  19. Resources/Credits American Social Health Association (Asha) STD fact sheets: www.ashastd.org/ Center for Disease Control (CDC) STD fact sheets: www.cdc.gov/STD/ Presentation-ready color slides from STD surveillance, 2007 : www.cdc.gov/std/stats07/slides.htm Sex,Etc. Stories written by teens, for teens: http://www.sexetc.org/stories/std/

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