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Site-Based Decision Making and Planning. (TEC 11.252, 11.253) Committee Members: Provide assistance to the superintendent or campus principal in the development, review, and revision of improvement plans ANNUALLY. Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members District Policy and Procedures
(TEC 11.252, 11.253) Committee Members: Provide assistance to the superintendent or campus principal in the development, review, and revision of improvement plans ANNUALLY.
Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members • District Policy and Procedures • Roles that are advisory • Campus Waivers • Staff Development
Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members continued • Six Areas of Involvement (TEC 11.251) • Planning • Budgeting • Curriculum • Staffing Patterns • Staff Development (TEC 11.251, 21.451) • Approve staff development activities • School Organization
Evaluation • Plans (TEC 11.252, 11.253) • Annually review to determine if objectives were met • Site-Based Decision Making Process • (TEC 11.252) • Every two years evaluate the effectiveness of the SBDM process
Components of a District/Campus Improvement Plan
Needs Assessment • A written summary of data • Included in the front of the plan • The summary of data • Includes an analysis of patterns and trends • Probable causes of high areas of student needs
Needs Assessment • Examples of data included: • Longitudinal TAKS, RPTE, and SDAA data (at least 3 years) • Current TAKS, RPTE, and SDAA data disaggregated by ethnicity, SES, gender, and special program • Summary of student progress if they did not take TAKS (PreK-3, TAKS-exempt, Special Education and LEP students.
Needs Assessment • Examples of data continued: • Parent involvement plans/surveys • Attendance/drop-out rates • Special program evaluations • Teacher and Paraprofessional highly qualified status • AYP Report • Other Data (such as discipline data, SAT/ACT, high school completion rates, pass/failure rates, teacher retention rates, etc.)
Goal: This should be long range, 3-5 year goal of your district/campus. The goals must, at a minimum, address these specific areas of state and federal law: • Student academic performance/student assessment • Improving attendance/eliminating dropouts • Safe schools/violence prevention • Parent Involvement • Highly qualified staff
Objective: This is what you are planning to accomplish by the end of the current year. The objective must be measurable and based on your needs assessment data.
NCLB Goal: The USDE goal that is being addressed by your district/ campus goal must be referenced. NCLB Performance Indicator(s): The USDE performance indicator that is being addressed by your objective must be referenced.
Activities/Strategies: The plan has activities or strategies that are specific and will be evaluated (formatively) at increments during the school year.
Resources: The special program resources (funds) are shown here to support the activity described. If the resource is SCE then the actual dollar amount and FTE’s must be included.
Elementary SCE Expenses Position FTE's Dollar amount Reading teacher 1.00 $21,093.97 PK teacher 0.50 $17,850.00 PK Instructional aide 1.00 $13,500.00 3rd grade Instructional aides 2.00 $26,343.51 Totals 4.50 $78,787.48
Person Responsible: This should list who (by position/title, not by name) is responsible for monitoring the activity.
Timeline: This indicates when progress toward the objective will be monitored. This should be written in incremental units such as every 6 weeks, each semester, etc. The time should never be indicated with general statements such as “ongoing” or “August-May”.
Formative Evaluation: This says how are you monitoring the effectiveness of your strategies/activities on an ongoing basis. It should answer the question, “How will you know before the end of the year whether or not the activity is having the desired effect on students?” Examples would be: check lesson plans, check benchmark data, examine attendance records, check grades/passing rates, etc.
Summative Evaluation: Evaluation measures to summarize the cumulative results for the year. Did you meet your performance objectives? (Examples are using summaries of annual performance reports, AEIS, TAKS, PEIMS 425 records, summaries of surveys, parent participation reports, summaries of staff development evaluations, pass/failure rates, attendance/dropout summary reports, etc.)