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Region III - CWDC. Dayton/Cincinnati Section Held Dayton/Cincinnati Aerospace Sciences Symposium (DCASS) Held CWD Panel session within DCASS. Conducted 4 Lunch and Learn seminars overviewing growing areas of research available for new and established professionals.
Region III - CWDC • Dayton/Cincinnati Section • Held Dayton/Cincinnati Aerospace Sciences Symposium (DCASS) • Held CWD Panel session within DCASS. • Conducted 4 Lunch and Learn seminars overviewing growing areas of research available for new and established professionals. • Conducted 2 Evening Seminars • Conducted visit of Midwest Propulsion Group. Multiple students attended this event and were inspired by demonstrations of an operating turbine engine rebuilt by the group and two test fires of rocket motors. • Michigan Section • Conducted a student visit of Williams International in March which included a tour of the facility and multiple presentations given by various professionals at the company. There were students from University of Michigan, Lawrence Tech, and Western Michigan University in attendance. • Northern Ohio Section • No reported activities this period • Indiana, Illinois, Columbus and Wisconsin Sections • These sections do not have a CDW section lead.