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Effectiveness of Nursing Health Program for Mothers with Children Undergoing Bronchoscopy for the Removal of Foreign Body. Mohammed Othman, RN, Phd & Hanan Tharwat RN, Phd . Faculty of Nursing Al-Isra University. Introduction
Effectiveness of Nursing Health Program for Mothers with Children Undergoing Bronchoscopy for the Removal of Foreign Body Mohammed Othman, RN, Phd & Hanan Tharwat RN, Phd Faculty of Nursing Al-Isra University
Introduction Foreign body aspiration is a common and serious problem among children, accounting for 7% of the lethal accidents affecting children aged 1 to 3 years.
Morbidity and mortality increases in the younger age groups, presumably because children of a young age have narrow airways and immature protective mechanisms. In one series, 90.9% of deaths were in children between 1 and 3 years, while another study reported that 78% of those who died afterforeign body aspiration were between 2 months and 4 years of age
The gold standard for diagnosis and treatment of foreign body aspiration is bronchoscopy, either rigid or flexible, an invasive procedure that carries its own risk of morbidity. Rigid bronchoscopy remains definitive diagnostic and subsequently therapeutic tool in children for foreign body aspiration and should be performed in all suspected cases.
Significant of the problem In Al Basheer Hospital the total number of children who were admitted with foreign body aspiration from August 2009 till March 2010 were 150 children. The age were ranged from 5 months to 12 years old.
Lack of information of mothers for the foreign body aspirated children undergoing bronchoscopy might have a negative impact on the way the family handle the children. Moreover this lack of information will have an effect on the way they deal with hazards results from the foreign body aspiration. Therefore it could be crucial to plan for a program that might help in improving mothers knowledge, practice and attitude to overcome the negative response. Thus the nurse is one of the health team who is able to provide the mothers’ with the needed information through structure program designed to fulfill the aim of the study.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the Nursing health program for Mothers caring their Children Undergoing Bronchoscopy for the Removal of Foreign Body through assessing the knowledge, practice and attitude of mothers to develop and implement a nursing health program according to mothers needs.
Research Hypothesis The nursing health program will exihibit improvement of mothers’ knowledge , practice and attitude. Also to overcome the negative impact of the foreign body aspirated children undergoing bronchoscopy.
Subjects and Methods Research design This is a quasi experimental study. I. Technical Design Setting The study was conducted in the pediatric surgical unit in Al Basheer hospital in Amman city.
Sample: A convenience sample of 80 mothers & their children who attending in 4 days/weak (from Sunday till Wednesday) for a period of three months from November, 2009 to January, 2010. According to the following inclusion criteria: Children age ranged from less than 1 year to 5 years. They don’t complain from other chronic disorders. The exclusion criteria were: Children older than 5 years, mental retarded and complicated by foreign body aspiration.
Tools of data collection (Pre/Post test format) A. Questionnaire (By Interviewing study subject) • Data related to characteristics of Mothers’ • Data related to characteristics of children • Data related to mothers’ knowledge and practice
4. Lickert Attitude scale It was constructed in a way to show attitudes of the mothers’ towards caring for aspirated children undergoing bronchoscopy.
Official permissions were obtained from the dean of the Faculty and dean of the scientific research in Al Isra university. Then the procedure for this study was reviewed and approved by the committee for research ethics in Al-Basheer hospital. III- Administrative and Ethical Considerations
A nursing health program A nursing health program was designed by the researchers according to the actual educational need assessment of the studied mothers. • Assessment phase • Planning phase • Implementation Phase • Evaluation phase
Results Data of the current study (pre and post intervention with nursing health program) will be presented in the following parts:
Figure (1): Distribution of the studied mother’s according to their age. (No. = 80)
Figure (2): Distribution of the studied mothers’ according to their education. (No. = 80)
Figure (3): Distribution of the studied mothers’ according to their work status. (No. = 80)
Figure (4): Distribution of the children according to their age. (No. = 80)
Figure (5): Distribution of the children according to their sex. (No. = 80)
Table (3): Level of Mothers’ Knowledge & Practice pre nursing health program. (No. = 80)
Figure (6): The mean score of mother’s knowledge regarding foreign body aspiration pre/post nursing health program. (No. = 80)
Figure (7): The mean score of mother’s practice regarding foreign body aspiration through asking questions. pre/post nursing health program. (No. = 80)
Figure (8): The mean score of mother’s practice regarding children care pre bronchoscopy pre/post nursing health program. (No. = 80)
Figure (9): The mean score of mother’s practice regarding children care post bronchoscopy pre/post nursing health program. (No. = 80)
Table (4) Attitude of mothers’ toward care of their aspirated children undergoing bronchoscopy pre and post nursing health program.(No. = 80)
Conclusion The intervention program was effective in helping mothers to manage the foreign body aspirated children undergoing bronchoscopy and improving their knowledge, practice and attitude to prevent the recurrence of aspiration.
Recommendations In the light of the results of this study the following recommendations are suggested: • Mass media education through is mandatory to prevent such accidents. • Raising awareness campaign could designed and implemented by the health personnel and students in medical and nursing schools. • Curricula of medical and nursing must include how to prevent and manage foreign body aspiration
ThankYou Dr. M.O. Abou-Helal