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Renewable Energy in New Zealand

Renewable Energy in New Zealand. Total Primary Energy Supply. 1990 & 2004 Fuel Shares of Total Primary Energy Supply. Renewable Primary Energy Supply 1990 & 2004. Renewable Energy Consumption. Renewable Energy Consumption 1990 & 2004. Net Electricity 1990 & 2004.

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Renewable Energy in New Zealand

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Renewable Energy in New Zealand

  2. Total Primary Energy Supply

  3. 1990 & 2004 Fuel Shares of Total Primary Energy Supply

  4. Renewable Primary Energy Supply1990 & 2004

  5. Renewable Energy Consumption

  6. Renewable Energy Consumption1990 & 2004

  7. Net Electricity1990 & 2004

  8. Electricity Generation Capacity1990 & 2005

  9. Structure of the NZ electricity industry

  10. Renewable Energy Policy • Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000 • Four government agencies involved in renewable energy policy • Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry for the Environment, Electricity Commission and EECA • Government’s overarching goal for energy • To ensure the delivery of energy services to all classes of consumer in an efficient, fair, reliable, and sustainable manner • Energy Policy Framework 2000 • Seeks a “Progressive transition to renewable sources of energy” • NEECS 2001 • - Renewable energy target of an additional 30 PJ of consumer energy from renewable sources by 2012 • - Achievement of the target should increase NZ’s supply of renewable energy by a further 22 per cent by 2012 • - Target is expected to be met by contributions from renewable electricity, renewable heat and biofuels

  11. Progress towards the target

  12. Renewable Energy • Market Development • Renewable Technologies

  13. Aotearoa Wave & Tidal Energy Association • “AWATEA will promote, aid and foster a vibrant and profitable marine energy industry in New Zealand” • National association for representation of marine energy interests • Promote the marine energy industry • Increase utilization of marine energy • Central advocate for marine energy • Information exchange for marine energy • Meeting place for industry participants • Represent NZ marine energy industry internationally

  14. Photovoltaics in New Zealand • New Zealand Photovoltaic Association • Very small base • Cottage industry struggling to achieve mainstream • Receives limited government support

  15. Photovoltaics in New Zealand • Grappling with net billing and connection • NEECS – feed in tariffs • Research • PV strategy under development

  16. Solar Water Heating in New Zealand • Government support over recent years • Generic marketing • Quality assurance – standards, training, monitoring • Financial assistance scheme • Industry association support • Good growth from small base - 40% last year

  17. Solar Water Heating in New Zealand • Price still number 1 barrier • Complete system $5,000 to $6,000 installed • NZ suppliers price takers • Economy of scale difficult to achieve • Traditional systems and running costs still more attractive • System performance still to be measured • Major project under way

  18. Solar Water Heating in New Zealand • New home market attractive • Building code provides an opportunity (Spain & some states of Australia) • Strong government support

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