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Boudicca, 1st century AD

Which woman was most significant? Can you remember the five ways we determine significance?. Boudicca, 1st century AD. Emily Pankhurst, 1858-1928. Rosa Parks, 1913-2005. Florence Nightingale, 1820-1910. Significance. R emarkable – are they an important person?

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Boudicca, 1st century AD

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  1. Which woman was most significant? Can you remember the five ways we determine significance? Boudicca, 1st century AD Emily Pankhurst, 1858-1928 Rosa Parks, 1913-2005 Florence Nightingale, 1820-1910

  2. Significance • Remarkable – are they an important person? • Resulting in change – what did they change? • Revealing – what can the tell us about the time • Remembered - ways they’re remembered today • Resonant or the ripple effect – do they have an effect on other generations?

  3. Key words: significance What was so special about Elizabeth?  Learning objectives TBAT identify & explain at least reasons why Elizabeth’s reign was significant

  4. What are the features of a ‘commemorative plate’? What might be on a plate celebrating our Queen?

  5. Why was Elizabeth so significant?

  6.  Your task – part I Tip: why not use the five petals of the Tudor rose for the 5 ‘R’s • Design a commemorative plate for Elizabeth I. • You must include • A portrait • Her dates • A suitable motto or saying • At least 3 images / words that sum up significant achievements of her reign • Label – explaining your points on the back of your plate, TYPED

  7.  Your task – part II The Victoria and Albert Museum wishes to purchase one of the plates. Decide as a table which plate should be considered – ONLY ONE PER TABLE! Then, make your case to the class explaining why your plate best explains the significance of Elizabeth I and her reign.

  8.  Extension task • Produce a commemorative plate for another significant woman in history – it could even be our own Queen Elizabeth II to celebrate her jubilee! 5 fruitions for successful candidates!

  9.  Plenary 5 ‘R’s? Why was Elizabeth I so significant?

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