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CDC & ACN Working in Partnership for Student Success. Introduction to PantherJobs. Tom Bachhuber Director Career Development Center. OBJECTIVES. jj 1. Introduction to Career Development—students needs & resources 2. CDC Services and a Website Tour 3. UWM Career Transitions Center
CDC & ACN Working in Partnership for Student Success Introduction to PantherJobs Tom Bachhuber Director Career Development Center
OBJECTIVES jj 1. Introduction to Career Development—students needs & resources 2. CDC Services and a Website Tour 3. UWM Career Transitions Center 4. PantherJobs: All Jobs All the Time 5. Next Step Toward Working Together
College Students TodayThe Millennials (1980-2000) • Multi-taskers • Constantly connected • High achieving, stress driven • Lofty goals and unrealistic plans • Strong sense of entitlement • Risk averse, sheltered • Unaccustomed to tackling problems on their own *Source: Millennials Go To College Neil Howe andWilliam Strauss, 2003
College Students---- career ideas/ideals…… • Meaning/Satisfaction--Job content, work environment, organizational mission • High expectations of self--role/responsibility--contribute to big picture (Reality testing…) • Competent with and want best technology • Desire top benefits/perks • Comfortable with job change • On-going learning-professional growth • Work/Life Balance
UWM Students • 80% commute, 40% first generation, 76% work (25-18) • Indicate greater difficultieswith career decisions than national sample* • Indicate lower levels of psychological wellness and higher psychological distress than national samples* *Fouad, et.al. 2003
Ready for the career “work”? Job Search…Art and Science 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Awareness “Readiness—the capability to make appropriate career choices (and engage job search tasks e.g. set goals, resume, target employers, network, manage time/priorities, etc. ) taking into account the complexity of personal, family, organizational, social and economic factors that influence career development.” —James Sampson, Ph.D.
Managing TransitionsWilliam Bridges Job Search…Art and Science 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Awareness
Art & Science of Job Search 1A. Identify Personal Resources & Support 1B. Understand Job Search; Address Myths 1C. Research Careers, Fields, Industries 1Ca. Job Market Projections 3A. References 3B. Emails 3C. Letters 3D. Resumes 3E. Personal Commercial 4A. Campus Interviews & Job Fairs; PantherJobs 4B. Posted Job Openings 4C. Resume Referral;PantherJobs 4D. Networking & Info Interviewing 4E. Researched or Blind Applications 4F. Third Party Recruiters 1. Awareness:Commitment, Readiness, Context 2. Goals 3. Tools 4. Marketing & Connecting to Employers 5. Interviewing:Selling & Assessing 6. Closing:Thank & Follow up 6A. Re-strategize, Recommit, Refocus, Redefine 7. Negotiating & Evaluating Offers 7. SUCCESS!
128 Mellencamp Hall Helping students & alumni….. • Choose satisfying majors & careers • Build career skills & experiences • Make successful career transitions • Goals, Tools, Contacts, Connecting (Career Day, Oct 4), Interviewing
“CHANGEis ‘avalanching’ upon our heads and most adults are grotesquely prepared to cope with it.” —Alvin Toffler, 1980
Adults in Transition Need… • Support, inspiration, structure and a plan • Introspection/assessment and research skills • Help in forming goals which incorporate passion, talents and employment realities • Creative ideas for bridging past successes to new possibilities • Preparation/practice in marketing/networking • Job market knowledge and web savvy
UWM Career Transitions Center • Partnership among CDC, SCE, Alumni Relations and UW Extension • Mission: help adults manage career/life change • www.sce-ctc.uwm.edu
Job Market Projections Job Search…Art and Science 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Awareness “The economy is strong…” “The job market’s up.” NACE Survey—17.1% more opportunities class of 2008 So what? • 20,000 foot aerial view versus ground level, personal picture CDC website www.uwm.edu/Dept/CDC/research_read.html
The “5,000 Foot View”UWM Class of 2006 Job Search…Art and Science 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Awareness 6-9 months after graduation • 92% employed or in Graduate School (12.6%) • 86% job related to education at UWM • 84% satisfied to extremely satisfied with first job • 85.4% in Wisconsin; 70% in Milwaukee Metro But for students, it’s the Ground-level view—their personal job market. ….….that really matters
Career & Employer Research “We learn much about who we can become—in practice, not in theory—through exploration and examination; testing fantasy and reality—not just by looking inside.” Hermina Ibarra "...the culture of any organization is a deep phenomenon; culture is complex and difficult to understand, but the effort to understand it is worthwhile because much of the mystery and the irrational in organizations suddenly becomes clear when we understand it..." Edgar Schein ______________________________________________ Fly over Milwaukee…………… Job Search…Art and Science 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Awareness
“It’s not so much content or structure which influences learning—but rather the amount and depth of engagement.” A. Astin
Have some faith…. “If you’re in transition and you happen to have an old faith hanging in the closet of your heart, it’s probably a good time to bring it out an dust it off.” Dick Bolles What Color is Your Parachute Faith in UWM……in their education…..in their family/friends/faculty….in the career transition process…..in themselves…. in…..what’s meaningful for the student.
Three UWM Career Offices to Help Students • Lubar Lubar School of Business Career Services: N203 http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/Business/resources/career/index.html Email: careerserv@sba.uwm.edu • CEAS Career Services: EMS 387 http://www.uwm.edu/CEAS/careerservices/ Email: ceascareers@uwm.edu • Career Development Center: Mellencamp 128 College of Letters & Science, School of Education, School of Information Studies, College of Health Studies, Helen Bader School of Social Welfare, Peck School of the Arts, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, College of Nursing, and students who are Undecided or who have not yet declared a major. http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/CDC/ Email: cdc@uwm.edu
PantherJobsBASIC & INTERACTIVE ...for the serious Job Seeker • All BASICservices—view jobs, tools for research/exploration, employer database, PantherNet INTERACTIVE---Upload resumes/letters • Apply and track applications within the system • Resume publishing • Resume referrals • Search agents • Participate in on-campus interviews
Potential Next Steps with ACN • Trainings/professional development ???? • On-going e-letter from CDC ????? • Regular meetings with Schools/Colleges/Dep’ts ??? • Career development tools to assist advising ??? • Working group ????