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The Endocrine System. Main Function: It releases hormones into the blood to signal other cells to behave in certain ways. It is a slow but widespread form of communication. Chemical. Regulation. The Endocrine System. Consists of:.
The Endocrine System • Main Function: It releaseshormones into the blood to signal other cells to behave in certain ways. It is a slow but widespreadform of communication. Chemical Regulation
The Endocrine System Consists of: Endocrine glands: Release hormones DIRECTLY into the circulatory system Hormones
Hormones Chemicals released in one part of the body that travel through the bloodstream and affect the activities of cells in other parts of the body. growth hormones
Hormone fits receptor on “target” cell targetcell secretingcell non-targetcells can’treadsignal can’treadsignal
Pituitary Gland- “theMaster Gland” Hormone: Growth Hormone 1. Stimulates bones to elongate 2. Affects metabolism
Pituitary Gland-Growth Hormone Disorders: Oversecretion: In early childhood = Gigantism In adults = Acromegaly (bones of hands, feet and face enlarge) Undersecretion: In childhood = Dwarfism Robert Wadlow
Thyroid Gland Hormone: Thyroxine • Regulates metabolism (necessary for normal physical and mental development)
Thyroxine Disorders: Oversecretion: Nervousness, weightloss Undersecretion: In childhood, cretinism (mental retardation, small size)
Goiter Iodine Deficiency in the diet = an enlarged thyroid gland
Parathyroid Gland Hormone: Parathormone Controls metabolism of calcium Necessary for: • Nerve and Muscle function • Blood clotting • Health of Bones and Teeth Parathyroid Glands
Parathormone Disorders: Undersecretion: • Nerve disorders • Brittle bones • Clotting disorders
Adrenal Gland Hormones: Cortisone Regulates carbohydrates, protein and lipid metabolism. (Promotes the change of lipid and protein to glucose) Adrenaline 1. Raises blood sugar level 2. Increases Heartbeat & Breathing rate
Cortisone Disorders: Oversecretion: Cushing’s Disease – high blood glucose, excess of fat Undersecretion: Addison’s Disease – low blood glucose, weight loss
Adrenaline Disorders: Undersecretion: Inability to deal with stress.
Pancreas: Islets of Langerhans Hormones: Insulin Stimulates glucose uptake by cells Glucagon Promotes liver to change glycogen to glucose
Insulin Disorders: Oversecretion: Low Blood Sugar Undersecretion: High Blood Sugar = Diabetes
pancreas high liver low pancreas liver Regulation of Blood Sugar: Negative Feedback insulin body cells takeup glucose from blood liver storessugar as glycogen reducesappetite blood sugar level (90mg/100ml) After a meal Between meals liver releasesglucose triggershunger glucagon
high low Negative Feedback: Nervous System sweating lowerstemperature Body Temperature raisestemperature shivering
What about the Ovaries and the Testes? • Don’t worry, we’re saving them for our unit on Reproduction