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Higher Twist and target mass correction for the pollarized nucleon structure function

Higher Twist and target mass correction for the pollarized nucleon structure function. By: Abolfazl Mirjalili Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics(IPM)-Tehran and Yazd University.

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Higher Twist and target mass correction for the pollarized nucleon structure function

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Higher Twist and target mass correction for the pollarized nucleon structure function By: Abolfazl Mirjalili Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics(IPM)-Tehran and Yazd University. MATTER TO THE DEEPEST: Recent Developments in Physics of Fundamental Interactions, USTROŃ'09 PolandSeptember 11-16, 2009

  2. Contenents: *Review on Particles Physics * Structure functions * Constiuent Quark model * Polarized Structure function of Poton * Mass effect Correction

  3. Review on Particles Physics Schrodinger Eq. Kelein_Gordon Eq. Dirac Eq.

  4. Review on Particles Physics • Quantum Electro • Dynamic Quantum Field Theory • Quantum Chromo Dynamic Quark-Parton Model

  5. Review on Particles Physics Bjrorken Scaling Violation of Bjorken Scaling Eqs.DGLAP

  6. Structure function Un-polarized structure function

  7. Structure function Scattering X- section

  8. Structure function Polarized SF

  9. Constituent Quark Model Valon Model SF in V-Model;Convolution Int V-distribution F inside the P

  10. Constituent Quark Model • Moment space * Mellein Transformation *

  11. Constituent Quark Model • Distribution function in Moment space*

  12. Constituent Quark Model • Relation between polarized and un-polarized V-distribution For Non-Singlet Sector* For Singlet Sector*

  13. Proton polarized SF: g1(x,Q2) at Leading Order approximationg1(x,Q2)

  14. Proton polarized SF:g1(x,Q2) Evolution of Non-Singlet distribution of active flavor with Q^2 • Evolution of Singlet distribution of active flavor and gluon distribution with Q^2

  15. Proton polarized SF:g1(x,Q2) • Evolution of distribution in moment space

  16. Proton polarized SF: g1(x,Q2) Evolution of Non-singlet distribution with Q^2 in LO approximation • Evolution of singlet and gluon distribution with Q^2 in LO approximation

  17. Proton polarized SF:g1(x,Q2) Parton distribution function inside the proton

  18. Proton polarized SF: g1(x,Q2) Proton polarized SF in moment space and in LO approximation

  19. Proton polarized SF: g1(x,Q2) Fitting and Jaccobi polynomials

  20. Proton polarized SF:g1(x,Q2) Comparison of proton polarized SF with experimental data using V-model in LO approximation and at Q^2= 2 Gev^2

  21. Proton polarized SF:g1(x,Q2) SF in NLO approximation and in moment spaceg1(x,Q2)

  22. Proton polarized SF:g1(x,Q2) Comparison of proton polarized SF with experimental data using V-model in NLO approximation and at Q^2= 2 Gev^2

  23. Mass Effect Correction Natchman variable:

  24. Mass Effect Correction • Mass effect relation for g1(x,Q2) in terms of first and third twist operator matrix element till third order of mass approximatio

  25. Mass Effect Correction

  26. Mass Effect Correction • Comparison of proton polarized SF ,g1(x,Q2), with experimental data using V-model in LO approximation and at Q^2= 2 Gev^2. The mass effect result is also included.

  27. Mass Effect Correction • Comparison of proton polarized SF ,g1(x,Q2), with experimental data using V-model in LO approximation and at Q^2= 2 Gev^2. The mass effect result is also included.

  28. Thanks for your attention

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