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10 Years of Studies Comparing Airborne Sunphotometer and Satellite* Views of Aerosols Over the Ocean. Phil Russell 1 , John Livingston 2 , Beat Schmid 3 , Jens Redemann 4 , Stephanie Ramirez 4 , Qin Zhang 4. and many other contributors.
10 Years of Studies Comparing Airborne Sunphotometer and Satellite* Views of Aerosols Over the Ocean Phil Russell1,John Livingston2, Beat Schmid3, Jens Redemann4, Stephanie Ramirez4, Qin Zhang4 and many other contributors 1NASA Ames Research Center2SRI International3Pacific Northwest National Laboratory4Bay Area Environmental Research Institute AGU Fall Meeting 15 Dec 2006 San Francisco, CA *Nadir-viewing
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite* Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX, 1996 INTEX-A, 2004 ACE-Asia, 2001 CLAMS, 2001 ACE-2, 1997 INTEX-B, 2006 ADAM, 2003 EVE, 2004 PRIDE, 2000 SAFARI, 2000 *Nadir-viewing Aerosol Optical Depth Derived from Upward Scattered Solar RadianceAVHRR/NOAA 11, June-Aug., Husar et al., J. Geophys. Res., 102, 16,889, 1997.
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite* Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE *Nadir-viewing
AATS-14 NASA Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotometers (AATS-6 & AATS-14) AATS-6
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite* Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE Satellite Instruments Compared To AATS AODs • ATSR-2 • AVHRR • GMS-5 • GOES-8 • MISR • MAS# • MODIS-Aqua • MODIS-Terra • OMI • RSP# • SeaWiFS • TOMS ~25 journal pubs *Nadir-viewing #Airborne Simulator of Satellite Instrument
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE This presentation will emphasize: • Firsts • Enduring Results • Recent (Unpublished) Results • Prospects for the Future
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE Tests of 2-Angle Space AOD Meas
Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) off US East CoastRetrieved by ATSR-2 on ERS-2 l = 659 nm 1552 UTC 25 July 1996 New Jersey Atlantic Ocean Del- Mar- Va AATS-6 on C-131A [Veefkind et al., GRL 1999]
Comparison of AOD Retrieved by by ATSR-2 and measured by AATS-6 (AATS-6) 1552 UTC 25 July 1996 [Veefkind et al., GRL 1999]
Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Retrieved by by AVHRR on NOAA-14 l = 640 nm 1845 UTC 25 July 1996 AATS-6 on C-131A 1842-1906 UTC [Veefkind et al., GRL 1999]
Comparison of AOD and Angstrom Exponent, AVHRR and ATSR-2 vs AATS-6 TARFOX, 25 July 1996 (1845 UTC) AATS-6, 1842-1906 UTC (1552 UTC) AATS-6, 1842-1906 UTC [Veefkind et al., GRL 1999]
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE Tests of 2-Angle Space AOD Meas Tests of MODIS Glint Limits
AOD Difference vs Glint Angle (MODIS Simulator with 2 different wind speeds in algorithm) AOD Difference (l=550nm) Glint Angle (o) TARFOX, 17 July 1996 AOD Difference (l=550 nm) Glint angle, º Pre-TARFOX ESTIMATE of Glint Angle Limit Current MODIS Glint Angle Limit [Tanréet al., JGR 1999]
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE Tests of 2-Angle Space AOD Meas Tests of MODIS Glint Limits Tests of MODIS Glint Limits
AOD Comparisons,INTEX-A, 29 July 2004 18 MODIS cells, glint angles 29-35º AATS MODIS retrievals, glint angles 29-35º [Russell et al., JGR accepted 2006]
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE First Tests of MODIS Dust Meas Over Water Tests of 2-Angle Space AOD Meas Tests of AVHRR AOD Tests of MODIS Glint Limits
Comparisons of AOD from MODIS & AATS in PRiDE [Livingston et al., JGR 2003]
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE First Tests of MODIS Dust Meas Over Water Tests of 2-Angle Space AOD Meas Tests of AVHRR AOD Tests of MODIS Glint Limits Tests of Geostationary (GOES & GMS-5) AOD
Geostationary Satellite Retrievals of AOD Compared to Airborne Sunphotometer Results GOES vs AATS-6, African Dust in PRIDE GMS5 vs AATS-6 & -14, Mixed Aerosols in ACE-Asia (1845 UTC) (1552 UTC) [Jun Wang et al., JGR 2003a,b]
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE Tests of 2-Angle Space AOD Meas Tests of MISR showing need to restore aerosol model to algorithm Tests of MODIS Glint Limits
Comparison of AOD Retrieved by by MISR on Terra and Measured by AATS-14 on CV-580 [Schmid et al., JGR 2003]
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE First Tests of MODIS Dust Meas Over Water First Tests of SeaWiFS AOD 4-l Algorithm Tests of 2-Angle Space AOD Meas Tests of AVHRR AOD Tests of MODIS Glint Limits Tests of GMS-5 AOD
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE First Tests of MODIS AOD at 2 Longest l Over Water First Tests of MODIS Dust Meas Over Water First Tests of SeaWiFS AOD 4-l Algorithm Tests of 2-Angle Space AOD Meas Tests of AVHRR AOD Tests of MODIS Glint Limits Tests of GMS-5 AOD
Comparison of AOD From MODIS and AATS During EVE, April 2004 MODIS-Terra MODIS-Aqua Redemann et al., GRL 2006
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE First Tests of MODIS AOD at 2 Longest l Over Water First Tests of MODIS Dust Meas Over Water First Tests of SeaWiFS AOD 4-l Algorithm Tests of 2-Angle Space AOD Meas Tests of AVHRR AOD Tests of MODIS Glint Limits Tests of Angstrom exponent retrievals Tests of GMS-5 AOD
Angstrom Exponent Differences (MODIS-AATS) vs. AATS AOD, from INTEX-A, 2004 [Russell et al., JGR accepted2006]
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE First Tests of MODIS AOD at 2 Longest l Over Water First Tests of MODIS Dust Meas Over Water First Tests of SeaWiFS AOD 4-l Algorithm Tests of 2-Angle Space AOD Meas Tests of AVHRR AOD Tests of MISR AOD over Water Yield Calib. Change Tests of MODIS Glint Limits First 3-Way Comparisons: MODIS-MISR-AATS Tests of GMS-5 AOD
INTEX-B: 10 Mar 2006 J31 flight track on MODIS-Terra true-color image, ~ 1653 UT
Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), Terra Overpass, ~1653 UT, 10 Mar 2006, INTEX-B MODIS MISR + Redemann et al., MILAGRO mtg. Oct 2006
MODIS MISR + = Redemann et al., MILAGRO mtg. Oct 2006
MISR boxes MODIS boxes MISR box 1 MISR MODIS AATS MISR box 3 MISR box 2 Redemann et al., MILAGRO mtg. Oct 2006
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE First Tests of MODIS AOD at 2 Longest l Over Water First Tests of MODIS Dust Meas Over Water First Tests of SeaWiFS AOD 4-l Algorithm Tests of 2-Angle Space AOD Meas Tests of AVHRR AOD Tests of OMI UV AOD Over Water Tests of MISR AOD over Water Yield Calib. Change Tests of MODIS Glint Limits First 3-Way Compar- ison: MODIS-MISR-AATS Tests of GMS-5 AOD
INTEX-B: 10 Mar 2006 J31 flight track on MODIS-Aqua true-color image, ~19:57 UT A-Train, ~15 minutes Grid cells for OMI AODs* *UV AlgorithmAura/OMI overpass: 20:13 UT Livingston et al., MILAGRO mtg. Oct 2006
Comparison of AOD spectra from AATS & OMI-UV 10 Mar 2006 19.68-20.02 UT J31/AATS measurements Livingston, Torres et al., MILAGRO mtg. Oct 2006
Prospects for the Future • Testing CALIPSO vertical profiles of extinction • Further testing of retrieved Angstrom exponentsa, aiming to put realistic error bars on MODIS retrieved a (used to define aerosol size & type) • Extend tests of OMI aerosol retrievals to include both multiwavelength & UV (Aura Validation) • Tests of satellite AOD retrievals over ice & snowin International Polar Year (ARCTAS/POLARCAT, 2008) • Assessment of MODIS AOD over-ocean quality flag: too conservative. Will work with Remer & Tanréto reassess.
End of Presentation Remaining Slides are Backup
Comparisons of MODIS and AATS AOD spectra for 61 MODIS grid cells along the J31 path INTEX-AJuly-Aug 2004
Properties of MODIS grid cells along the J31 path Quality Flag:1 = Marginal3 = Very Good Russell et al., JGRin press 2006
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE First Tests of MODIS AOD at 2 Longest l Over Water First Tests of MODIS Dust Meas Over Water First Tests of SeaWiFS AOD 4-l Algorithm Tests of 2-Angle Space AOD Meas Tests of AVHRR AOD Tests of OMI UV AOD Over Water Tests of MISR showing need to restore aerosol model to algorithm Tests of MODIS Glint Limits First 3-Way Compar- ison: MODIS-MISR-AATS Tests of Geostationary (GOES & GMS-5) AOD
Comparisons of MODIS and AATS AOD spectra for each MODIS grid cell along the J31 path 21 July 2004
Comparisons of MODIS and AATS AOD spectra for each MODIS grid cell along the J31 path 21 July 2004
Comparisons of MODIS and AATS AOD spectra for each MODIS grid cell along the J31 path 21 July 2004
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE First Tests of MODIS AOD at 2 Longest l Over Water First Tests of MODIS Dust Meas Over Water First Tests of SeaWiFS AOD 4-l Algorithm Tests of 2-Angle Space AOD Meas Tests of AVHRR AOD Tests of OMI UV AOD Over Water Tests of MISR AOD over Water Yield Calib. Change Tests of MODIS Glint Limits First 3-Way Compar- ison: MODIS-MISR-AATS Tests of GMS-5 AOD
AOD Difference vs Glint Angle (MODIS Simulator with 2 different wind speeds in algorithm) AOD Difference (l=550nm) Glint Angle (o) TARFOX, 17 July 1996 AOD Difference (l=550 nm) Glint angle, º Pre-TARFOX ESTIMATE of Glint Angle Limit Current MODIS Glint Angle Limit [Tanréet al., JGR 1999]
Airborne Sunphotometer-Satellite Comparisons Over Ocean TARFOX INTEX PRiDE ACE-Asia SOLVE-II -A -B ACE-2 SAFARI CLAMS ADAM EVE It excludes: • Vertical profiles • Stratospheric results (hence DC-8, SOLVE II) • Closure with in situ • Aerosol radiative forcing • Water vapor, ozone, …
14-channel Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotometer (AATS-14) Measures: Solar direct-beam transmission, T, at 14 wavelengths, l, 353-2139 nm Data products • Aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 13 l, 353-2139 nm • Water vapor column content [using T(940 nm)] • Aerosol extinction, 340-2139 nm • Water vapor density } When A/C flies vertical profiles P. Russell, ICARTT Planning Meeting Boulder, CO, 21 Jan 2004
Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), Terra Overpass, ~1653 UT, 10 Mar 2006, INTEX-B MODIS550 nm MISR558 nm Redemann et al., MILAGRO mtg. Oct 2006
INTEX-B: 10 Mar 2006 J31 flight track on MODIS-Aqua AOD(550 nm) map, ~19:57 UT A-Train, ~15 minutes Aura/OMI overpass: 20:13 UT Livingston et al., MILAGRO mtg. Oct 2006