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Section A. The First McDonald’s Restaurant. Preparation. Getting the Message Direction: Answer the following questions according to the text. 1.Do you know who founded McDonald’s? 2.Why was the restaurant called McDonald’s? 3.When was McDonald’s started?
Section A The First McDonald’s Restaurant
Preparation Getting the Message Direction: Answer the following questions according to the text. 1.Do you know who founded McDonald’s? 2.Why was the restaurant called McDonald’s? 3.When was McDonald’s started? 4.Do you like the food in McDonald’s?
Background Information 1. McDonald's McDonald's is the world's largest restaurant corporation with more than 30,000 restaurants in 119 countries serving 46 million customers each day. In the United States, there are more than 5,000 McDonald's restaurants. It serves some of its favorite foods—world-famous French fries, Chicken McNuggets (大鸡块) and so on. The largest McDonald's restaurant is located in Beijing, China. This restaurant has 1,000 employees. Also, up to 700 customers can sit and eat in this restaurant at one time.
2. Downey Downey is the home of the Apollo Space Program (阿波罗登月计划) and the world's oldest McDonald's. Downey is located in the heart of Southern California between the business hubs (中心) of Los Angeles and Orange County. Easy access to freeways, railroads, airports, seaports, and the Internet connect Downey to the world.
3. CaliforniaCalifornia is a state of the U.S. It has an area of 158,706 square miles (411,049 square kilometers), exceeded (超过) only by Alaska (阿拉斯加) and Texas (得克萨斯). It is on the west Pacific coast (美国西部太平洋海岸). The capital is Sacramento (萨克拉门托).
4. Ray Kroc Raymond Albert Kroc was the founder of the McDonald's Corporation. Brothers Mac and Dick McDonald opened the first fast food restaurant called McDonald's in 1953 in Downey, California. In 1955, Kroc, a milkshake (奶昔) salesman went to visit the restaurant. He saw the potential of this fast food business and thus persuaded the brothers to sell the name to him. In this way, Kroc opened the first store of the McDonald's Corporation in 1955 in Illinois. Kroc died in the 1980's.
5. Dick and Mac McDonald In 1953, the McDonald brothers—Dick and Mac—developed a new idea for their restaurant. The brothers called their idea a "drive-in" restaurant, and customers could order food from their cars. The restaurant also cut down on the number of choices on the menu, so the cooks could make the food very quickly. The restaurant specialized in making hamburgers, French fries, and chocolate shakes. In 1955, Ray Kroc visited the restaurant and offered to buy the rights to the two brothers' idea. The two brothers agreed, and the McDonald's restaurant chain was born.
6. National Register of Historic PlacesThe National Register of Historic Places is the official list of cultural resources worthy of preservation in the U.S. Authorized under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (根据1966年制定的《国家文物保护法》), the National Register is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect our historic and archeological (考古的) resources. Properties listed in the Register include districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that are significant in American history, architecture (建筑), archeology (考古学), engineering, and culture.
Reading Through • Main Idea People in Downey and the McDonald’s hold different opinions about how to deal with the first McDonald’s restaurant. On the one hand, the residents in Downey think the building should be saved because it is a cultural symbol and gives them good memories. On the other hand, the McDonald’s says the building should be torn down for two main reasons.But some people in Downey as well as some local historians think that these are just excuses for changing the history. In spite of this, everyone hopes the people of Downey and the McDonald’will soon find peace .
fry southern golden arch danger destroy damage earthquake resident local explanation register public location inspector structure afford amount claim actually deny abandon peace board New Words
Phrases and Expressions • agree with • line of thinking • afford to do • close down • have nothing to do with • make sense • stop…from • even so • take away
Detailed Study of Text A 1. Now, in the Southern California city of Downey, people are trying to save the first McDonald's restaurant in history. McDonald's, though, says the building should be torn down.(para.1) 2.These people are angry that the building is now in danger of being destroyed, along with their memories.(para.3) 3. Many people in the town of Downey don't agree with this line of thinking,though. (para.4) 4. The managers want to build a copy of this building at another location instead.(para.7)
5. Many people say that McDonald's can certainly afford to pay that amount. (para.8) 6. McDonald's real reason for wanting to close down the restaurant has nothing to do with money. (para.8) 7. Modern McDonald‘s restaurants often have a sign claiming that a man named Ray Kroc opened the first McDonald’s restaurant in Illinois in 1955.(para.9) 8. To local historians, this explanation makes total sense. (para.10) 9. The building is still there, but boards cover the windows. (para.12) 10. Even so, people drive by to remember their McDonald's, taking pictures of a moment in history before it gets taken away.(para.12)
Sentence pattern for presenting different views 句型结构 Some one is trying to do something. Some one else, though, says (believes) that something else should be done. (下划线字可替换) 某人正在极力地做某事。然而,其他人却声称(认为)应该做…
to tear down推倒,拆毁(建筑物) e.g. 这座曾经被拆毁的古城堡又重建起来,成为旅游热点。 The old castle which was ever torn down has been rebuilt, thus becoming a very attractive tourist spot. 拆房子的费用常常要比修房子低。 It is often cheaper to tear down buildings than to repair them.
in danger of处于…危险之中 e.g. 如果我们不立刻采取措施保护这些珍惜动物,不久他们将处于灭绝的危险。 If we don’t take immediate measures to protect the rare animals, they will be in the danger of distinction soon. 森林中的树木被大量砍伐,因此森林面临着消失的危险。 The trees in the forest have been cut down in such great numbers that the forest is in danger of disappearing.
along with 连同,和…一起 e.g. 这次胜利不仅给球队带来了巨大的快乐,而且也给她们了更多的自信。 Along with great happiness, the victory has brought the team much self-confidence.
to agree with 同意,意见一致 e.g. 一个言行一致的人往往能赢得他人的信赖。 A person is more likely to win others’ trust when what he says always agrees with what he does. 不同意的请举手。 Please put up your hand if you don’t agree with me.
line of thinking or thought 思路;想法 e.g. 素质教育就是要不断培养学生创新思维的能力。 Qualities education aims to promote students’ ability to produce new lines of thinking. 这类问题引发了一种新的思路。 These types of questions cause a new line of thinking.
to build a copy of 仿造.... Meaning: Instead of fixing the restaurant, the managers want to build at another place another restaurant that looks exactly the same as the old one. e.g. 在北京世界公园里,人们仿造了这座世界著名的建筑。 In Beijing World Park, people have built a copy of this world-known building.
to afford to do 有能力去做;承担得起. e.g. 生命对于每个人来说只有一次,因此人生不可虚度。 Life is awarded to everyone only once, so no one can afford to waste it. 那个年轻人发现自己攒的钱还不够买辆二手车。 The young man found he could’t afford to buy a second-hand car with the money he has saved.
to close down 停业,关闭. e.g. 由于缺乏资金和管理落后,这家航空公司最终倒闭了。 Due to its shortage of fund and poor management, this airline company eventually closed down. 由于矿源枯竭,那家煤矿被关闭了。 The coal mine was closed down because the coal supply was used up completely.
have nothing to do with 与…毫无关系. e.g. 幸福的生活与你拥有多少财富关系不大。 A happy life has less to do with how much wealth you own. 她的忧虑和工作没有关系。 Her worry has nothing to do with her job.
Sentence pattern for showing the fact Meaning:…a notice saying that a man called Ray Kroc started the first McDonald’s restaurant in Illinois in 1955. 句型结构 Some one claims / declares that…. The truth(fact / reality), however, is that….(下划线字可替换) 某人声称(认为)….然而事实(现实)是….
to make total sense颇有道理. e.g. 对孩子大喊大叫没有任何意义。我们应该设法以更好的方式使他们明辨是非。 To shout at a pupil makes no sense;we should try to tell them what is right and what is wrong in a nice way. 你的结论再我看来很有道理。 Your conclusions make a good deal of sense to me.
board n. (1) a thin flat piece of wood or other hard material used for particular purpose e.g. a chess board; (2) a committee having supervisory powers e.g. Mary is a workers' representative on the Board v. get onto a boat, train or aircraft e.g. Will passengers waiting to board please go to the ticket counter? Practice
Choose the best item to complete the sentence: He came to miss his homeland when he settled down ______. A. broad B. abroad C. board D. aboard Note: broad: a. wide abroad: a.& ad overseas; to or in a foreign aboard: ad.& prep. on or onto a ship, aircraft , bus or train
even so 尽管如此. e.g. 人生的道路从来都是崎岖不平的。尽管如此,我们还是应该鼓起勇气面对任何挑战。 The road of our life is never too smooth; even so, we should hold great courage to face any challenge. 我头疼的厉害,尽管如此,我还是去听音乐会了。 I had a terrible headache, but even so I went to the concert.
get taken away带走;拿走;拆毁(旧物). Notice: the same as“is taken away”. In the passivevoice, the auxiliary “get” can be used to replace “be”, only “get” is more colloquial in style than “be” . e.g. 无情的洪水摧毁了我的家,但却没有带走我对家乡的挚爱。 The merciless flood destroyed my home, but did not take away my true love for the home town.