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Lake County Employment Services Welfare-to-Work Process Flow

Lake County Employment Services Welfare-to-Work Process Flow. Application and Approval Applicant is granted CalWORKs. Self-Initiated Program If, prior to their appraisal, a participant is already enrolled in college or vocational training courses that will lead to

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Lake County Employment Services Welfare-to-Work Process Flow

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  1. Lake County Employment Services Welfare-to-Work Process Flow Application and Approval Applicant is granted CalWORKs. Self-Initiated Program If, prior to their appraisal, a participant is already enrolled in college or vocational training courses that will lead to employment, they may be approved to Participate in a Self-Initiated Program. If the SIP does not meet 32 hours per week participation, they must continue with the WTW process to secure additional participation hours. Supportive Services Throughout the WTW process, the WTW participant is entitled to child care, transportation, learning disability screening, and ancillary expenses determined necessary for participation in assigned activities. Orientation Participant learns about WTW. Appraisal Participant meets with caseworker to review education and employment history. • Unsubsidized Employment Secured • Participant may: • opt out of assessment and only receive • supportive services if they have not • yet been assessed, employment • meets required participation hours, • and income is not over limit; otherwise • continue with WTW process if income • is not over limit; otherwise • leave CalWORKs and be eligible to • get post-CalWORKs services • Not Required to Participate • Exemption is verified/granted during • Appraisal. If not exempt, participant • must continue with the WTW process. • Exemptions include: • Under 16 years of age • Full-time student between 16-18 years • Pregnant women with doctor’s note • Persons age 60 or older • Disabled persons • Aided non-parent relative caring for a • dependent/ward of the court, a child • receiving Kin-GAP, or a child at risk of • placement in foster care • Caring for an ill household member • VISTA volunteer • Caring for a young child: • First child under 12 months • Subsequent under 6 months • Any child 12 to 23 months • 2 children under 6 years • Good cause many also be granted for • various verified and substantially • compelling reasons to temporarily • excuse participation. Good cause must • be review at least every 3 months. Job Search/Job Readiness Participant receives employment services to help search for and obtain a job. Participant with identified employment barriers is moved directly into assessment and participation in other WTW components. Mental Health / Substance Abuse / Domestic Violence Assessment / Services If identified as a potential barrier, these assessments are conducted. If needed, these services are allowable work activities. Assessment In-depth assessment identifies employment barriers for participants that do not find employment through Job Search. • Welfare-to-Work Plan • A plan is developed with activities • participant must complete to meet • weekly hour requirements. Participant • is expected to completed activities that • can includes, but are not limited to: • Employment • Work experience • Community Service • Vocational education • Job skills training or education directly • related to employment • Self-employment • On-the-job training • Post-CalWORKs Services • After leaving CalWORKs, former • recipients may receive: • Medi-Cal up to 2 years • Child care up to 2 years • Transitional CalFresh for 5 months • If employed within 12 months of • discontinuance, up to 12 months of • case management, supportive services, • and mental health/substance abuse/ • domestic violence services to support • job retention, job advancement, and • work-related challenges. • Non-Compliance • At any point in the WTW process, if the • participant fails or refuses without good • to: • Sign a WTW Plan • Participant in an assigned activity • Show satisfactory progress is being • made in assigned activity • Accept or retain employment Re-Assessment If participant does not secure unsubsidized employment by the time the initial WTW Plan is completed, a reassessment is conducted to determine the next appropriate activities and develop a new WTW plan. 48-Month Time Limit Reached The parent(s) have reached their 48- month lifetime limit on aid and may receive Safety Net grant for any eligible child until the child reaches age 18, if otherwise eligible. Sanction Family grant is reduced for adult(s) leaving a child-only grant. G:\Policy and Procedures Manual\Employment Services\Training Documents\WTW Summary\ES Flow.ppt Reference: MPP § 42-700

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