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……So what have we learned in grade 9 science???

……So what have we learned in grade 9 science???. ….more than you think!. CHEMISTRY UNIT….let’s think back. Which is a QUALITATIVE observation? Ryan has brown hair B) Ryan is 6 feet tall. A) is the correct answer For a QUALITATIVE observation we use our senses !.

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……So what have we learned in grade 9 science???

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  1. ……So what have we learned in grade 9 science??? ….more than you think!

  2. CHEMISTRY UNIT….let’s think back • Which is a QUALITATIVE observation? • Ryan has brown hair B) Ryan is 6 feet tall

  3. A) is the correct answer • For a QUALITATIVE observation we use our senses!

  4. B) is QUANTITATIVE observation • It contains a Number measurement! • The hot chocolate is sweet – qualitative • The cup of hot chocolate is 90oC hot! (quantitative)

  5. INFERENCE vs. OBSERVATION • Inference: What we THINK is true based on what we have observed…… The school bus must be late because there was an accident on the road (we think this is why) • Observation: Something we SEE or OBSERVE! We can say it’s a FACT • There is a car accident on the road (we see it)

  6. HYPOTHESIS….. • What is a hypothesis? • An educated guess

  7. NAME The WHIMS symbol! • A) B) • C) D)

  8. A) Corrosive (acid!) B) Poisonous • C) radioactive material D) flammable

  9. How is matter classified?? MATTER ? ?


  11. PURE SUBSTANCES are: 1. Elements 2. Compounds

  12. Elements are Pure substances • Elements….ANYTHING on the Periodic table Examples: • Gold (Au) • Nitrogen (N) • Carbon (C) • Oxygen (O)

  13. Compounds…..are NOT on the periodic table • Made of 2 or more elements! Examples: • CO2 (carbon dioxide) • NH3 (ammonia) • H2O (Water)

  14. Chemical FORMULAS • Tell us how many atoms of each element there are and which elements are present in the compound…… Example: Which elements are present? How many of each? C6 H8 O10

  15. C6 H8 O10 • 6 carbon atoms • 8 Hydrogen atoms • 10 oxygen atoms

  16. MIXTURES…you have seen in everyday life! Solution (homogenous mixture) • Looks like one thing (all looks the same) • Coffee (milk and coffee) • Hot chocolate • Jello

  17. Mixtures • Heterogeneous mixtures….are made of many things and you can see them separately Example: • Granola bar (oats, raisins, chocolate chips) • Pizza (sauce, pepperoni, cheese)

  18. CHEMICAL & PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Read the questions: Which is a Chemical Property? A) Gasoline is a clear liquid B) Gasoline burns in oxygen and is combustible

  19. B) is the correct answer, because it talks about how gas REACTS with other things • Key word…REACTS!

  20. PHYSICAL Properties…..we can see with our senses • A) is a physical property • Gas is a liquid, and clear….talks about what Gasoline physically looks like Other physical properties: • Texture, taste, state (solid, liquid, gas), density, mass, volume

  21. CHEMICAL vs PHYSICAL Change CLUES of Chemical Change: • Gas (bubbles) • Heat or light produced • Colour changed • CANNOT BE REVERSED…. Ex: toasting bread….you cannot get old bread back, Ex: Lighting a match…..heat and light produced…cannot relight the match back again

  22. PHYSICAL change Change of State • Melting • Freezing • Cutting • Crushing • Dissolving THE ORIGINAL SUBSTANCE DOES NOT CHANGE! Ice cream is ice cream, melted or frozen…mmmmm

  23. Testing for Gases….. If a burning splint makes a POP! in a test tube, which gas do you KNOW IS IN THERE? • A) oxygen? • B) hydrogen? • C) carbon dioxide?

  24. Answer is B) hydrogen!!! • Oxygen will re-light the glowing splint • Carbon dioxide will make the light go out!

  25. THE ATOM has 3 subatomic particles…do you remember them?? C B A

  26. THE ATOM has 3 subatomic particles proton neutron electron

  27. A – electron…found in shells/orbitals (what charge do they carry?) • B- proton (What charge do they carry?) • C- neutron (What charge do they carry?) Protons and neutrons are in the NUCELUS. They give the atom MASS 

  28. Electrons are NEGATIVE! • Protons are POSITIVE! • Neutrons are NEUTRAL – NO CHARGE! Joke time: a Neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink! The bartender says: “for you, NO CHARGE” HAHAHHAHAHAHHHA… see science is funny!

  29. BOHR RUTHERFORD DIAGRAM…. Remember the 2e 8e 8e rule……. • Max 2 electrons in 1st shell • Max 8 electrons in 2nd shell • Max 8 electons in 3rd shell

  30. Which element is this? Use your periodic table to figure out!

  31. ARGON • Has atomic number 18 18 electrons 18 protons Mass number – atomic number = # of neutrons

  32. Draw Bohr Diagrams for • Lithium • Fluorine • Aluminum

  33. The Periodic Table….

  34. Name the GROUPS A D B C

  35. …answers…. • A: Alkali Metals (remember they are reactive and explode in water!!) • B: Alkaline Earth Metals • C: Halogens • D: Noble Gases: they don’t react with ANYTHING! They have full valence shells

  36. Valence electrons….. • What are valence electrons? The outermost electrons!!! How many valence e- does this atom have? 8 What group is it in? Noble gases

  37. Groups/Families are VERTICAL COLUMNS All elements in the same group/family will have the same number of : A) valence electrons? (the outer electrons) B) Shells (orbits)? What’s the answer?

  38. …answer is… All elements in last group have full valance shells • A) valence electrons All elements in first group have 1 valance electron in outer shell

  39. …how many valence electrons in 2nd group?

  40. Each element has 2 valence electrons in their atoms in the 2nd group • How do you know? Draw Bohr Diagram for Beryllium (Be) and Magnesium (Mg) to find out

  41. …how many valence electrons in 3rd group?

  42. ….answer is • 3 valence electrons in ALL the elements in the 3rd group. …..do you see the trend?? The Group number tell us the valence electrons all the elements in that group will have 

  43. ….how many valence electrons in the 7th group??

  44. 7 valence electrons in atoms of elements in the 7th group

  45. PERIODS are HORIZONTAL ROWS…. How many periods are there???

  46. …answer…. • 7 periods!! They all go across the table Every element has the SAME number of SHELLS in one period

  47. How many shells in the atoms of period 1?

  48. …answer 1 shell! Draw Bohr diagrams for Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He) to find out!

  49. How many shells in the atoms of elements in period 2?

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