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April /2014

April /2014. BRAZIL WITHOUT EXTREME POVERTY PLAN. POVERTYMAP. Increasing capabilities and opportunities. Income Transfers. Rural and Urban Productive Inclusion. Enhanced access to Public Services. Higher income Improved welfare. BOLSA FAMILIA. 1. Alleviates poverty.

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April /2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. April/2014

  2. BRAZIL WITHOUT EXTREME POVERTY PLAN POVERTYMAP Increasingcapabilities andopportunities Income Transfers Rural andUrbanProductive Inclusion Enhancedaccessto Public Services Higher income Improved welfare

  3. BOLSA FAMILIA 1. Alleviates poverty 2. Increases school attendance and reduces dropout rates 3. Improves access to health services for children and for pregnant and breastfeeding women Cash transfers (RS$ billions) Number of families (millions) Source: MDS.


  5. POLL WITH FAMILIES INCLUDED IN THE SINGLE REGISTRY • Around 70% of respondents say they never have monthly surplus for saving • Among the others, 15% use spare money to buy food and clothing and 13% save • In small and medium cities in the poorest regions in Brazil, there is limited access to financial services and products • More than 40% said the reason for not having a banking account is the minimum deposit requirement • In terms of financial products, the most common are: • 1. simplified banking account (debit card); • 2. savings account; • 3. credit card; • 4. checkbooks; • 5. funeral insurance; • 6. health insurance; • 7. saving bonds; • 8. life insurance

  6. BOLSA FAMILIA BENEFITS GO STRAIGHT TO FAMILIES ACCOUNTS • 93% of cardholders' of BolsaFamília are women • 3,77 million of families received by deposit in a banking account • 86,7% of the amount deposited in banking account are spend with a debit card Source: CEF, dez/2013

  7. CRESCER OrientedProductiveMicrocredit Opportunities for structuring and expanding businesses with the support of oriented productive microcredit 2,8 million (34%) Operations carried out by BolsaFamilia beneficiaries 8,2 million Total operations* 4,1 million (50%) Operations carried out by people from the Single Register (*) Operações realizadas por pessoas físicas e microempreendedores individuais. Fonte: MF e MDS em dezembro/2013.

  8. KEYS TO SUCCES • Leadership and government priority • Eradicating extreme poverty and create opportunities for allis the number 1 priority of Brazil’s federal government • Large scale and simplicity for easy replication • In a country as large and diverse as Brazil, we needed a scaled program that could easily be reproduced • Money goes straight to the beneficiaries – cash transfers through debit card • Partnerships • Working in articulation with the municipalities is paramount to implement the policies and reach the target population • The partnership with public banks to design specific products to this public is also important • Economic context

  9. www.brasilsemmiseria.gov.br www.brasilsemmiseria.gov.br/municipios www.brasilsemmiseria.gov.br/estados

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