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Baseflow Separation Techniques First assumption is that the direct precipitation and interflow components are inconsequential (but this should be re-evaluated in extreme situations) Overland flow is assumed to end at some fixed time after the storm peak.
Baseflow Separation Techniques First assumption is that the direct precipitation and interflow components are inconsequential (but this should be re-evaluated in extreme situations) Overland flow is assumed to end at some fixed time after the storm peak Fetter: “graphical separation techniques are convenient fiction” Isotope budgets and tracers can often help improve accuracy..
Gaining and Losing streams Gaining (effluent) stream - baseflow entering stream - typical in humid regions - as you move down stream, more water in stream even though no tributaries exist Losing (influent) stream - water table lower than bottom of stream channel - water loss as you go down stream - rate of loss is a function of the depth of water and hydraulic conductivity of the underlying alluvium - In some cases (mountainous arid regions), you start with a gaining stream and move into a losing stream..
- During baseflow recession a stream may be gaining, but become a losing stream during floods
- ground-water pumping near a stream can drop the water table locally and cause a section of stream to be losing, while it is gaining up and downstream
Baseflow Recession Understanding of baseflow recession is necessary before we can look at hydrograph separation - baseflow of a stream decreases during a dry period because as ground water flows into the stream the water table falls Baseflow recession equation is: where Q is the flow at some time t after recession has started Q0 is the flow at the start of the recession a is a recession constant for the basin t is the time since recession began e is base of natural logs -plotting Q vs t on semilog paper should yield a straight line (with t on the linear scale) - If more than one straight line apparent, there may be two groundwater sources - in most watersheds groundwater depletion characteristics are ~ stable since they closely match watershed geology..
Determining Baseflow Storage and Ground-water Recharge from Baseflow • Seasonal Recession Method • Assumes no dams or other regulation and minimal snowmelt • Need hydrographs from two or more consecutive years • using approximations derived from the baseflow recession equation we find: • Where: Vtp is the total potential volume of groundwater discharge (i.e. volume of water discharged during complete recession) • Qo is baseflow at the start of recession • t1 is the time for baseflow to go from q0 to 0.1q0..
- If the amount of baseflow in the reservoir is calculated at the end of a recession and then the beginning of the next recession the amount of recharge can be obtained by the difference - hence the amount of baseflow remaining at any time after baseflow recession begins is: - the above assumes no consumptive use during the time period of interest..
10,000 1000 cfs 100 10 0 • Recession Curve displacement method • More suited to areas without strong seasonal dry periods • t1 is the time for recession to cover one log cycle • t1 needs to exceed D from equation • Where D = days between storm peak and • end of overland flow • A = basin area (mi2) • tc is a critical time which is 0.2144t1 Recharge is calculated as: T1 = 45 days for this chart
Rainfall-Runoff Relationships • - basic goal is to predict amount of runoff that will occur from a given storm • - need to design structures and neighborhoods based on peak discharges • Rational Equation is simplest • if it rains long enough, peak Q from basin will be the average rate of rain times • the basin area (adjust by a coefficient to account for infiltration) • time of precip has to exceed time of concentration for rational equation to apply • - time of concentration is time necessary for water to flow from the most distant part of watershed to point of discharge • - conceptually time of concentration is the average velocity of the longest stream channel times the length of the channel, plus time for overland flow to reach the channel..
- rational equation assumes constant rainfall and infiltration rate - best used for small (200 acres or less) watersheds Q is peak runoff rate I is average rainfall intensity A is the drainage area C is a runoff coefficient (gotten from a table) Lower range of C is used for low intensity storms Higher range for high intensity storms..
Duration Curves - often want to know how often a stream flows at a lesser or greater discharge than some value - duration curves usually daily or annual flow Steps are: 1. Rank flow records (m) starting with 1 for highest flow and n for lowest over the period of interest (if two are equal, they each get their own rank...no ties) 2. The probability (P) that a given flow will be equaled or exceeded is given by: 3. If comparing multiple rivers reduce Q to discharge per unit area of basin (e.g. m3/s/km2 4. On probability paper (or in spreadsheet) Plot Q as Y-axis and P as x-axis - distribution of runoff is caused by geology of drainage basin - steeper curves have thinner soils, lower hydraulic conductivity, less overall baseflow..
Connect the stream with the Basin character: 2. Thick sand deposits 3. Glacial till with silt and clay
Unit Hydrographs • - a unit hydrograph is the characteristic response of a given watershed to a unit volume (depth) of effective water input applied at a constant rate • - used to forecast response of a watershed to a given input of water • - hydrograph of direct runoff (excludes baseflow) • To develop unit hydrograph (1") • 1. Collect as much streamflow and precip data as possible • Best storms are: a) individual • b) uniform temporal and spatial distribution • c) rainfall duration should be ~10-30% of basin lag time • d) direct runoff should range from 0.5 to 1.75 inches • 2. For each storm, separate quickflow and baseflow • 3. Calculate depth of direct runoff (quickflow) per hour (from beginning of quickflow)..
4. Multiply each original hydrograph by 1 over value in obtained in 3. 5. 6. Plot several unit hydrographs for similar duration rains in this way 7. Construct composite unit hydrograph: take peak as average in both x and y, and adjust until area under curve is 1" of runoff With say a 2.5 hour unit hydrograph can then take a forecast precipitation of say 2" and just double the height of your 1" inch unit hydrograph to come up with prediction of stream response to forecast storm. Urban Hydrology - urbanization generally increases total quickflow for a given rainfall - faster time to peak (lower time of concentration) and higher peak - lower rates of ground water recharge in area of urban centers - serious in areas where ground-water is big portion of supply..