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Fred Luna, SBCAG Paul Martinez, Caltrans District 5 April 3, 2013

State Route 246 Passing Lanes. Fred Luna, SBCAG Paul Martinez, Caltrans District 5 April 3, 2013 SBCAG North County Subregional Committee. State Route 246 Passing Lanes. Project Team Caltrans Santa Barbara County Association of Governments ( SBCAG) Santa Barbara County

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Fred Luna, SBCAG Paul Martinez, Caltrans District 5 April 3, 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Fred Luna, SBCAG Paul Martinez, Caltrans District 5 April 3, 2013 SBCAG North County Subregional Committee

  2. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Project Team Caltrans Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) Santa Barbara County City of Lompoc

  3. State Route 246 Passing Lanes • Presentation Overview • Project Background • Implementation under Measure A • Phase I Improvements • Corridor Constraints • Project Status • Cost and Funding

  4. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Background Project Inception: • 2001PSR looked at a variety of alternatives to achieve the purpose and need for the project Project Purpose: • To improve mobility (traffic flow) by reducing the length of traffic queues • To improve sight distance at the intersection of Tularosa Road and reduce the length and severity of the approaching grades Project Need: • Vehicles spend 65% of their time behind slower-moving traffic during the peak hour. • Passing opportunities are limited by oncoming traffic during peak hours • Through traffic is delayed by left-turning traffic.

  5. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Background Environmental Studies • In 2006, passing lanes (Alt. 2 of the PSR) were determined to be sufficient to achieve a satisfactory level of service. • Project Alternative developed that included two sets of passing lanes and channelization at public road intersections between Cebada Canyon Rd. and Domingos Rd. This became the preferred alternative. • Environmental and engineering studies completed and the project approved with the preferred alternative in 2010. • Significant mitigation for California Tiger Salamander proposed including culvert crossing and viaduct near Campbell Pond.

  6. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Full Project

  7. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Measure A • Measure A, passed in 2008, included $20 million for Route 246 • Full project cost was estimated at $50 million - significant additional STIP funding was needed to implement • Strategic Plan development identified a way to implement project in phases to gain near term benefits • Caltrans concurred that western segment would provide operational benefits alone in the near term

  8. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Western Segment • Eastbound passing lanes between Cebada Canyon Road and Tularosa Road • Westbound passing lanes between Hapgood Road and Tularosa Road • Intersection improvements including left-turn channelization at: • Tularosa Road • HapgoodRoad (west) • Realign roadway and lower the profile at Tularosa Road

  9. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Western Segment

  10. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Western Segment • Tularosa Rd. Intersection • Eastbound Passing Lane • Westbound Passing Lane • Left-turn lane into Tularosa • Profile of highway lowered to improve sight distance

  11. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Western Segment Westbound Passing Lane Ending at Tularosa Rd.

  12. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Western Segment Eastbound Passing Lane Approaching Tularosa Rd.

  13. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Western Segment Intersection Improvements at Tularosa Rd.

  14. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Western Segment Construct left-turn lane at Hapgood Rd. west, begin westbound passing lane.

  15. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Western Segment Hapgood Rd. west looking east toward westbound passing lane. Hapgood Rd. west looking west toward westbound passing lane. Intersection Improvements at Hapgood Rd.

  16. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Western Segment Project Status • Environmental Document approved June 2010 (Will be revalidated during PS&E with changed limits) • Right of way acquisition, permitting and mitigation bank credits for California Tiger Salamander being negotiated • Cooperative agreement between Caltrans and SBCAG being prepared. • Early summer 2014: Ready to list for advertisement • Fall 2016: Roadway construction complete • Winter 2019: Planting and mitigation complete

  17. State Route 246 Passing Lanes Western Segment Funding Plan

  18. Comments and Questions State Route 246 Passing Lanes

  19. For More Information Contact Paul Martinez Caltrans Project Manager at (805) 549-3198 or Paul.Martinez@dot.ca.gov Fred Luna SBCAG Project Manager (805) 961-8926 fluna@sbcag.org

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