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THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. VENTILATION & RESPIRATION. VENTILATION. Ventilation = Breathing – NO gas exchange. Inspiration & Expiration Steps. Diaphragm contracts & lowers. Intercostals contract & lift ribs. Lungs expand. Increased volume in lungs = decreased pressure in lungs.

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  2. VENTILATION • Ventilation = Breathing – NO gas exchange • Inspiration & Expiration Steps • Diaphragm contracts & lowers • Intercostals contract & lift ribs • Lungs expand • Increased volume in lungs = decreased pressure in lungs • Air moves in (high to low pressure) • Expiration = opposite!

  3. VENTILATION VISUALS Be sure to look at these sites: copy & paste the URL’s http://oac.med.jhmi.edu/res_phys/Encyclopedia/AlveolarPressure/AlveolarPressure.HTML http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/animation_quizzes/animate_11.htm

  4. VENTILATION VISUALS Be sure to look at these sites: type in the URL’s http://oac.med.jhmi.edu/res_phys/Encyclopedia/AlveolarPressure/AlveolarPressure.HTML http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/animation_quizzes/animate_11.htm

  5. Lung Volume & Capacities Assignment • Use text pg 497 • Label all terms on chart (you can use letters) • BRIEFLY define all terms in space around chart • Define “Dead Space” ☆ This will be graded next class with an open-note quiz - you will not turn it in!

  6. RESPIRATION • Respiration = actual exchange of gases • Types: • External = diffusion of O2 CO2 between alveoli blood • Internal = diffusion of O2 CO2 between blood cells • Cellular = cells use O2 to burn food (glucose) & produce CO2 as waste Copy & Paste this URL! http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/animation_quizzes/animate_96.htm


  8. TRANSPORTATION OF GASES: Oxygen • 98% of O2 in blood is bound to Hemoglobin (Hb) Hb + O2 HbO2 • How tight the Hb holds on to O2 depends on: • pH • Temperature • Amount of CO2 & O2 present • Ex: In muscles at exercise

  9. TRANSPORTATION OF GASES: Carbon Dioxide • Can be transported 1 of 3 ways: • Dissolved in the plasma – 7% • Directly bound to Hb – 23% • Converted to carbonic acid & then bicarbonate ion on the RBC – 70% • CO2 + H20  H2CO3 HCO3- +H+ ☆ Respiratory Rates are VERY susceptible to levels of CO2 in the blood: too high = too acidic – body response = increased breathing

  10. RESPIRATORY DISORDERS VOCABULARY • Apnea = absence of breathing • Dyspnea = difficulty breathing • Hypoxia = decreased O2 to cells ☆ Lung Cancer = #1 cause of cancer death in U.S. & >90% of all cases are b/c of smoking!

  11. RESPIRATORY DISORDERS • Emphysema – degeneration of alveolar walls (permanent) Normal Alveoli

  12. RESPIRATORY DISORDERS • Asthma – spasm of bronchioles

  13. RESPIRATORY DISORDERS • Pneumonia – viral/bacterial infection of alveoli walls

  14. RESPIRATORY DISORDERS • Pulmonary edema – fluid in alveoli - usually from another condition (like a failing heart!)

  15. RESPIRATORY DISORDERS • Cystic Fibrosis – genetic disorder fills lungs with mucus – death by age 30 usually!

  16. RESPIRATORY DISORDERS • Tuberculosis(TB) – bacterial infection- scarring of lungs/death ☆ #1 infectious disease killer in world ☆ > 2 billion infected & becoming resistant to meds!

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