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Effects of High Blood Sugar

Effects of High Blood Sugar

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Effects of High Blood Sugar

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  1. Effects of High Blood Sugar The blood sugar is also known as blood glucose. It is also known as hyperglycemia. As the word suggests the high blood sugar is the increased amount of sugar present in the blood. The insulin present Smart Blood Sugar in our body maintains the sugar level in the blood. When human body fails to produce the enough amount of insulin the blood sugar is increased. In other case it occurs when the insulin fails to react properly with the body cells. Due to high blood sugar abnormal amount of sugar gets accumulated in the blood. This can lead to diabetes. The short period blood glucose increase is not harmful for the body. If it happens for once then it is necessary to have the tests after some time. If it occurs over and over then it is necessary to have a compulsory treatment for it. The high blood sugar is easy to predict as it has few symptoms. The fast effect of this disease is feeling weak, sleepy during daily schedule. Also the person with this disease feels extremely tired. Feeling thirsty even after having enough liquids is also effects of high blood sugar. It also causes the frequent urination, which causes the excessive thirst.

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