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Preparing for the Transition to Grade 10

January, 2012. Preparing for the Transition to Grade 10. Agenda. Course Planners status sheets. PERTH & DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. COURSE PLANNER 2012-2013 613-267-3051 www.ucdsb.on.ca/school/pdc. A Message from your Guidance Counsellors.

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Preparing for the Transition to Grade 10

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  1. January, 2012 Preparing for the Transition to Grade 10

  2. Agenda Course Planners status sheets

  3. PERTH & DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE COURSE PLANNER 2012-2013 613-267-3051 www.ucdsb.on.ca/school/pdc

  4. A Message from yourGuidance Counsellors use this course planner with your parents or guardians to help select courses for 2012-2013 review the status sheet that was provided to you to determine remaining diploma requirements hilite the courses in the flowcharts that you need or wish to take next year reference page 1 of Course Planner

  5. A Message it is critical that you make wise choices because your choices determine the structure of our timetable for next year the PDCI Course Description Calendar is available online

  6. Timelines week of January 9th → Guidance Counsellors meet with all students to review Course Planners and status sheets week of January 16th → Guidance Counsellors meet with all students to complete option sheets (option sheets are collected at this time)

  7. Timelines after March Break → course verification sheets are distributed to all students requiring parental (or adult student) signature at any time → parents may contact us to discuss course planning

  8. Ontario Secondary School Diploma reference page 2 of Course Planner

  9. Specialist High Skills Major SHSM reference page 3 of Course Planner

  10. Major majority of courses in grades 11/12 relate to area of specialization by gr 11 need 14 credits to graduate 8 or 9 of these credits relate to major

  11. Why SHSM? success in subjects you enjoy recognized by colleges and universities (scholarships…) enhanced skill set (certifications) competitive advantage (builds profile)

  12. Education Pathways Workplace University Apprenticeship College

  13. Arts and Culture

  14. Business

  15. Transportation Tech

  16. Certifications

  17. Compulsory Courses in grade 10 English Math Science History (la geographie) Careers and Civics

  18. My Course Selections for Next Year reference page 3 of Course Planner

  19. Status Sheets remaining diploma requirements: community service literacy component credits

  20. course offerings Drama Media Arts Music Visual Art reference flowcharts beginning on page 4

  21. course offerings Business Studies Computer Studies Geography History Law

  22. course offerings English French Guidance/Career Ed Health & Phys Ed Math

  23. course offerings Science Social Sciences/Humanities Technologies Trailblazers Geo-Venture Coop

  24. Q and A reconvene in one week to do option sheets thanks for your attention any questions?

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