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Test of Visual Perceptual Skills – 3 rd Edition

Test of Visual Perceptual Skills – 3 rd Edition. Tatiana Caldera & Megan Dupre. (TVPS-3). TVPS-3 Test Kit. $ 160.00 Manual ($45) Test Plate Booklet ($80) 25 Record Forms ($35). www.academictherapy.com. Key Characteristics.

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Test of Visual Perceptual Skills – 3 rd Edition

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  1. Test of Visual Perceptual Skills – 3rd Edition Tatiana Caldera & Megan Dupre (TVPS-3)

  2. TVPS-3 Test Kit • $160.00 • Manual ($45) • Test Plate Booklet ($80) • 25 Record Forms ($35) www.academictherapy.com

  3. Key Characteristics • Purpose: to give a reliable measure of a child’s visual perceptual abilities without requiring motor involvement • Performance-based assessment • Age Range: 4-0 through 18-11 • Diagnostic Groups • ASD • ADHD • LD

  4. Key Characteristics • Settings • Home • School System • Private Practice • Examiners • Occupational Therapists • School Psychologists • Counselors • Optometrists • Learning and Resource Specialists • Level B Professionals

  5. Domains (7) • Visual Discrimination • Visual Memory • Spatial Relationships • Form Constancy • Sequential Memory • Visual Figure Ground • Visual Closure 16 items and 2 examples/subtest 126 total items

  6. Assessment Approach • Bottom-Up • Visual Information Analysis Frame of Reference Areas of Occupation • Reading, driving, writing, calculating, meal prep, feeding, dressing, leisure activities, mobility

  7. Test Length • 30 minutes to Administer • Varies by age • Recommended: 2 plates/minute • All subtests are untimed except: • Subtests 2 (Visual Memory) • Subtests 5 (Sequential Memory)

  8. Test Development • Pilot Study • TVPS-R: items were selected from the middle (easier) and end (harder) of each subsection • 112 items selected from original 224 items • n=128 (ages 10-15) • TVPS-3 was developed without utilizing any new items Conclusion

  9. Test Development Cont. • Normative Study • Additional plates were added to pilot study plates • After item analysis, the final items for were identified • 18 items & 2 examples/subtest  140 test items • Item bias studies provided a non-discriminatory test • 16 items & 2 examples/subtest  126 test items Final TVPS-3

  10. Standardization Sample • n = 2,008 • 83 sites in 38 states • Public, private, parochial schools • 97 examiners (majority OTs) • Gender • Ethnicity • Region • Residence • Parent Education Level Item Bias Review

  11. Testing Preparations • Environment • Free of any auditory and visual distractions • Well illuminated and ventilated • Consider Time of Day • Record general information on TVPS-3 Record Form • Test materials prepared prior to evaluation

  12. Visual Memory Test Items Visual Discrimination

  13. Spatial Relationships Sequential Memory Form Constancy

  14. Visual Figure Ground Visual Closure

  15. Testing Procedures • Basals do not need to be determined • Give exact directions at child’s level • May be repeated throughout the TVPS-3 if needed • Administer both examples for all subtests • They can be used to teach the task • Further teaching is NOT allowed beyond the examples • Plates can be shown only ONCE • Administer all items until ceiling is reached

  16. Scoring & Results

  17. Indication of potential Visual-Perceptual concerns • Scaled scores of below 7 • % ile ranks below 16 • Standard scores below 80 • % ile ranks below 25

  18. Measurement Concerns • Scoring can be confusing • Administration can be lengthy depending on child’s response rate • Child requires good receptive language skills to complete the assessment • Competency in test administration • Child’s behavior may interfere with results • The test is only a “snapshot” of performance at a particular point

  19. References • Kramer, P., & Hinojosa, J. (1999). Visual Information Analysis: Frame of Reference for Visual Perception. Frames of reference for pediatric occupational therapy (2nd ed., pp. 205-256). Philadelphia: Williams & Wilkins. • Martin, N. (2006). TVPS-3: Test of visual perceptual skills (3rd ed.). Novato, CA: Academic Therapy Publications. • http://www.wpspublish.com/store/Images/Product/TVPS-3_AP- 41.jpg • http://www.wpspublish.com/store/Qualification_Guidelines%20V3. pdf

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