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This article explores the importance of data and its context, as well as how structuring data helps users understand and interpret it. It also discusses the benefits of using a Database Management System (DBMS) and the problems with data redundancy and duplication. The article includes a case study on Qatar Petroleum and the range of database applications.
Data andContext Context and structuring helps users understanddata ISE230
Data & Information(1) • Data: Facts, text, numbers, graphics, images, sound, and video segments that have meaning in the user’s environment • Structured: numbers, text,dates • Unstructured: images, video,documents ISE230
Data & Information(2) • Information: data processed to increase knowledge in the person using thedata • Metadata: Descriptions of the properties or characteristics of the data, including data types, field sizes, allowable values, and datacontext ISE230
SummarizedData Graphical displays turn data into useful information that managers can use for decision making and interpretation ISE230
Database versusDBMS • Database: Repository ofInformation/Data • A usually large collection of data organized especially for rapid search and retrieval. • Database ManagementSystem • DBMS is a program that lets one or more computer users create and access data in a database. E.g. SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL etc. • Makes it easy for you to manipulate large amounts ofdata. • Frees you from thinking about details. Enables you to focus on yourchallenges. ISE230
DataModels • Data Model: collection of concepts for describingdata • Schema: description of a particular collection of data, using the a given data model, like a blueprint that describes the layout of the data: what kinds of fields are present and how they areorganized. • Relational model of data is the most widely used modeltoday. • Main Concept: relation; basically a table with rows and columns. • Every relation has a schema which describes thecolumns. ISE230 10
File Processing vs. DBMS(1) • What is more suited application/structure to store thisdata? • Text file in Notepad • Slide in a PowerPointpresentation • MS Exceldocument ISE230
File Processing vs. DBMS(2) • Program‐DataDependence • All programs maintain metadata for each file theyuse • Limited DataSharing • No centralized control ofdata • Lengthy DevelopmentTimes • Programmers must design their own fileformats • Excessive ProgramMaintenance • 80% of information systemsbudget • Duplication ofData • Different systems/programs have separate copies of the same data ISE230
DataDuplication DuplicateData ISE230
Problems with DataRedundancy/Duplication • Waste of space to have duplicatedata • Causes more maintenanceheadaches • The biggestproblem: • Changes in one file could causeinconsistencies • Compromise in dataintegrity ISE230
The DatabaseApproach • Central repository of shared data • Data is managed by a controllingagent • Stored in a standardized, convenientform • Requires a Database Management System(DBMS) ISE230
Case Study – QatarPetroleum • QP is the largest operator in the state ofQatar • QP had accumulated a tremendous amountof well log data in its 50 years ofoperation. • Problems in manualindexing • Lostdata • Difficulty in accessingdata • Inaccuracy of the stored logs caused by lack of validation • Solution • Web user interface on top of latest database integration (SchlumbergerInfoStream) • Results: Interpretation cycle reduced to 30% to 35% ISE230
The Range of DatabaseApplications • Backend for traditional “database”applications • Personaldatabases • Workgroupdatabases • Departmental/divisionaldatabases • Enterprisedatabase • Multimediadatabase • Scientificdatabase • Backend for large Websites • Backend for Webservices ISE230
Oracle IndustryApplications ISE23018
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Database ManagementSystem • A software system that is used to create, maintain, and provide controlled access to userdatabases OrderFiling System Centraldatabase Invoicing System DBMS Containsemployee, order, inventory, pricing, and customerdata Payroll System DBMS manages data resources like an operating system manages hardwareresources ISE230
Elements of the DatabaseApproach • Datamodels • Graphical system capturing nature and relationship ofdata • Enterprise Schema–high‐level entities and relationships for the organization • Project Schema–more detailed view, matching data structure in database or datawarehouse • Use of InternetTechnology • Client‐server, 3‐tier architectures, and distributeddatabases • DatabaseApplications • Application programs used to perform database activities (create, read, update, and delete) for databaseusers ISE230
Components of the DatabaseEnvironment Data andDatabase Administrator SystemDevelopers EndUsers Case Tools Application Programming User Interface DBMS Repository Database ISE230
Components of the DatabaseEnvironment • CASE Tools–computer‐aided softwareengineering • Repository–centralized storehouse ofmetadata • Database Management System (DBMS) –software for managing thedatabase • Database–storehouse of thedata • Application Programs–software using thedata • User Interface–text and graphical displays tousers • Data/Database Administrators–personnel responsible for maintaining thedatabase • System Developers–personnel responsible for designing databases andsoftware • End Users–people who use the applications anddatabases ISE230
Functionality ofDBMS • Administrators and developers sees SQL, which has twocomponents: • Data Definition Language(DDL) • DataManipulationLanguage (DML) • Behind the scenes the DBMShas: • Queryoptimizer • Queryengine • Storagemanagement • Transaction Management (concurrency,recovery) ISE230
New Trends in DBSystems • Object‐relationaldatabases • Main memory databasesystems • Extensible Markup Language(XML) • Relational databases with XMLsupport • Middleware between XML and relationaldatabases • Native XML databasesystems • Dataintegration • Peer to peer, stream datamanagement • Semantic triplestores ISE230
Conclusion • Summary • DBMS used to maintain, query largedatasets. • Benefits include recovery from system crashes, concurrent access, quick application development, data integrity and security. • Levels of abstraction give dataindependence. • A DBMS typically has a layeredarchitecture. • EssentialReading • Modern Database Management (8th Ed.), Chapter1 • What isNext? • Entity‐RelationshipModel ISE230