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Chemical Engineering. @. IIT Madras. Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Chennai 600 036 2008. @. Chemical Engineering. IIT Madras. A Message from the Department Head. Shankar Narasimhan Ph.D. Professor and Head April 2007. @. IIT Madras.
Chemical Engineering @ IIT Madras Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Chennai 600 036 2008
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras A Message from the Department Head Shankar Narasimhan Ph.D. Professor and Head April 2007
@ IIT Madras The Institute Chemical Engineering The Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is one among the foremost of institutes of national importance in higher technological education and in basic and applied research. In 1956, the German Government offered technical assistance for establishing an institute of higher education in engineering in India. The first Indo-German agreement in Bonn, West Germany for the establishment of the Indian Institute of Technology at Madras was signed in 1959. The Institute was formally inaugurated in 1959 by Prof. Humayun Kabir, Union Minister for Scientific Research and Cultural Affairs. In 1961, the IITs were declared to be institutions of national importance. The IIT system has seven Institutes of Technology located at Kharagpur (established. 1951), Mumbai (established. 1958), Chennai (established. 1959), Kanpur (established. 1959), Delhi (established. 1961), Guwahati (established. 1994) and Roorkee (established. 1847, joined IITs in 2001). The IIT Madras is a residential institute with nearly 360 faculty, 4000 students and 1250 administrative & supporting staff, is a self-contained campus located in a beautiful wooded land of about 250 hectares. It has been growing from strength to strength ever since it obtained its charter from the Indian Parliament in 1961 and has established itself as a premier centre for teaching, research and industrial consultancy in the country. The Institute has fifteen academic departments and a few advanced research centers in various disciplines of engineering and pure sciences, with nearly 100 laboratories organized in a unique pattern of functioning. A faculty of international repute, a brilliant student community, excellent technical & supporting staff and an effective administration have all contributed to the pre-eminent status of IIT Madras. The campus is located in the city of Chennai, previously known as Madras. Chennai is the state capital of Tamilnadu, a southern state in India.
@ IIT Madras The Department Chemical Engineering The Bachelor of Technology programme in Chemical Engineering was introduced as the first programme when the department was established in 1959. The first set of graduands were awarded their degrees in 1964. Currently the department offers degrees in undergraduate as well as postgraduate level. A strong research programme complements the academic activities. The chemical engineering department has a dedicated and motivated team of faculty actively involved in industrial consultancy and sponsored research at the fundamental level. The faculty is involved in a diverse fields of work including Transport Processes, Reaction Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Process Control, Polymer Engineering and Particle Science. Collaborations exist between the faculty of the department with those from other departments across the Institute as well as with Industry/Government Organizations on Research Based Consultancy Projects. Sophisticated experimental and computational facilities are available both with in the department and with in the institute. • Academic Programs • The academic programs of the department include • B.Tech(4 -year program) • Dual Degree(5 year Integrated M.Tech. program) • M.Tech.(2 year program with emphasis on coursework) • M.S.(1.5 - 3 year program with emphasis on thesis) • Ph.D.
@ IIT Madras Faculty & Research Areas Chemical Engineering The faculty, research scholars and students conduct research in a wide range of areas in chemical and related fields. Often the research work is interdisciplinary and there is active collaboration with faculty from other departments across the Institute as well as with Industry/Government Organizations. The table here provides a broad classification of the research areas and the faculty working in these areas. The pages that follow provide details of the research work carried out by individual faculty.
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras Abhijit P Deshpande Polymers, Rheology, Composites Processing, Flow Visualizaton Ph.D. (University of Washington) +91-44-2257 4169 abhijit@iitm.ac.in Research Areas: Current focus is on the rheology of complex fluids involving macromolecules and amphiphilic molecules. Evolution of flow structures is being investigated in non-Newtonian and two phase systems. Microscopic observations are being utilized to examine spreading of fluid drops on porous media. Natural fiber composites and their applications are also being investigated. Selected Publications: • Balakrishnan, S., S. Varughese and A. P. Deshpande, Micellar characterisation of saponin from Sapindus mukorossi, Tenside, surfactants, detergents, 43 (5), pp 262-268 (2006). • Sriram, S., A. P. Deshpande and S. Pushpavanam, Flow behaviour of a Newtonian fluid in a periodically driven cavity, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 128, pp 413-420 (2006). • Kumar, M. S. and A. P. Deshpande, Dynamics of drop spreading on fibrous porous media, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 277 (1-3), pp 157-163 (2006). • Deshpande, A. P., A. Srikanth and N. Praveen, Quantitative estimation of permeability with lattice Boltzmann simulations: Representative porous media from composite processing, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 83 (5), pp 808-815, (2005) • Maharudrayya, S., S. Jayanti, A.P. Deshpande, Pressure losses in laminar flow through serpentine channels in fuel cell stacks, Journal of Power Sources, 138, pp 1–13, (2004) M. S. Ananth Thermodynamics, Mathematical Modeling, Engineering Education Ph.D. (University of Florida) +91-44-2257 4153 ananth@iitm.a.cin Selected Projects: Universal viscometric functions for a dilute solution of polymers in a good solvent (Department of Science and Technology). Awards and Recognition: • Herdillia award for excellence in basic research in chemical engineering (IIChE, 1994) • Fellow, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineering (1994) • Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering (1998) Selected Publications: • Sunder Ramachandran and M. S. Ananth , “A simple two zone mathematical model of the Inred process”, I.I.M. Transactions,40, 407-414 1987 (Awarded a gold medal for the best paper in IIM Transactions in the year 1987) • K.R. Sundaresan and M.S. Ananth, , “On unsteady moving boundary problems for nonplane geometries” , Int. J. Engg. Sci., 1992, 30(7), 847-859. • A modified SCLC model for the thermodynamic properties of single and mixed electrolytes, K.V. Narayanan and M.S. Ananth, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 1996, 114, 89-121
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras Arun K. Tangirala Controller Performance, Data Mining, Wavelet Applications, Fault Diagnosis, Fuel Cells Ph.D. (University of Alberta) +91-44-2257 4181 arunkt@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • H. Liu, W. Jiang, A.K. Tangirala, S.L. Shah (2007). An Adaptive Regression Adjusted Monitoring and Fault Isolation Scheme. Journal of Chemometrics (In Press).asas • A.K. Tangirala, J. Kanodia and S.L. Shah (2007). Applications of on-Negative Matrix Factorization to Plant-Wide Oscillation Detection & Diagnosis. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v. 46(3), 801-817 • H. Raghavan, A.K. Tangirala and S.L. Shah (2006). Identification of hemical processes with irregular output sampling. Control Engineering Practice, v. 14(5), 467-480. • A.K. Tangirala, S.L. Shah and N.F. Thornhill (2005). PSCMAP: A new tool for plant-wide oscillation detection. Journal of Process Control, v. 15(8), 931-941. • A.K. Tangirala, D. Li, R. S. Patwardhan, S. L. Shah and T. Chen (2001). Ripple-free conditions for lifted multirate control systems. Automatica, v. 37(10), October, 1637- 1645. A. R. Balakrishnan Heat Transfer & Computer Aided Design Ph.D. (University of Waterloo) +91-44-2257 4154 arb@iitm.ac.in The primary focus of the recent research work has been directed towards addressing the concerns of energy and the environment.This includes among other work energy storage, liquid desiccant dehumidification of air and gases, augmentation of boiling heat transfer using enhanced surfaces and boiling of multi-component liquid mixtures. Selected Publications: • K. Aparna, Tanmay Basak and A.R. Balakrishnan, Role of Metallic and Composite (ceramic-metallic) Supports on Microwave Heating of Porous Dielectrics, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (In press). • B.R. Vijayarangan, S. Jayanti and and A.R. Balakrishnan, Pressure Drop Studies on Two-Phase Flow in a Uniformly Heated Vertical Tube at Pressures up to the Critical Point, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, 1879-1891, 2007. • T. Basak, S. Roy and A.R. Balakrishnan, Effects of Thermal Boundary Conditions on Natural Convection Flows within a Square Cavity, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 49, 4525-4535, 2006. • B.R. Vijayarangan, S. Jayanti and A.R. Balakrishnan, Studies on Critical Heat Flux in Flow Boiling at Near Critical Pressures, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 49, 259-268, 2006. • Vijayarangan, B. R. Jayanti, S. & A.R. Balakrishnan, “Studies on Critical Heat Flux in Flow Boiling at Near Critical Pressures”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (in press). • Vijayan, M. Jayanti, S. & A. R. Balakrishnan, “On Axial Coherence of Interfacial Waves in Countercurrent Flow”, AIChE Journal, 51, (2005) 2098-2102.
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras M. Chidambaram PID Controller Tuning, Multivariable Controller Design, Periodic Operation of Reactors Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Science) +91-44-2257 4155 chidam@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • Padma Sree, R. & M. Chidambaram, “Set Point Weighted PID Controllers for Unstable Systems”, Chem. Eng. Comm., 192, (2005), 1-13. • Sathe Vivek and M. Chidambaram, “Identification using single symmetrical relay feedback test”, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 29(7), (2005) 1625-1630 . • Sivakumar, E. Sathe, V. & M. Chidambaram, “Improved Saturation Relay Test for Systems with Large Dead Time”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 44(7), (2005), 2183-2190 • Padma sree, R. Srinivas, M. N. & M. Chidambaram, “A simple method of tuning PID controllers for stable and unstable FOPTD systems”, Computers & Chemical Engineering”, 28(11), (2004) 2201-2218. • Padma sree, R. & M. Chidambaram, “Simple method of calculating set point weighting parameter for unstable systems with a zero”, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 28(11) (2004) 2433-2437 Books Authored • Applied Process Control, Allied Pub., 1998. • Computer Control of Processes, Narosa Pub., 2003. • Control of Unstable Systems, Narosa Pub., 2005. A. Kannan Separation Processes Software Development Ph.D. (McMaster University) +91-44-2257 4170 kannan@iitm.a.cin Recent Projects: • Object Oriented Design of Multicomponent Distillation Processes (AICTE, India) • Development of Design Methodology for Reactive Distillation Processes (MHRD, India) • Optimization of Sonochemical Reactors (IIT Madras) • Verification of Multiple Steady states in Azeotropic Distillation Processes (MHRD, India) Selected Publications: • Varma MN and Kannan A, “CFD studies on natural convective heating of canned food in conical and cylindrical containers”, Journal of Food Engineering 77 (4): 1024-1036 (2006). • Mahesh Varma and Kannan A., “Enhanced food sterilization through inclination of the container walls and geometry modifications” Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 48(18) 3753-3762 (2005). • S. Ratheesh and Kannan. A., “Holdup and Pressure Drop Studies in Structured Packings with Catalysts”, Chem. Engg. J. 104, 2004, pp. 45-54. • Kannan and Sadhi Khan Pathan, “Enhancement of Solid Dissolution Process”, Chem. Engg. J. 102, 2004, pp. 45-49.
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras K. Krishnaiah Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, Fluidization Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Technology , Madras) +91-44-2257 4156 krishnak@iitm.ac.in The research focus has always been to improve the performance of a particular Chemical Engineering Equipment or to develop new Equipment for high performance after understanding the basic hydrodynamics, transfer processes and kinetics of the system. The Major field of research is application of Fluidization to solve Environmental Engineering problems covering Gas-Solid, Liquid-Solid and Gas-Liquid-Solid systems Selected Publications: • Renganathan, T. & K. Krishnaiah, “Voidage characteristics and prediction of bed expansion in liquid–solid inverse fluidized bed”, Chemical Engineering Science, 60, (2005) 2545-2555. • Renganathan, T. & K. Krishnaiah, “Stochastic Simulation of Hydrodynamics of a Liquid-Solid Inverse Fluidized Bed”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 43(15), (2004) 4405-4412. • Bruce, A.E.R. Sai P.S.T. & K. Krishnaiah, “ Characterization of liquid phase mixing in turbulent bed contactor through RTD studies”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 104, (2004) 19-26. • Renganathan, T. & K. Krishnaiah, “Liquid phase mixing in 2-phase liquid–solid inverse fluidized bed”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 98, (2004) 213-218. • Bruce, A. E. R. Sai P. S. T. & K. Krishnaiah, “Liquid holdup in turbulent bed contactor”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 99, (2004) 203-212 D.V.S. Murthy Environmental Engineering, Particle Technology & Mineral Processing Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Technology , Madras) +91-44-2257 4157 dvs@iitm.ac.in The recent focus of research is in the area of non conventional wastewater treatment and sponsored research in air pollution monitoring& control projects Recent Projects: • Fine particles monitoring and control of VOC's (benzene, toluene, xylene) in Chennai city (Sponsored by Swedish International Development Agency) • Environmental audit for M/S Orchid Chemicals&Pharmaceuticals (P) Ltd.,Chennai • Ambient air pollution study for expansion of Cement plants(M/S Madras Cements Ltd.) Selected Publications: • Mahesh Varma and Kannan A., “Enhanced food sterilization through inclination of the container walls and Performance evaluation of a compost biofilter treating toluene vapours, Eldon R. Rene, D.V.S. Murthy, T. Swaminathan, Process Biochemistry, 40, 2005, 2771-2779. • Application of anaerobic fluidized bed reactors in wastewater treatment; a review R.Saravanan and D.V.S.Murthy, Enviornmental Management and Health, Vol 11, Nos2 and 3, 2000, pp 97-117. • Performance evaluation of common effluent treatment plant for tanneries at Pammal-Pallavaram Tamilnadu (India), P.Shanmugasundram and No.5, Nov 2000, pp 431-434
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras R. Nagarajan Fine Particle Science and Technology, Chemical Vapor Deposition, Ultrasonic Cavitation Ph.D. (Yale University) +91-44-2257 4158 nag@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • Proceedings of ESTECH-2005, Use of Ultrasonic Cavitation in Surface Cleaning, Chicago, IL, 2005. • CHEMCON-2004, Particle Science and Technology Initiatives at IIT-Madras, Mumbai, Dec 2004. • IDEMA Micro contamination Standard M3-98, Contaminant Transport Mechanisms in Hard Disk Drives, 1998 • IDEMA Micro contamination Standard M9-98, Particulate Contamination Test Methods for Hard Disk Drive Components, 1998 • Chemical Integration and Contamination Control in Hard Disk Drive Manufacturing (with L. Nebenzahl et al.), Journal of the IEST, pp. 31-35, Sep/Oct 1998 • Design for Cleanability, chapter in Supercritical Fluid Cleaning (J. McHardy, S.P. Sawan, editors), Noyes Publications, Westwood, NJ, pp. 38-69, 1998 • Survey of Cleaning and Cleanliness Measurement in Disk Drive Manufacture, Precision Cleaning, pp. 13-22, Feb 1997. • SEMATECH SEMASPEC Technology Transfer No. 94052358A-STD, An Extractive Method for Determining Particulate Contamination Levels of Wafer Carriers Using Ultrasonic Extraction, Niket Kaisare Microreactors, Fuel Processing, Fuel Cells, Process Intensification, Process Control, Approximate Dynamic Programming Ph.D. (Georgia Institute of Technology) +91-44-2257 4176 nkaisare@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • Kaisare N. S., J. M. Lee and J. H. Lee (2003), "Simulation based strategy for nonlinear optimal control: Application to a microbial cell reactor," Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control, 13: 347-363. • Kaisare N. S., J. H. Lee and A. G. Fedorov (2005), "Hydrogen generation in a reverse-flow microreactor: 1. Model formulation and scaling," A.I.Ch.E.Journal, 51: 2254-2264. • Lee J. M., N. S. Kaisare and J. H. Lee (2006), "Choice of approximator and design of penalty function for an approximate dynamic programming based control approach," J. Process Control, 16: 135-156. • Kaisare N. S., J. H. Lee and A. G. Fedorov (2005), "Operability analysis and design of a reverse-flow microreactor for hydrogen generation," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 44:8323-8333. • Kaisare N. S. and D. G. Vlachos (2007), "Optimal reactor dimensions for homogeneous combustion in small channels," Catal. Today, 120: 96-106. • Kaisare N. S. and D. G. Vlachos (2007), "Extending the region of stable homogeneous micro-combustion through forced unsteady operation," Proc. Combust. Inst., 31: 3293-3300.
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras T. Panda Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Protoplast Fusion Technology Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Technology , Delhi) +91-44-2257 4160 panda@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • Panda, T. & B.S. Gowrishankar, “Production and applications of esterases”, Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology, 67 (2005) 160-169 • Panda, T & V. Amutha Devi, “Regulation & degradation of HMGCo-A reductase”, Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology, 66 (2004), 143-152. • Panda, T., Sushma R. Nair & M. Prem Kumar, “Regulation of synthesis of the pectolytic enzymes of Aspergillus Niger”, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 34 (2004) 466-473 • Rana, D.S., K. Theodore, G. Sathya Narayana Naidu & T. Panda, “Stability and Kinetics of b-1,3-glycanase from T. Larzianum”, Process Biochemistry, 39 (2003) 149-155. • Muralidhar, R., G.S.N. Naidu, V.V. Dasu & T. Panda, “Statistical analysis of some critical parameters affecting the protoplast formation from the mycelium of P. griseofulvum” Biochemical Engg. Journal, 16 (2003) 229-235 S. Pushpavanam Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, Nonlinear Dynamics, Flow Visualization Ph.D. (University of Florida) +91-44-2257 4161 spush@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • Balasubramaniam, P. Pushpavanam, S. & A. Kienle, “Effect of delay on the stability of a coupled reactor flash separator system sustaining an elementary non-isothermal reaction”, accepted for publication in Industrial and Engineering Chemsitry Research, (2005) • Haefele, M. Disliuslu, I. Kienle, A. Krishna, V. M. Pushpavanam, S. & C. U. Schmidt, “Nonlinear behavior of tubular polyethylene tubular reactor separator recycle system”, European Symposium for Computer Aided Process Engineering ,Barcelona Spain, (2004) • Anil, P. A. Pushpavanam, S. & A. Kienle, “Steady state behavior of coupled Reactor Separator systems: effect of different separators”, accepted for publication in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, (2004) • Vamsikrishna, M, Pushpavanam, S. & A. Kienle, “Effect of conversion dependent viscosity on the non-linear behavior of a reactor with fixed pressure drop”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 43(26), (2004) 8284-8292.
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras V. S. Ramachandra Rao Internal Model Control , Adaptive Control Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Technology , Madras) +91-44-2257 4162 vsrr@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • Yamuna Rani K. and Ramachandra Rao V.S., Control of Fermenters-A Review, Bioprocess Engineering, 21, 77-88, 1999. • Saha P., Patwardhan S.C., and Ramachandra Rao V.S., Maximizing Productivity of a Continuous Fermenter using Nonlinear Adaptive Optimizing control, Bioprocess Engineering, 20, 15-21, 1999. • Panda R.C., and Ramachandra Rao V.S., Dynamics of a Continuous Fluidized Bed ryer, Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, 22, 3, Transaction B, 219-231, 1998. • Ramesh Kumar V., Balaraman K.S., Ramachandra Rao V.S., and Ananth M.S., Modelling of Hydrotreating Process in a Trickle-Bed Reactor, Petroleum Science & Technology, 15/3-4, 283-295, 1997 S. Ramanathan Surface Reactions, Chemical Mechanical Polishing Ph.D. (Clarkson University) +91-44-2257 4171 srinivar@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • M. Suryasekhar and S. Ramanathan, "Characterization of copper chemical Mechanical polishing (CMP) in nitric acid - hydrazine based slurry for microelectronic fabrication", Thin Solid Films, 504 (2006) 227 • Y. Nagendra Prasad and S. Ramanathan, "Role of amino-acid adsorption on Silica and Silicon Nitride surfaces during STI CMP", Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., 9(12), (2006) G337-G339. • R. Srinivasan, Y. Tian and I. I. Suni, "Surface Plasmon Effects on Surface Second Harmonic Generation During Au Deposition onto H-Si(111)", Surf. Sci., 490, 308, 2001 Selected Patents: • Y-S. Her, R. Srinivasan, S.V. Babu, S. Ramarajan, "Chemical-mechanical polishing slurry and method",U.S. Patent, 7,101,800, (Sep 2006) • R. Srinivasan, S.V. Babu, W.G. America, Y-S. Her, "Slurry for chemical Mechanical polishing silicon dioxide",U.S. Patent 7,091,164 (Aug 2006) • Y-S. Her, R. Srinivasan, S.V. Babu and S. Ramarajan, "Chemical-mechanical polishing slurry and method",U.S. Patent 6,702,954 ( Mar 2004)
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras R. Ramnarayanan Electrochemistry, Integrated chemical systems, Scale-out, Appropriate Science and Technology Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State University) +91-44-2257 4174 ramna@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • R. Ramnarayanan, Benny C. Chan, M. A. Salvitti, T. E. Mallouk, Falaah M. Falih, Jason Davis, Douglas B. Galloway, Simon. R. Bare, and Richard.R. Willis, "Directed Sorting method for Synthesis of Bead-based Combinatorial Libraries of Heterogeneous Catalysts," J. Combi. Chem., 2006, 8(2), 199. • H. Liu, R. Ramnarayanan and B. E. Logan, "Production of electricity during waste water treatment using a single chamber microbial fuel cell," Environmental Science and Technology, 2004, 38, 2281. • U. Turaga and R. Ramnarayanan, "Catalytic Naphtha Reforming: Revisiting its importance in the modern refinery," Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 2003, 62 (10), 963. Selected Proceedings: • R.Ramnarayanan, R. Rajagopalan, H. Foley, and T. E. Mallouk, "Using nanoporous carbon membranes in fuel cells," Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 2004, 801 (Materials and Technology for Hydrogen Economy), 185. R. Ravi Statistical Thermodynamics, Process Control of Integrated Systems, Property Estimation of Liquid Metals Ph.D. (Purdue University) +91-44-2257 4167 rravi@iitm.ac.in Understanding transport properties of complex systems through a combination of theory and simulation. The main objective is to predict the macroscopic properties from microscopic parameters such as the inter molecular potential. Current work is focused on developing a corresponding States Theory for transport properties of liquid metals and also examining correlations between transport properties and excess entropy. Efforts are also underway to investigate the transport properties of supercritical fluids. Selected Publications: • M.S. Ananth and R. Ravi, "The Optimal Use of Entropy and Enthalpy", Journal of Science Education, 6, 67-81, 2001. • C. Jayaram, R.Ravi and R.P. Chhabra, "Calculation of Self-diffusion Coefficients of Liquid Metals Based on Hard Sphere Diameters Estimated from Viscosity Data", Chemical Physics Letters, 341, 179-184, 2001. • R. Ravi, "Undergraduate Process Control: Clarification of some Concepts", Chemical Engineering Education, Spring Issue, 148-151, 2001. • S.A. Adelman and R. Ravi, "Irreversible Motion on Macrosopic and Molecular Timescales and Chemical Dynamics in Liquids", Advances in Chemical Physics, 115, 181-243, 2001.
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras R. Ravi Krishna Contaminated Sediment Remediation, Contaminant Fate and Transport, Air Pollution Ph.D. (Louisiana State University) +91-44-2257 4175 rrk@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • M. Ren, R. Ravikrishna, K. T. Valsaraj, “ Photocatalytic Degradation of Gaseous Organic Species on Photonic Band-Gap Titania”, Environ. Sci. Technol. 40 (22), 7029-7033 (2006). • R. Ravikrishna, M. Ren, K. T. Valsaraj, “Low-temperature synthesis of porous hydroxyapatite scaffolds using polyaphron templates”, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 38 (2), 203-210 (2006). • R. Ravikrishna, S. Yost, C. B. Price, C.A. Hayes K. T. Valsaraj, J. M. Brannon, “Vapor phase transport of explosives from buried sources in soils”, J. Air. Waste Manage. Assoc..54 (12), 1525-1533 (2004). • R. Ravikrishna, S. Yost, C. B. Price, K. T. Valsaraj, L. J. Thibodeaux and J. M. Brannon, “Volatilization of contaminants from suspended sediment in a water column during dredging” , Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, 52 (10), 1214, (2002). • K.T. Valsaraj, R.Ravikrishna, B. Choy, D.D. Reible, L.J. Thibodeaux, C.B.Price, J.M.Brannon and T.E.Myers, “Air emissions from exposed, contaminated sediments and dredged materials”, Environmental Science and Technology, 33 (1), 142, (1999). P. S. T. Sai Chemical Reactor Analysis & Design, Rotary Kilns Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras) +91-44-2257 4163 psts@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • A model for residence time distribution of solids in a rotary kiln, Loni Dinesh V. and P.S.T. Sai, Can. J. Chem. Eng. (in press) • Sharif Hussein Sharif Zein, Abdul Rahman Mohamed, & P. Sesha Talpa Sai, “Kinetic Studies on Catalytic Decomposition of Methane to Hydrogen and Carbon over Ni/TiO2 Catalyst”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 43(6), (2004) 4864 – 4870. • Sindhu, H. & P. S. T. Sai, “A model for pressure drop and liquid saturation in gas–liquid cocurrent upflow through packed beds”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 93, (2003) 135-142. • Liquid holdup in turbulent bed contactor, A.E.R. Bruce, P.S.T. Sai and K. Krishnaiah, Chem. Eng. J. 99, 203-212, 2004. • A model for pressure drop and liquid saturation in gas-liquid cocurrent upflow through packed beds, H. Sindhu and P.S.T. Sai, Chem. Eng. J. 93, 135-142, 2003. • Liquid phase mixing of turbulent bed contactor, A.E.R. Bruce, P.S.T. Sai and K. Krishnaiah, Chem. Eng. Sci., 58, 3453-3463, 2003.
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras Shankar Narasimhan Data Mining, Fault Diagnosis, Process Design Ph.D. (Northwestern University) +91-44-2257 4165 naras@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • Prakash, J., S. Narasimhan, and S.C. Patwardhan, “Integrating Model Based Fault Diagnosis with Model Predictive Control,” I&EC Research (2005). • Vachhani, P., R. Rengaswamy, V. Gangwal, and S. Narasimhan, ”Recursive estimation in Constrained Nonlinear Dynamical Systems,” AIChE J., 51 (3), 946-959 (Mar 2005). • Shivakumar, K and S. Narasimhan, “A Robust and Efficient NLP Formulation Using Graph Theoretic Principles for Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks,” Comput. Chem. Engng , 26 (11): 1517-1532 (Nov, 2002). • Prakash J, S.C. Patwardhan, and S. Narasimhan, “A supervisory approach to fault-tolerant control of linear multivariable systems,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 41, 2270-2281 (May 2002). • Renganathan T, and S. Narasimhan, “A Strategy for Detection of Gross Errors in Nonlinear Processes,” Ind Eng Chem Res , 38, 2391-2399 (Jun 1999). Sreenivas Jayanthi Computational Fluid Dynamics, Combustion, Fuel Cells Ph.D. (Imperial College) +91-44-2257 4168 sjayanti@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • Maharudrayya, S. Jayanti, S. & A.P. Deshpande, “Flow distribution and pressure drop in parallel-channel configurations of planar fuel cells”, Journal of Power Sources, 144(1), (2005) 94-106. • Karunakumari, L. Eswaraiah, C. Jayanti, S. & S. S. Narayanan, “Experimental and numerical study of a rotating wheel air classifier”, AIChE Journal, 51(3), (2005) 776-790 • Suresan, H. & S. Jayanti, “The case of an oscillating manometer with variable density and dissipation: experimental and numerical study”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 229, (2004) 59-73. • Maharudrayya, S. Jayanti, S. & A.P. Deshpande, “Pressure losses in laminar flow through serpentine channels in fuel cell stacks”, Journal of Power Sources, 138(1-2), (2004) 1-13. • Kishore, B. N. & S. Jayanti, “A multidimensional model for annular gas–liquid flow”, Chemical Engineering Science, 59, (2004) 3577-3589. • Shekhar, S. M. & S. Jayanti, “Mixing of power-law fluids using anchor impellers: Metzner-Otto concept revisited”, AIChE J , 49, (2003) 30-40. • Shekhar, S. M. & S. Jayanti, “Mixing of pseudoplastic fluids using helical ribbon impellers”, AIChE J., 49, (2003) 2768-2772.
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras T. Swaminathan Environmental Management, Biotechnology, Membrane Technology Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur) +91-44-2257 4166 tswami@iitm.ac.in Selected Publications: • Biological & photocatalytic oxidation techniques for elimination of volatile organic compounds Elldon R. Rene, K. Jagannathan and T.Swaminathan, Chemical Engineering World, 39, 42 – 50, (2004) • Heterogenous photocatalytic oxidation – A versatile technique for removal of hazardous pollutants- K. Jagannathan, Rahul A.Damodar T. Swaminathan, Chemical Engineering world, December 2004 • Novel Photoreactors for heterogenous photocatalytic wastewater treatment – D.Praveena and T.Swaminathan, Annali di chimca, 93, 805 – 809, 2003 • Performance of BTX degraders under substrate versatility conditions –Shihabudeen M. Maliyekkal, Eldon R.Rene, Ligy Philip, T.Swaminathan, Journal of Hazardous Materials, B109, 201 – 211, 2004. • Response surface modeling and optimization to elucidate and analyze the effects of inoculum age and size on surfactin production - Ramkrishna Sen and T. Swaminathan, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 21(2), 141-148 (2004). • Continuous biosorption of Pb, Cu and Cd by Phanerochaete chrysosporium in a packed column reactor – K. Pakshirajan and T. Swaminathan, Journal of Soils and Sediments (in press). (2004) Susy Varughese Polymers and Elastomeric Materials Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur) +91-44-2257 4172 susy@iitm.ac.in Physics and mechanics of polymeric materials, Polymeric Nanocomposites and filler-polymer interacations, Dynamic behaviour of elastomers, Plastic waste recycling, Polymers for devices, Diffusion in polymers . Selected Publications: • S.Balakrishnan, Susy Varughese and Abhijit P.Deshpande, Micellar characterisation of saponin from Sapindus mukorossi, Tenside, Sufactants and Detergents, 43, 5, 262-268, 2006 • D.Murugan, Susy Varughese and T.Swaminathan, Recycled polyolefin-based plastic wastes for sound absorption, Polymer-Plastics Technology & Engineering, 45, 885-8,2006 • Susy Varughese and D.K.Tripathy Effect of mode of filler addition and concentration on the dynamic mechanical properties of epoxidised natural rubber - cis-1,4-polybutadiene rubber blend, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 49, 6, 1115 (1993) • Susy Varughese and D. K.Tripathy, Effect of plasticizer type and concentration on the dynamic mechanical properties of epoxidised natural rubber vulcanizates J. Elastomers and Plastics, 25 , 4, 343, 1993 • Susy Varughese and D.K.Tripathy, Rubber-filler interaction studies-A dynamic mechanical thermal analysis approach, Plastics, Rubber and Composites - Processing and Applications, 17 , 4, 219, 1992 • Susy Varughese and D.K.Tripathy , Chemical interaction between epoxidised natural rubber and silica-studies on cure characteristics and low temperature dynamic mechanical properties, J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 10, 1847, 1992
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras Tanmay Basak Finite Element Methods Computational Electromagnetics, Microwave Assisted Transport Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Science) +91-44-2257 4173 tanmay@iitm.ac.in Selected Awards/Honors: • Diamond Jubilee Young Achievers Award (Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers) - 2007 • UKIERI Research Fellowship (UK-India Education and Research Initiative) - 2007 • Young Engineer Award (Indian National Academy of Engineering) – 2005 Selected Publications: • M. Thilakavathi, T. Basak, T. Panda, Modeling of Enzyme Production Kinetics, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 73, 991-1007 (2007). • S. Chatterjee, T. Basak, S. K. Das, Microwave Driven Convection in a Rotating Cylindrical Cavity: A Numerical Study, Journal of Food Engineering, 79, 1269-1279 (2007). • M. Sathiyamoorthy, T. Basak, S. Roy, I. Pop, Steady Natural Convection Flows in a Square Cavity with Linearly Heated Side Wall(s), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, 766-775 (2007). • T. Basak, A. Meenakshi, A Theoretical Analysis on Microwave Heating of Food Slabs Attached with Ceramic Plates: Role of Distributed Microwave Incidence, Food Research International, 39, 932-944 (2006). • M. Thilakavathi, T. Basak, T. Panda, Simplified Approach for Developing the Rate Expressions for Enzyme-Catalyzed-Reactions, Biotechnology Letters, 28, 1889-1894 (2006). Upendra Natarajan Computational Materials Science, Statistical Mechanics, Molecular Simulation, Macromolecules, Nanomaterials Ph.D. (University of Akron) +91-44-2257 41784 unatarajan@iitm.ac.in Awards and Recognition: • CSIR Young Scientist Award (2003) • Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) Medal (2006) • Included in Marquis Who is Who in the World (2007 ed.), Marquis Who’s Who in Asia (1st ed. 2007) Selected Publications: • R. R. Tiwari, U. Natarajan, Influence of Organic Modification on Mechanical Properties of Melt Processed Intercalated Poly(methyl methacrylate)-Organoclay Nanocomposites, J. Appl. Poly. Sci., in press, 2007 • M.S. Sulatha, S. Sivaram, U. Natarajan* "Optical Anisotropy of Structurally Modified Polycarbonates having Cyclohexylidene and Methyl Substituents Using the Rotational Isomeric State Method" Macromolecules 36, 2944-2955 (2003). • M.S. Sulatha, S. Sivaram, U. Natarajan* "Theoretical Calculation of the Optical Anisotropy of Substituted Cyclohexanes and Associated Bisphenyl Molecules Using Experimentally Derived Group Polarizabilities" J. Phys. Chem. A. 107(1), 97 –103 (2003). • A.S. Ijantkar, U. Natarajan* "Atomistic Simulations of the Structure and Thermodynamic Properties of Poly(1,2-Vinyl-butadiene) Surfaces" Polymer 45(4), 1373-1381 (2004). (Special Issue on Chain Conformations & Spatial Configurations) • S. Kumar, J.P. Jog, U. Natarajan* "Preparation and Characterization of Poly(methyl methacrylate)–Clay Nanocomposites via Melt Intercalation: Effect of Organoclay on the Structure and Thermal Properties" J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 89, 1186-1194 (2003).
@ Biochemical Engineering Lab Bioreactors Refrigerated Centrifuge Gas chromatograph Environmental Engineering Lab Aerobic and Anaerobic Waste water treatment systems Ambient Air Quality Monitors Gas, Liquid & Ion Chromatograph ICP - AAS Ion electrodes, Sox, Nox analyzer UV Spectrophotometer Reverse Osmosis & Electro Dialyzer Polymer Engineering Lab Particle Image Velocimetry Dynamic Shear Rheometer Goniometer: GBX Digidrop Universal testing machine with temperature chamber Shearing Cell and hot stage with optical microscope Particle Science Laboratory Class 100 and Class 10K clean rooms Ultrasonicators with various frequencies Cavitation and Intensity meter Airborne/ Liquidborne/ Surface Particle Counters & Size Analyzers TSI Multi-parameter monitoring systems for Cleanrooms Chemical Mechanical Planarizer Filmetrics Thin Film Analyzer Advanced Electrochemical Workstations Process Control Lab Process Simulators (ASPEN, HYSIS, BATCHCAD) Experimental setup for liquid level, pH and temperature measurement and control Reaction Engineering & Transport Processes Lab Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer High Performance Liquid Chromatograph, Gas Chromatograph Pilot plant scale distillation columns UV-Visible Spectroscopy Chemical Engineering Research Facilities IIT Madras The Department also has a dedicated DCF (Departmental Computer Facility) with Relevant Chemical Engineering and other Software Apart from these, the institute provides common analytical (SEM, AFM, NMR, XPS, Auger, XRD, ICP-OES etc.) and computational facilities
@ Recent Major Projects (Since 1999) Advanced control and monitoring of a CSTR using control network (DST) Boiling and two phase flow studies of cryogenic fluids (ISRO) Control system design using wireless devices (Honeywell Technology Solutions Ltd., Bangalore) Development of a laboratory for polymer engineering (MHRD) Development of methods for leak detection and isolation in gas pipelines (GAIL) Emission inventory and source apportionment studies of air pollutants in Chennai city (CPCB) Effect of additives on chemical mechanical planarization slurries (DST) Electrochemical characterization of copper chemical mechanical polishing for microelectronic fabrication (MHRD) Erosion modeling (CUMI Ltd.) Experimental and theoretical studies in flooding and dehydration in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (DST) Experimental verification of multiple steady states in azeotropic distillation (MHRD) Modeling propellant slurry flow during the casting of solid rocket motors (ISRO) Non metallic joint evaluation (BHEL) On-line roll gap control of reversing plate mill (SAIL) Optimization of proton exchange membrane cell stack design using advanced computational techniques (MNES) Particulate and VOC monitoring in Chennai city (SIDA) Recycling of printed circuit board materials (MHRD) Separation of Marcasite from pulverized lignite using fluidized beds (CMPDI) Simulation and optimization studies on micro fines classifier (CSIR) Surface tension driven gas-liquid flow under micro gravity conditions: Measurements and CFD predictions (ISRO) Ultrasonic cleaning (Crest Ultrasonics Inc) Ultrasonic de-stratification (ISRO) Wetting dynamics on porous and particulate solids (MHRD) BHEL – Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited CMPDI – Central Mine Planning & Design Institute CPCB – Central Pollution Control Board CSIR – Council of Scientific and Industrial Research CUMI – Carborundum Universal Limited DST – Department of Science and Technology GAIL – Gas Authority of India Limited ISRO – Indian Space Research Organization MHRD – Ministry of Human Resource Development MNES – Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources SAIL – Steel Authority of India Limited SIDA – Swedish International Development Agency Chemical Engineering IIT Madras
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras Workshop Staff: (Left to Right) R. Palanivelu, J. Desinghu, A. Joseph, K.Thirunavukkarasu Laboratory Staff: (Left to Right) K. Narayanan Rao, S. Venkatesan, D. Meganathan, K. Krishnamurthy
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras
@ Chemical Engineering IIT Madras Indian Institute of Technology Madras Vision To be an academic institution in dynamic equilibrium with its social ecological and economic environment striving continuously for excellence in education, research and technological service to the nation Mission · To create and sustain a community of learning in which students acquire knowledge and learn to apply it professionally with due consideration for ethical,ecological, and economic issues · To pursue research and disseminate research findings · To provide knowledge-based technological services to satisfy the needs of society and the industry · To help in building national capabilities in science, technology, humanities, management, education and research Quality Policy To pursue global standards of excellence in all our endeavors namely teaching, research, and consultancy and continuing education and to remain accountable in our core and support functions, through processes of self-evaluation and continuous improvement. Core Values · Develop human resources to serve the nation · Recognize teaching as a unifying activity · Nurture integrity, creativity and academic freedom · Retain a willingness to experiment with new paradigms Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai-600 036, India Phone : +91-44-2257 4150 Fax : +91-44-2257 4152 E-mail : office@che.iitm.ac.in Web : http://www.che.iitm.ac.in/