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Improve Statistical Process Control. Continuous improvement into dynamic processes. www.mynext.it. Improve MES System. Improve NeXT MES Platform Manufacturing Execution System MES Systems are strategic tools for integrated management of production processes informations
Improve Statistical Process Control • Continuous improvement into dynamic processes www.mynext.it
Improve MES System Improve • NeXT MES Platform • Manufacturing Execution System • MES Systems are strategic tools for integrated management of production processes informations • Affect considerably company's profitability • Provide information and data aggregated supporting operational decisions
Inefficiency Costs The goal of Improve System is to identify and remove the hidden costs, through the methods delivered from SPC Theory.
Objective Improve • NeXT MES Platform • Manufacturing Execution System • Provide an informatic tool to support Quality, Production and Direction Manager in the evaluation of plant efficiency and real-time quality. • Improvement Activities • Defining goals • Evaluating results
Framework Improve • NeXT MES Platform • Manufacturing Execution System • Software Agents and graphic components designed for the World Class Manufacturing • Created to follow dynamic processes, like quality systems • Integration guaranteed with the most common ERP Systems • The graphic components are arranged to provide immediatly the required information, is not the user that adapts to the system
Framework • Improve Is not a simple software, has no licences Comunicates through the Browser You can use everywhere and with any devices Statistical Process Control - SPC Application Dashboard SCADA Kanban Traciability Plant Efficiency OEE
Improve for Papermills • System and parameters Configuration • Consumption/costs analysis of raw materials • Center-Line Calendar and CIL Modules (Cleaning Inspection Lubrication) • Trace of reels produced and quality • Process capability analysis • Energy consumption monitoring and correlation with production flows • Improve
Intelligent Agents Framework Web Intelligent Platform NextGen F.D.S. Process Modeling Sub-systems configuration, setting of CIL and Center-line (process and quality C.L.)
Intelligent Agents Framework Web Intelligent Platform NextGen F.D.S. Process Modeling Setting of variables properties (source, domain, specification limits), select control chart type.
Intelligent Agents Framework Web Intelligent Platform NextGen F.D.S. Process Modeling Define control chart parameters (advanced control chart CUSUM, EWMA, EWMV) Configure simple mathematical models through elementary functions that correlate more process variables
Improve Calendar Manages the temporal flow of information • Center-line and CIL for each shift • Production Changes • Daily, weakly, monthly views
Calendar To Detection • You can Read and Write information in simple forms • Improve provides automatic data acquisition from plant DCS • Highlights the out-of-control variables
Products Quality Control Every produced reel is traced by Improve, through specific interface with ERP or production systems. Improve manages the quality controls, provides simple forms depending the working products.
Traciability of child reels Improve trace the association between mother reel and child reel. Therfore it’s possible to identify mother reel knowing child reel. Process history during production flow of a specific reel, is related to the traced unit, also cellulose and chemical consumed.
Cellulose Traciability Pulped Management • Recording the usage of fiber, tracking the lot supplier • Graphical visualization short/long fiber percentage • Development costs of short/long fiber usage
Chemicals consumption and costs Chemical consumption management • Track lots supplier • Flow monitoring • Quantitative valorization of chemicals usage • Economic valorization of chemicals usage
Energy Consumption Improve acquires the energy data through the plant DCS or through directly linked sensors distributed in specific locations Improve runs the monitoring of energy consumption and correlates energy consumption with the production flow. Thus allows to exploit precisely the energy costs for each production order.
Real-Time Analisys Real-time views in TV-LED panels of the acquired and processed data. Instantaneous views of key performance indicators and control charts.
Production Efficiency Analysis • OEE: Overall Equipment Effectiveness Availability (time) RF Performance (speed) RV Quality RQ It allows to identify and quantify the major production losses of the plant, and to monitor the efficiency of the production processes.
Process Capability Process capability Analysis • Frequency histograms and gaussianity analysis • Calculation of Cp, Cpk • Mean and standard deviation • Fish-bone diagrams, and Action Plan
Web-Oriented User Interface; very ergonimic Forms and simple to use. The usability is our first objective. Intelligent Agents Framework Web Intelligent Platform NextGen F.D.S. Tecnology NeXT Systems are based on the new Agents tecnology; an agent borns, lives and dies achieving its goal.
NeXT platform is heterogeneous. Multiples agents can live on different Operative Systems and are developed through different developer languages Intelligent Agents Framework Web Intelligent Platform NextGen F.D.S. Tecnology NeXT tecnology is integrated on opened systems; thus NeXT Systems allow to solve complex problems with high reliability and availability, optimizing the resources.
Improve Modules Price List (*) The Cloud system is optional; in each case (with or without cloud system) it’s necessary a local central unit
Our References • www.mynext.it • info@mynext.it • NeXT Srl • Via dell’Artigianato 3/A • 60030 Maiolati Spontini(AN) Commercial DepartmentGiampiero Giannonig.giannoni@mynext.ittel: 3387633786 Technical DepartmentNicola Bergantinon.bergantino@mynext.ittel: 3774246814