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Date : March 19, 2014 Topic : Fiscal Policy Aim : How does government monitor our financial standing? Do Now : Identify 2 formal methods for amending the Constitution. . 2 FORMAL WAYS. METHODS OF PROPOSAL. METHODS OF RATIFICATION. 1.) By two thirds vote in both houses of Congress.

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  1. Date: March 19, 2014Topic: Fiscal PolicyAim: How does government monitor our financial standing?Do Now: Identify 2 formal methods for amending the Constitution.

  2. 2 FORMAL WAYS METHODS OF PROPOSAL METHODS OF RATIFICATION 1.) By two thirds vote in both houses of Congress. 2.) By national constitutional convention called by Congress at the request of two thirds of the state legislatures. 1.) By legislatures in three fourths of the states. 2.) By conventions in three fourths of the states.

  3. Remember • Where do revenue bills originate? Why?

  4. DEFINITION: Fiscal Policy HOW MIGHT FISCAL POLICY BE INFLUENCED? Industries might find it easy to sell American goods. What type of policies would they want? Industries might find it difficult to sell American goods. What type of policies would they want?

  5. What is the budget? Executive Branch Impact on Fiscal Policy Where have we seen this?

  6. Legislative Branch Impact on Fiscal Policy

  7. Monetary Policy BEN BERNANKE – FED CHAIRMAN • Regulating the money supply. • Controlling inflation. • Adjusting interest rates. • What agency is primarily responsible for all of this? THE FED! Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 7 members appointed by the President – confirmed by the Senate. Serve for 14 years – Chair – 4 years. Act independent of the President and Congress.

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