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Disclaimer:. An Informal Non-CMS Approved. Heavy Ion Physics with the CMS Experiment at the LHC. Extremely Brief Overview of. David Hofman UIC. CERN Large Hadron Collider. QCD Studies at the LHC.
Disclaimer: An Informal Non-CMS Approved Heavy Ion Physics with the CMS Experimentat the LHC Extremely Brief Overview of David Hofman UIC MCM - Toledo
CERN Large Hadron Collider MCM - Toledo
QCD Studies at the LHC • Abundant production of variety of perturbatively produced high pT particles for detailed studies. • Expect a higher initial energy density state (and longer time in QGP phase?). • Initial state dominated by low-x components - possible new properties at mid-rapidity. • Extended kinematical reach for pp, pA, AA. MCM - Toledo
STAR & PHENIX PHOBOS BRAHMS Kinematics at the LHC Access to widest range of Q2 and x Z0 J/y Gluon density has to saturate at low x Saturation MCM - Toledo
Total weight : 12,500 t Overall diameter : 14.6 m Overall length : 21.6 m Magnetic field : 4 Tesla CMS Heavy-Ion Groups: Athens,Basel, Budapest, CERN, Demokritos, Dubna, Ioannina, Kiev, Kent State, Krakow, Los Alamos, Lyon, MIT, Moscow, Mumbai, N. Zealand, Protvino, PSI, Rice, Sofia, Strasbourg, U Kansas, Tbilisi, UC Davis, UC Riverside, UI Chicago, U. Iowa, Yerevan, Warsaw, Zagreb MCM - Toledo
SUPERCONDUCTING COIL The CMS Central Region CALORIMETERS ECAL HCAL Scintillating PbWO4 crystals Plastic scintillator/brass sandwich IRON YOKE TRACKER Silicon Microstrips and Pixels MUON ENDCAPS MUON BARREL Drift Tube Resistive Plate Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) Chambers (DT) Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) Chambers (RPC) MCM - Toledo
Central Region PID Tracking + Ecal + Hcal + Muons for |h|<2.4 Heavy-Ions get this for “free” MCM - Toledo
Forward Region Coverage Heavy-Ion Group Contributes Here ZDC EM (5.3 < < 6.7) HAD ZDC (z = 140 m) Beams (8.3 < ||) CASTOR MCM - Toledo (5.3 < h < 6.4)
ZDC Simulations Megan Lehnherr, Michael Murray, Chadd Smith + Daniel Elvira, Boaz Klima Early product of FNAL LHC Physics Center 1 TeV Neutron hits ZDC MCM - Toledo
Summary: CMS Detector Coverage Large range of hermeticcoverage: Tracker, muons || < 2.4 ECAL + HCAL || < 3 Forward HCAL 3 < || < 5 CASTOR 5.3 < || < 6.4 ZDC MCM - Toledo Unique forward, low x capability
CMS as a Detector for Heavy-Ion Physics • DAQ and Trigger • High rate capability for A+A, p+A, p+p • High Level Trigger capable of full reconstruction of most HI events in real time • Fine Grained High Resolution Calorimeter • Hermetic coverage up to |h|<5 • (|h|<7 proposed using CASTOR) • Zero Degree Calorimeter (proposed) • Tracking m from Z0, J/, • Wide rapidity range |h|<2.4 • σm ~50 MeV at (barrel) • Silicon Tracker • Good efficiency and low fake rate for pT>1 GeV • Pixel occupancy at 1-2% level even in Pb+Pb • Excellent momentum resolution Dp/p~2% for pT<25 GeV and higher m chambers ECAL Fully functional at highest expected multiplicities Detailed studies at dNch/dh ~3000-5000 and cross-checks at 7000-8000 Si Tracker including Pixels HCAL MCM - Toledo
Heavy Ion Physics Program in CMS Soft physics and global event characterization • Charged particle multiplicity • Azimuthal asymmetry (Flow) • Centrality • Spectra + Correlations – 0, direct photons, decay topology High pT Probes • Quarkonia (J/, ) and heavy quarks (bb) • High pT Jets - detailed studies of jet fragmentation, centrality dependence, azimuthal asymmetry, flavor dependence, leading particle studies • High energy photons, Z0 • Leading particle correlations a la RHIC • jet-, jet-Z0, multijet events Forward Physics • Limiting Fragmentation, Saturation, Color Glass Condensate • Ultra Peripheral Collisions • Exotica MCM - Toledo
Current UIC Group Status • As of 1.5 weeks ago, PHOBOS is essentially dismantled • Group will finish physics analyses currently underway. • Olga joining UIC • will continue in STAR. • Transition of PHOBOS effort to CMS and STAR • STAR Activities: • Lead by Olga. • CMS Activities: • ZDC, Trigger (modification of L1 to run for PbPb), Exploring T+1second Physics Analyses. MCM - Toledo
CMS @ LHC is Starting to Get Real • Heavy Ion Physics TDR • Volume I, behavior of detector in HI environment (due end of 2005) • Volume II: Two selected full analyses (due mid-2006): • Test Beam run for ZDC in Summer 2006 • First beam(s?) in LHC Summer/Fall 2007 • First Physics 2008 MCM - Toledo
CMS Experimental Area Overview MCM - Toledo
From CMS Status Report M. Della Negra – USCMS Collaboration Meeting, 11apr05 Surface Control Room MCM - Toledo
CMS Magnet • 1 Mar 05: Ceremony for Completion. • All major industrial contracts for the Magnet now completed. • All 5 coil modules connected • Q1-06: Magnet Test and ‘Cosmics Challenge’ MCM - Toledo
End-Cap Muons MCM - Toledo
From the Spokesperson’s Conclusion Slide • CMS* initial detector will be ready and closed for beam on 1 July 2007. *ECAL endcaps and pixels will be installed during winter 2007 shutdown in time for physics run in 2008 MCM - Toledo