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This presentation outlines the rationale, methodology, vision, and strategic imperatives of a Tourism Human Resources Development (THRD) Strategy. It includes objectives, initiatives, and programs aimed at enhancing human capital in the tourism sector.
Rationale for Tourism HRD Strategy • There is a lack of service culture and ethos in the sector and in the country in general. • People development is fundamental to the success of public , private organizations and enterprises. • It seeks to ensure that people are capable of undertaking their responsibilities. • Ensure a sustainable supply of talent to the organizations. • It seeks to ensure that the sector is able to generate and sustain its human capital needs. • Skills development is able to keep pace with the growth in tourism
Methodology for Strategy Development • To assess the status of Tourism Human Resources Development (THRD) in the sector and determine the needs. • To identify strategic focus areas for THRD that are responsive to the tourism growth strategy and the overall strategic development framework. • To review the focus of the tourism industry and ensure that the THRD strategy is responsive to the Sector’s strategic priorities. • Alignment of the THRD with the National Human Resources Development Strategy. • Outline a comprehensive 5-year THRD strategy . • To present an action plan and an implementation guide for the adoption and roll out of the strategy in the sector.
Vision for Strategy …Sustained and efficient human capital formation to grow a service-oriented and world class tourism destination …
Strategic Imperatives/Objectives for HRD in Tourism • A Service Ethos and Tourism Culture. • Strengthening the Educational Foundation or Building Human Capital in the Sector. • Promoting Quality and Consistency in Training. • Commitment, Collaboration and Joint Action to Minimize Fragmentation. Training Interventions Designed to Foster Transformation. • Strengthen Private Sector Partnerships and Participation in Policy. • Consolidating and Streamlining Disparate Initiatives into more Coherent and Articulated Structures.
Strategic Imperatives/Objectives for HRD in Tourism • Ensure demand-led planning in skills development. • Building competence in Tourism Management and Leadership in public and private sector. • Incentive-driven promotion of HRD for the sector. • Building core and generic competencies as a stimulus for change. • Building capacity in communities to assess, value and manage tourism assets (building a tourism culture)
Strategic Initiatives • National Tourism Careers Expo • Educators seminar • National Tourism Leadership Dialogue • Tourism Service Excellence Initiative • National Tourism Ambassador Programme • Thematic Capacity Building (chefs, guides, foreign language etc.) • Tourism curriculum review • Address matters related to conditions of employment (decent work)
1. National Tourism Career Expo • Serves as a platform • to promote tourism as the career and profession of choice to the youth and industry as an employer of choice to job seekers • exchange of ideas, interests, need, requirements by both the industry and the education sector • Is the premier Tourism Human Resource Development event in the country • NTCE hosted twice (08 and 09) by NDT, DEDT-KZN & THETA Partnership with a sum total of 29 000 participants and 100 exhibitors • Additional arenas : • recruitment clinic • Adventure • Conservation
2. Educator Seminars Serves as an annual recruitment & preparatory platform of educators & learners to attend the NTCE. Also serves as a platform to share information & latest developments with educators tourism & hospitality education & training issues Creates a platform for educators to advise NDT of their needs and challenges Led to the initiation of educator placement programme in industry workplaces for experiential learning. An average of three sessions held in each province with an average of 35 educators attending, including those in rural areas
4. Tourism / Hospitality Schools Survey Marked decline of new entrants into Hospitality Colleges / Hotel Schools reported in 2008. Lack of clearly defined career path sighted as a challenge. Industry perceived as uncompetitive in terms of remuneration. Capacity of educators in schools in terms of tourism curriculum also identified as a challenge. Emphasised on collaboration amongst stakeholders
5. Tourism Volunteer and Ambassador Training NDT partnered with FIFA 2010 World Cup Organising Committee (OC) to train recruited volunteers on Know Your Country – Know Your City module developed by NDT. Since 2008 the programme has trained in excess of 20 000 volunteers NDT also facilitated the appointment of Hospitality Assistants for 2009 Confederation Cup and 2010 World Cup. 210 Tourism Ambassadors where trained on SA Host Customer Service Programme and provinces were encouraged to continue doing so for the World Cup and beyond. Volunteers & Ambassadors assist participants during events with critical tourism and other related information sought by visitors.
6. Training Opportunities Domestically and Internationally • Partnership with the Deputy President`s Office on placement of unemployed graduates established. • 64 unemployed tourism graduates placed at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Canada for experiential learning on hotel management. • NDT provided Hospitality Youth Initiative with its database of unemployed graduates for their 3 months placement preparatory training • 32 youth from Gauteng are undergoing experiential learning at the City Lodge Hotel Group • 102 Tourist Guides and frontline staff were trained on French, German, Spanish, Portuguese during 2009, • The project was implemented in partnership with Department of International Cooperation & Organisation (DICO) • About 40 tourist guides were placed in Spain for a period of 4 weeks during 2009
7. Tourism Leadership Dialogue This is a dialogue platform for industry captains from both public & private sector to discuss pertinent industry issues affecting industry growth and development. It has been successfully held on a quarterly basis since September 2008 with the sixth session held in March 2010 It has drawn interest to an average of 50 participants per session It has led to Football Fridays Southern Sun idea being adopted by the sector and the eventually the whole country followed suite. Minister`s round table discussions was also held with the Captain of the industry to discuss and provide strategic leadership
9. Tourism Service Excellence Initiative (TSEI) NDT launched Tourism Service Strategy during the Annual National Tourism Conference held in 2008. The strategy has five implementation pillars namely: Research & information; upskillling; public awareness; standards setting, monitoring & measurement; and feedback mechanisms Key industry stakeholders and the public sector signed a pledge committing to the provision of an excellent service through out the tourism value chain The Research phase was conducted in 2009 with the view to ascertain the levels and standards of service in South Africa.
9. Tourism Service Excellence Initiative (TSEI) • Research report with recommendation finalised. • Upskilling phase with a specific focus on front line staff underway. • 250 000 frontline to be trained before the World Cup • 200 Training Service Providers to be trained on train the trainer • Public awareness campaigns will be implemented in 2010 and the rest of the pillars will be implemented moving forward. • Tourism Service Excellence Initiative will be one of the tourism legacy projects.
10. Monitoring of THETA Sector Skills Plan (SSP) Entered into an MOU with THETA in 2006 to enable monitoring of SSP implementation by NDT NDT represented in THETA board and Chamber Committees for oversight and monitoring purposes
Key Performance Areas • Provision of decent work within the tourism sector* • To provide excellent people development within the tourism sector targeting young people** • To ensure competitiveness of the sector***
Key Performance Area - Deliver world class visitor experience