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I nternational Ne twork on Br ief I nterventions for A lcohol Problems INEBRIA Heather N, Gual A, Anderson P, Obot, I, Segura L & Colom J Supported by WHO and the Health Department of the Government of Catalonia in Barcelona. Background
International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol ProblemsINEBRIAHeather N, Gual A, Anderson P, Obot, I, Segura L & Colom JSupported by WHO and the Health Department of the Government of Catalonia in Barcelona Background Following on from Phase IV of the WHO Collaborative Project on Identification and Management of Alcohol-related Problems in Primary Health Care and related projects, a group of researchers have got together to form an international network of people interested in promoting alcohol screening and brief interventions across the world. Aim To promote wide implementation of brief interventions in a variety of settings for hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption at local, national and international levels. Objectives To share information, experiences, research findings and expertise in the area of alcohol brief interventions. To facilitate training on brief interventions and provide assistance to countries and institutions to adapt and implement brief interventions, particularly with regard to the transfer of knowledge and technology from high income to low income countries. To promote best practice and develop guidelines for the wide dissemination and implementation of brief interventions. To identify gaps and needs for research in the field of alcohol brief interventions, promote international research co-operation and set standards for research in this field. To integrate the study of brief interventions with the wider context of measures to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm. To pay particular attention to the needs of young people in relation to alcohol brief interventions. Who can participate and how Membership is open: to any individual with demonstrated experience in the area of brief interventions for alcohol problems, either from undertaking research or having implemented interventions in one or more settings. to any individual with a bona fide and active interest in conducting research on or implementing in practice alcohol brief interventions to individuals (not institutions) although individuals may be recognised as representing their institution’s interest in alcohol brief interventions. Further information about INEBRIA is available from Nick Heather nick.heather@unn.ac.uk • Inaugural Conference of INEBRIA • (International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems) • Barcelona, 20-21 October, 2004 • Co-sponsored by the World Health Organization and the Health Department of the Government of Catalonia • Speakers include Peter Anderson, Tom Babor, Javier Ballesteros, Kristen Barry, Mats Berglund, Cheryl Cherpitel, Joan Colom, Antoni Gual, Nick Heather, Stuart Linke, Leo Pas, Jim McCambridge, Isidore Obot, Alicia Rodriguez Martos and Kaija Seppa. • Conference will include presentations on: • Economic evaluation of brief interventions, Theory of brief interventions, and The use of new technologies to Brief Interventions. • Several symposiums are also planned: • Brief Interventions in a Range of Settings (primary health care settings, accident and emergency departments, general hospitals and educational establishments) • Brief Interventions around the World : BI experiences from Brazil, Spain, South Africa, USA and Europe will be presented and discussed. • Implementing Brief Interventions in Real-world Settings. A general discussion led by a panel of discussants • More details of the conference from Lidia Segura lidia.segura@gencat.net