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N A T I O N A L O C E A N I C A N D A T M O S P H E R I C A D M I N I S T R A T I O N. NESDIS WELCOME SUOMI NPP SDR Product Review. Mike Haas, NOAA/NESDIS October 24 2012. This Is Important. NESDIS and NOAA appreciate what you have done, are doing, and will do

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  1. N A T I O N A L O C E A N I C A N D A T M O S P H E R I C A D M I N I S T R A T I O N NESDIS WELCOMESUOMI NPP SDR Product Review Mike Haas, NOAA/NESDIS October 24 2012

  2. This Is Important • NESDIS and NOAA appreciate what you have done, are doing, and will do • The name Suomi makes you think of doing new things in remote sensing • S-NPP is a bridge to new opportunities, new products, and some significant leaps in capabilities • The quality of the SDRs you are working on allows their use in operational products • The state of the U.S. LEO-constellation has transformed S-NPP from a risk reduction, climate continuity mission to a mission that provides data used in operations • Becomes very important as the next operational U.S. satellite will launch in 2017 • Dual benefit as S-NPP also provides climate quality data that can continue the data record begun by Terra and Aqua • While not a part of this meeting directly, we are also excited about the follow on step to SDRs, EDRs

  3. Hurricane Issac at night

  4. The Aurora

  5. Suomi NPP VIIRS and OMPS This image is a combination of a S-NPP VIIRS RGB image with OMPS aerosol index data for September 17, 2012, which shows the smoke over the U.S. moving over the Midwest and stretching all the way to the Mid-Atlantic, with additional smoke appearing over Australia due to may wildfires burning there.

  6. Wrap Up • The work you are doing is important to the U.S. and the world environmental community • Highly accurate, timely SDRs will benefit safety, the economy, and quality of life • As our users develop more sophisticated products, we will be able to support them better with these more sophisticated SDRs • From my boss, Mary Kizca, thanks for all you are doing and have a great review

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