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Day 6: Non-Experimental & Experimental Design

Day 6: Non-Experimental & Experimental Design. Where are the beakers??. What kind of research is considered the “gold standard” by the Institute of Education Sciences? Descriptive Causal-Comparative Correlational Experimental Why?.

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Day 6: Non-Experimental & Experimental Design

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  1. Day 6: Non-Experimental & Experimental Design Where are the beakers??

  2. What kind of research is considered the “gold standard” by the Institute of Education Sciences? • Descriptive • Causal-Comparative • Correlational • Experimental • Why?

  3. Why does most educational research use non-experimental designs?

  4. What is the purpose of non-experimental designs?

  5. Causal-Comparative Example • Green & Jaquess (1987) • Interested in the effect of high school students’ part-time employment on their academic achievement. • Sample: 477 high school juniors who were unemployed or employed > 10 hours/wk.

  6. Causal-Comparative Design • A study in which the researcher attempts to determine the cause, or reason, for pre-existing differences in groups of individuals • At least two different groups are compared on a dependent variable or measure of performance (called the “effect”) because the independent variable (called the “cause”) has already occurred or cannot be manipulated

  7. Causal-Comparative Design • Ex-post facto • Causes studied after they have exerted their effect on another variable.

  8. Causal-Comparative Design • Drawbacks • Difficult to establish causality based on collected data. • Unmeasured variables (confounding variables) are always a source of potential alternative causal explanations.

  9. Some Thought Questions…

  10. Correlational Design • Determines whether and to what degree a relationship exists between two or more quantifiable variables.

  11. Correlational Design • The degree of the relationship is expressed as a coefficient of correlation • Examples • Relationship between math achievement and math attitude • Relationship between degree of a school’s racial diversity and student use of stereotypical language • Your topics?

  12. Correlation coefficient… -1.00 0.00 +1.00 strong positive strong negative no relationship

  13. Advantages of Correlational Design • Analysis of relationships among a large number of variables in a single study • Information about the degree of the relationship between the variables being studied

  14. Cautions • A relationship between two variables does not mean one causes the other (Think about the reading achievement and body weight correlations) • Possibility of low reliability of the instruments makes it difficult to identify relationships

  15. Cautions • Lack of variability in scores (e.g. everyone scoring very, very low; everyone scoring very, very high; etc.) makes it difficult to identify relationships • Large sample sizes and/or using many variables can identify significant relationships for statistical reasons and not because the relationships really exist (Avoid shotgun approach)

  16. Cautions • Need to identify your sample to know what is actually being compared. • If using predictor variables, time interval between collecting the predictor and criterion variable data is important.

  17. Correlational Designs • Guidelines for interpreting the size of correlation coefficients • Much larger correlations are needed for predictions with individuals than with groups • Crude group predictions can be made with correlations as low as .40 to .60 • Predictions for individuals require correlations above .75

  18. Correlational Designs • Guidelines for interpreting the size of correlation coefficients • Exploratory studies • Correlations of .25 to .40 indicate the need for further research • Much higher correlations are needed to confirm or test hypotheses

  19. Correlational Designs • Criteria for evaluating correlational studies • Causation should not be inferred from correlational studies • Practical significance should not be confused with statistical significance • The size of the correlation should be sufficient for the use of the results (individuals vs groups)

  20. Think… • If you were going to take your action research topic, and create a causal-comparative study, what would it look like? --OR-- • If you were going to take your action research project, and create a correlational study, what would it look like?

  21. Experimental Design The Gold Standard?

  22. To Review • Why is most educational research comprised of non-experimental research designs?

  23. To Review • What is the purpose of non-experimental research?

  24. To Review • How does the independent variable function in non-experimental research?

  25. To Review • Can non-experimental research claim causality?

  26. An example • Read the example given in class and in pairs respond to the questions

  27. Experimental Research • Purpose • To make causal inferences about the relationship between the independent and dependent variables • Characteristics • Direct manipulation of the independent variable • Control of extraneous variables

  28. Experimental Designs • Single Group Post-test • Single Group Pre-test Post-test • Non-Equivalent Groups Post-test • Quasi-Experimental Design • Randomized Post-test only • Randomized Pre-test Post-test • Factorial • Examples

  29. Experimental Validity • Internal validity • The extent to which the independent variable, and not other extraneous variables, produced the observed effect on the dependent variable • External validity • The extent to which the results are generalizable

  30. Internal Validity • Threats that reduce the level of confidence in any causal conclusions • Key Question: Is this a plausible threat to the internal validity of the study?

  31. Threats to Internal Validity • History • Extraneous events have an effect on the subjects’ performance on the dependent variable • Ex - The crash of the stock market, 9-11, the invasion of Iraq, etc. • Selection • Groups that are initially not equal due to differences in the subjects in those groups • Ex - Positive and negative attitudes, high and low achievers, etc.

  32. Threats to Internal Validity • Maturation • Changes experienced within the subject over time • Pretesting • The effect of having taken a pretest • Instrumentation • Poor technical quality (i.e. validity, reliability) or changes in instrumentation

  33. Threats to Internal Validity • Subject attrition • Differential loss of subjects from groups • Statistical regression • The natural movement of extreme scores toward the mean • Diffusion of treatment • The treatment is given to the control group • Experimenter effects • Different characteristics or expectations of those implementing the treatments across groups

  34. Threats to Internal Validity • Subject effects • The effects of being aware that one is involved in a study • Four types • Hawthorne effect • John Henry effect • Resentful demoralization • Novelty effect

  35. Internal Validity • Key Point: Ultimately, validity is a matter of judgment. Ask if it is reasonable that possible threats are likelyto affect the results.

  36. External Validity • The extent to which results can be generalized from a sample to a particular population. • Question – Why would really good internal validity often result in poor external validity?

  37. External Validity • Factors affecting external validity • Subjects • Representativeness of the sample in comparison to the population • Personal characteristics of the subjects • Situations - characteristics of the setting • Specific environment • Special situation • Particular school

  38. External Validity • Importance of explanation of sampling procedures

  39. Experimental Designs • Single Group Post-test • Single Group Pre-test Post-test – Libby, Deb • Non-Equivalent Groups Post-test – Mary, Cheryl • Quasi-Experimental Design – Pete, Laura • Randomized Post-test only – Amanda, Nicole, Tam • Randomized Pre-test Post-test – Karen, Jen, Justin • Examples

  40. Your Task • Based on the topic of your proposal, design an experimental study using the design you were assigned. • Write a research question and hypothesis. • Sketch out the methods. • Identify strengths and weaknesses of each design.

  41. Experimental Designs • Notation • R indicates random selection or random assignment • O indicates an observation • Test • Observation score • Scale score • X indicates a treatment • A, B, C, ... indicates a group

  42. Pre-Experimental Designs • No pre-experimental design controls internal validity threats well • Single group pretest only • A X O • Internal validity threats • History, maturation, attrition, experimenter effects, subject effects, and instrumentation are viable threats • Useful only when the research is sure of the status of the knowledge, skill, or attitude being changed and there are no extraneous variables affecting the results

  43. Pre-Experimental Designs • Single group pretest post-test • A O X O • Internal validity threats • Maturation and pretesting are threats • History and instrumentation are potential threats • Useful when subject effects will not influence the results, history effects can be minimized, and multiple pretests and post-tests are used

  44. Pre-Experimental Designs • Non-equivalent groups post-test only • A X O B O • Internal validity threats • Definite Threat: Selection • Potential Threats: History, maturation, and instrumentation • Useful when groups are comparable and subjects can be assumed to be about the same at the beginning of the study

  45. Quasi-Experimental Designs • Types • Non-equivalent pretest/post-test, experimental control groups • A O X O B O O • Non-equivalent pretest/post-test, multiple treatment groups • A O X1 O B O X2 O • Useful when subjects are in pre-existing groups (e.g. classes, schools, teams, etc.)

  46. Quasi-Experimental Designs • Threats to internal validity • Selection is the major concern • Likely to control for most other threats, provided the groups are not significantly different from one another • See Table 9.2 for specific threats related to each design

  47. True Experimental Designs • Important terminology • Random assignment • Subjects placed into groups by random • Ensures equivalency of the groups • Random selection of subjects • Subjects chosen from population by random • Ensures generalizability to the population from which the subjects were selected (i.e. external validity)

  48. True Experimental Designs • Types • Randomized post-test only experimental control groups • R A X O R B O • Randomized post-test only multiple treatment groups • R A X1 O R B X2 O

  49. True Experimental Designs • Types (continued) • Randomized pretest/post-test multiple treatment groups • R A O X1 O R B O X2 O • Randomized pretest/post-test experimental control groups • R A O X O R B O O

  50. True Experimental Designs • Threats to internal validity • Controls for selection, maturation, and statistical regression • Likely to control for most other threats • See Table 9.2 for specific threats related to each design

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