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Consulting Work: South of the Border - Mexico

Consulting Work: South of the Border - Mexico. Jesús Lau, Ph.D. jlau@uv.mx www.jesuslau.com www.uv.mx/bvirtual Director, USBI VER Library, and Coordinator, UV Virtual Library Universidad Veracruzana /DGB, Boca del Río, Veracruz, México

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Consulting Work: South of the Border - Mexico

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  1. Consulting Work: South of the Border - Mexico Jesús Lau, Ph.D. jlau@uv.mx www.jesuslau.com www.uv.mx/bvirtual Director, USBI VER Library, and Coordinator, UV Virtual Library Universidad Veracruzana /DGB, Boca del Río, Veracruz, México The Challenges Associated with Consulting Work Outside North America:   A panel Discussion – LMD/Consulting Section,Special Libraries Association Conference, June 7, 2005 (Tuesday) 1:30-15:00 PM

  2. How to Identify a Consultant • There are some consulting companies • You may find additional professional expertise needed at universities • Library/Infomation especialists are mainly in big cities • Identify them in conferences • There are no directories • Potential consultants may have another full- time job

  3. Expressing Your Need • Specify well what you need • Language becomes more important once messages go across borders • Spanish technical terms may differ from English ones • Be aware that data you require may not be readily available

  4. Factors to Take into Account • Data in many cases is not available • Often consultancy requests require field work • Reference works are scarce • Telecomunications are not available in smaller towns

  5. Consultancy Market • Clients/Consultants lack information about one each other when going international • Pricing could be difficult to estimate • Some overheads may be higher • Specify the amount you are willing to pay

  6. Consultants • IMAC – www.imac.org/general/Qs.htm • ICI – www.iciweb.com.mx • Asesores Químicos Especializados – www.aqe.com.mx • CUIB UNAM – www.unam.mx • Different information professionals

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