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Guidelines & Deadlocks

Guidelines & Deadlocks. 'PMOC National' network. Videoconferencing. Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014. e - GoV Task Force. . G overnment O n- L ine. B2G B2A B2B B2C. G2G G2B G2C. A2A A2C. C2C. Contents :-. e-Conferencing e-Government e-Administration e-Business e-Commerce

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Guidelines & Deadlocks

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  1. Guidelines & Deadlocks 'PMOC National' network Videoconferencing Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014

  2. e - GoV Task Force  Government On-Line B2G B2A B2B B2C G2G G2B G2C A2A A2C C2C Contents :- e-Conferencing e-Government e-Administration e-Business e-Commerce e-Buzz e-Policy e-…. Goal :  Net-GoVernment  GOVernment Markup Langage (GOVML,XML, SGML,…) Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014

  3. Goal VPN ‘WDM’ Autonomous Infrastructure “PMOC National” network strike putsch New technology (IPv6,VoIP, Online..) High-bandwidth (Giga/Tera) IP-Broadband + Multicast Multipoint to Multipoint Interconnect with IO no Bottleneck High-Security High-QoS ROI Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014

  4. CONCEPT MODEL ‘‘PMOCBROADBAND NATIONAL NETWORK ’’MULTIMEDIA, MULTIRATE &MULTICASTCOMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENTS Back Office Front Office e  eGOV Executive Operation Center IN & Multicast Applications Servers Display Wall Multimedia & Multivideo Control Rooms Services provider GOVML,GFMIS,… VoD - ViC Video/VisioConference System Services Plateforms Software factories XML / H.323 / MCU Multipoint Conferencing Unit / Multicast Protocol NGS Local Administration Organisation MCU Goverments Municipalities MCU DOC Department network Ministries Prefectures Authentication agency CEO CEO Ministries Cabinet Municipalities MOC National administration network POC Provincial administration network MCU PoP Employers Special Agencies PMOC Global administration Network PMOC Global administration network CEO MCU MCU Ministries Bank of Thailand Financial Institutions MCU Parliament TOT Incumbant Network Net-GoVernment/Conferencing Network VPN Control #7 SG MGC PSTN ISDN xDSL ISP IPv4 ATM IPngIP++/JQ ATM IPv6 Multicast BAS IP over ATM Multicast Network ATM / IP NGN IP only SDH 2G TRANSIT SDH 3G s dxc SDH eGOV WDM ++ S oxc WDM lj WDM eGOV  WDM l i VNT Network NGT Yada Banomyong 27/08/2014

  5. Next – GenerationDisplay Wall“eGov-PMOC” project(PrimeMinisters Operation Center) Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014

  6. Model « IN* » Conception modelComposition of management services principles e-'G…' e-'A…' Contents Management Service 1 MS1 MS2 MSa Management Domain 1 MSC2 MSC1 MSC3 MSC4 MSC5 MSCi Application 1 Application n MAFn MAF3 MAF4 MAF1 MAF2 MAF5 Shared Function FEx Specific Functions FE1 FE3 FE2 FE4 MOo Shared resource Element in the library * ‘IN’ Intelligent Network Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014

  7. MS “Fault Management”(ex: ITU Model) • MSC composing this MS: • Alarm interface • Alarm configuration • Alarm processing & correlation • Alarm dissemination • Alarm event logging • Fault localisation • Path recovery • MAF contained in MSC « Alarm event logging » • Received/Send alarm history • Request alarm history • Request performance alarm history • Read/write event log • Other MS related through • Accounting • Performance management Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014

  8. Global architecture “Net-GoVernment” Video, Visio, Audio, TV, Data, VPN, … Services IPv6 (G-MPLS) Network Infrastructure ATM SDH Dark Fiber Ethernet Transport Infrastructure DWDM Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014

  9. Vision of IP Evolution Future Modele IN NGS OTN (, ƒ, s) JQ G-MPLS NGT IP ATM NGN QoS IP++ IP new generation (RFC 1752) IPng = Present MPLS IPv6 IPNG IP Next Generation NGI Next Generation Internet Streaming Mode (Audio,Video,Data) IPv5 IPV4 Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014

  10. IPv6Main technical improved features • Addressing space 32 to 128 bits • Hierarchical addressing structure (Country, Operator, Sites, LAN, Host,…) • Multicast (Class D) & Routing  • Auto-configuration feature in Nodes ‘Plug and Play’ (DHCP not needed  Dual DNS) • Mobility (for end-user –“SPOT” mobile problem) • Security (NAT not needed) • QoS (Traffic priority)   no Error, Delay, Flow, Congestion, Sequency,… controls Not completed Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014

  11. Multicast types Bidirectional Multipoint Point-to-multipoint “Broadcasting” - Centralize Unicast (Router) Anycast Multicast (Router) . Inter / Intra Multi-domain . Multi-homing  no Broadcast (TV)  Multipoint-to-point “Data collection” Multipoint-to-multipoint “Conferencing” - Distributed ‘Collision manager’  TBD Random access (ALOHA, CSMA-CD,..) Token (IEEE) Polling TDMA Handshaking (X-coop Protocol) etc,… Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014

  12. Scope of ITU/IETF Multicast Conference & Collisionmanagement MCU IPv6 Multicast (National Level) pt – mpt (Broadcasting) mpt – pt (Data Collection) mpt – mpt (Conferencing) MCU MS SV MS * *  SV SV  Conference 1 Conference n IPv4/6 (Regiona Level) Broadcast TV Multicast Video Unicast Video Anycast Video MCU * * Centralized Side Decentralized Side pt – mpt (Multicast) (Local Level) IPv6/4 Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014 Unicast Visio

  13. Solutions breakdownFor Videoconference over ‘IP’ Yada Banomyong – 31/05/1995

  14. Bidirectional Multipoint Communication Issues Broadcast Link with summed backward channel R1 S R2 A N D Return Channel In-band / Out-band Rn Yada Banomyong – 31/05/1995

  15. Bidirectional Multipoint Communication Issues COLLISION DETECTION F Packet 1 F CRC1 F Packet 2 F CRC2 F F ERROR CRC2 Yada Banomyong – 31/05/1995

  16. Bidirectional Multipoint Communication Issues Access protocols performance Response Time Efficiency Yada Banomyong – 31/05/1995

  17. Bidirectional Multipoint Communication Issues • Protocols • Monochannel protocol (out band) • SynchronisationWAY • Mixed network / tandem • Multipoint bi-directional protocols (in band) • CALO-EASTON protocol • METZ NEQ protocol • GOPAL protocol • N-WAY (iso) protocol • HSC protocol • S-CDMA protocol Yada Banomyong – 31/05/1995

  18. FC IP STM-16/64/256 OPTICAL SUPPORT SHARING CONCEPT DXC ATM 155M ADM 16 LT STM 16 LT 2.5G 1c SDH transport layer 2.5G 2.5G OXC l 1 ln=2.5/10G OADM OADM WDM Ring Backbone network LT WDM WDM Ring Access Network MUX Ring Access Network WDM WDM WDM WDM FDF FDF n x 2.5/10 G OXC OADM OXC OADM W D M W D M W D M W D M W D M W D M Q3 NML WDM WDM LT WDM WDM ° ° Wavelenght layer 1b  FDF Star Ring Ring TOT CAT MEA SRT FDF  OPTICAL BLSR FDF Dark Fiber layer EGAT PEA 1a Yada Banomyong 1/9/1998

  19. Traffic “LSP” hierarchy in G-MPLS Domain VPN-SDH over OTN-TNEP  LSPi  Grooming Fibre 1 (16-256) 1 (2.5-40Gb) DWDM Cable (8-1024 Fibers) Ports switching FC/GE Fibre n Wavebands Switching “FSC/FXC/OXC” GFP  m Wavelengths Switching “LSC/XC/OXC” IP-Core VC-12/4/5 “ SDH/DXC” SDL Layer 2 “POS” ATM “PSC” TDM WDM SDM LSP = Label Switched Paths OTN = Optical Transport Network G-MPLS = Generalized Multi Protocol Label Switching Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014

  20. Multipoint & Multicast Videoconferencing networks Internet Providers IPS ISP ISP IPS ViC Video-Audio Subnet-N Data Subnet - x ‘GIX’ GR4 MOC Multicast/Domain ‘m’ GR6 S-ATM MCU 2 fibers (OUPSR) S-ATM ° OADM WDM network ° WDM network (IPv4/v6 over OTN/WDM) Multipoint P 1 GR6 GR4 DWDM DWDM 2 GR4 GR6 S-ATM Video-Auiio Subnet -A 3 DWDM DWDM MCU MCU MCU ACC GR6 ViC S-ATM GR6 DOC Multicast/Domain ‘d’ P GR4 POC Multicast/Domain ‘p’ GR4 ATM 155 GE GW Video-Audio Subnet-B Data Subnet - y VLAN Site Video-Audio Subnet-I ViC Multimedia Subnet - z IPS PE • ISP ISP AMX ISP ISP ISP IP ISP ViC  LAN GR4/6 = Giga Router v4/v6 = P ACC = ATM Switch AMX = ATM Mux GIX = Global Internet eXchange IP Phone Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014

  21. Modelisation open market “IP Broadband” Internet International (WWW) network Access Local (LLU) network Aggregation Regional (ATM/IP) network Transport National (IP) network 99.9%90% IO (Loop Provider) Unbundling OLO NAP NSP ISP (option 1) 99.9%85% IO (ADSL Line Provider -Access Provider) IAP OLO NSP ISP (option 3) 80%60% IO Bitstream ISP (option 5) Evolution reduction price  30% Yada Banomyong - 8/27/2014

  22. M D F IO/ILEC FULL UNBUNDLED ACCESS Copper L E X PSTN / ISDN Voice IO OLO/CLEC L E X Local Loop Unbundling LLUB PSTN / ISDN I A D Voice OLO 10BT / ATM25 ADSL SDSL VDSL PSTN / ISDN Voice T G L E X V5.2 Voice VoIP Copper mD uS lL tA iM ATM / (IPv6) STM 1/4 mA sM cX Voice/data Internet Data PB EA S CE Data (FE/GE) IO = Incumbent Operator OLO = Other Licensed Operator ILEC = Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier CLEC = Competitive Local Exchange Carrier Colocation IO Yada Banomyong 27/08/2014

  23. Colocation OLO equipments inside the IO building Central Office (IO) L E X FULL UNBUNDLED T G CPE digital Incumbant Operator Room H D F F D F mD 0S dL eA mM T A S A M X F D F M D F MODEM Unbundled Loop Incumbant Operator Room SP (OLO) Voice L E X I W F PCM digital H D F OLO Tie Cable T A S mD oS dL eA mM F D F A D M F D F Data New Operator Colocated & Cohabitated Room SHARE UNBUNDLED Incumbant Operator Room M D F IO analog Voice L E X MODEM Box SP Unbundled Loop SP OLO (OLO) A M X ATM H D F Tie Cable OLO T A S mD oS dL eA mM F D F B A S Data IP R T TAS : Test Access Switch (ADSL Line Test) AMX : ATM - MUX New Operator Colocated Room Yada Banomyong 27/08/2014

  24. SHARED UNBUNDLING ACCESS AND NETWORKIP – BROADBAND SOLUTION CLIENTS Narrowband Network PSTN / ISDN T E X SG IP TRANSPORT NETWORK Core MODEM PSTN / ISDN MODEM Data N A S T G IP E T2 L E X L E X Voice I C Content servers IO PPV DVB VoD Server O S S Regionals IO OLO USERS (#7) Areas B A S ISP i INTERNET Edge Broadband Network MGC I S P 1 D S L A M H E Voice ATM /IPv6/Ether Access NETWORK A X C D R M 1 10 National A G ADSL ACCESS NETWORK IP/ATM TRANSPORT NETWORK Core ISP j NETWORK MODEM D S L A M B A S P o P FE GE FE GE STM 4 A M X A C C A M X PE PE CE STM4 SP SP IS W E b Video 50 VPN k D S L A M Data I S P IO OLO / IO B A S P A S A A A Modem Interface 41 LAC 17 Unbundling (option 1) Collect ADSL Access Area Level ADSL Transport PVC ATM Access (option 3) ADSL Lines / ADSL Connect ATM R egional Level Service Provider IP Services Reselling subscription (option 5) ADSL / IP Collect National Level Yada Banomyong 24/12/2003

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