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Topic. Group4: Comparisons of American and Australian English. The origin of Australian English. 17 th : A group of English Puritans come to North America. 1776: After American independence, Scholars have advocated their own language.

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  1. Topic Group4: Comparisons of American and Australian English

  2. The origin of Australian English 17th : A group of English Puritans come to North America. 1776: After American independence, Scholars have advocated their own language. 1806: Webster proposed American English. 1828: Webster write to American Englishdictionary. After World war two, Dominance of the United States gain the whole world, since then, American language is become an important world language now.

  3. The origin of Australian English In 1778, UK’s navy captured Sydney in eastern of Australia. It is a colony. In the 18th century they also speak Australian slangs In 1840, the United States and Asia that the gold prospectors of the events, and after World War II they got a large amount of foreign words coming, making Australia's colonial history and ethnic to mix, that bring a variety of cultures in Australian English

  4. American and Australian English- Geographical distribution AmericanEnglish: Ex: American , Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, South America and other countries. Australian English: British English.

  5. American and Australian(British) Pronunciation different:retroflex (US) Retroflex conditions:vowel + r(e)= Retroflex 如: [ar] → car、care [er] → her、here [ur] → turn、 sure (UK) Retroflex conditions: vowel +rall long tone[ə] 如tour(US:[tυr],UK:[tuə]), tear(US:[tɛr],UK:[tɛə] ), pair(US:[pɛr],UK:[pɛə])。

  6. 2.Spelling different U.S U.K 顏色 color colour 中心 center centre 文明 civilization civilisation 抵抗 defense defenc 榮譽 honor honour 組織 organization organisation

  7. 3. Vocabulary different U.S U.K 電梯 elevatorlift 卡車 trucklorry 公寓 apartment flat 橡皮擦 eraser rubber 手機 cell phone mobile phone 一樓 first floor ground floor

  8. 美式口音 美國人說話相對比較穩重低沉,句勢通常呈降調,並且速度慢一些。 美國北方口音:以誇張的o音出名,如talk, walk, off, coffee這四個詞,紐約市人會發成:twok, wok, woff, kwoffee(這裡的o均為長音“喔”)。 美國南方口音:以把[ai]發成[ae]為最大特稱,如I'd like a light beer,南方人會說成ae'd laek a laet beer。同時說話慢條斯理

  9. Australian English 1. Most of the language are Briticism. 2.Their talk are compare withflat , lazy, and quick. 3. The southern part – Briticism. The northern part-Accent is intense. 。 4.They usually use to rise intonation and contraction.

  10. Australian accent 1.For familiar/closefriend- The name’s ending sound become[z]. Ex. Sharon→Sharz. 2. 「Oz」:Australia 「Aussie 」: Australian 3.「a」letter:[eι]→[aι] Ex.away(awai) ;mate(mite);today(to die)

  11. Australian V.S American–conversation I‘m an Aussie. (I am Australian.) 我是澳洲人。 G‘day. (Good Day) 你好。 Ta. Ciao. Cheers. (Thank you/Thanks)謝謝。 No worries. (No problem!) 沒問題。 Ace! (Very good!)非常好。 How are ya! ≠ Howare you? (=Hi! . good morning) See ya. (Goodbye)再見。 Don't spit the dummy. (Don't pull a long face.)不要悶悶不樂! Struth!=(Oh my God) (is it the truth?)真的嗎? Put some elbow grease into it. (You can try it ,again.)你可以更努力些

  12. Australian/Briticism/AmericanKid word-difference


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