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Interest Groups. “A Day” 2011 . The National Organization for Women (NOW). Founded : 1996 President : Kim Grandy Purpose : Achieve Equality for Women. Membership: $35 per payment OR $1000 for life. Brian Gibbs. NOW Beliefs
Interest Groups “A Day” 2011
The National Organization for Women (NOW) Founded: 1996 President: Kim Grandy Purpose: Achieve Equality for Women Membership: $35 per payment OR $1000 for life Brian Gibbs NOW Beliefs Lesbian Rights – NOW wants to fight the discrimination based on the sexual orientation of a person in all of areas of the world. (Employment, Health Services) Legal Abortions – NOW wants the rights to have an abortion to be in a woman’s hands because it is her life on the line. (Pro-Choice) Eliminate Violence against Women – NOW wants to get rid of all types of violence against women including domestic violence, sexual harassment and sexual assault. Economic Justice – NOW members want to eliminate job discrimination (Affirmative Action), reform the social security program, and increase welfare.
Founded in 1920. Susan N. Herman: President since 2008. • Non-profit and non-partisan, no government funding. • Nation’s largest public interest law firm, offices in all 50 states. By Bobby Greve • The ACLU works to defend and preserve Americans citizens’ constitutional rights: 1st Amendment rights, rights to equal protection of the law, due process, privacy, etc. • It also fights for groups of people who’ve traditionally struggled for rights or have been discriminated against: women, homo/bisexuals, prisoners, the disabled, etc. • It has often become involved in Supreme Court cases and in national/local legislatures. It handles as many as 6,000 court cases a year. Campaigns: • “Defending Targets of Discrimination” Opposes sex/racial/religious discrimination. Supports voting rights, right to abortion, women’s and LGBT rights. • “Protecting Civil Liberties in the Digital Age” Opposes Internet censorship (free speech), release of personal information online, gov’t mass surveillance. Supports consumer privacy, individuals’ right to privacy on the Internet. • “Keep America Safe and Free” Opposes giving up freedoms for security (need both), government censorship, torturing, racial profiling, detention (Guantanamo Bay). • “Safe Communities, Fair Sentences” Opposes death penalty, drug-related penalties, drug testing. Supports decriminalizing marijuana possession, protecting 4th amendment rights, prisoners’ rights to health safety and dignity.
League of Women Voters The League • Leadership • President/Chair • Elisabeth MacNamara • First Vice President/First Chair • Judy Duffy • Second Vice President/Second Chair • Judy Davis • Benefits • A feeling of purpose • Local and state league newsletters and a national magazine • Citizen Education Fund donations are tax deductible • Costs • League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania • Individual dues: $60 • Household dues: $90 The League’s Work • Promote informed and active political participation • Inform public about public policies and issues • Educate voters • Launched VOTE411.org in 2006 • Online center for comprehensive election information • Help people register to vote • Especially young people, minorities and first-time voters • Fight voter ID laws • Fight government corruption • Fight financial domination of elections • Support government transparency Libby Wetzler
$16 dollars a year. AARP members get retail discounts, travel benefits, insurance products, health products, and financial services. AARP has the worlds largest circulating magazine with 35.1 million subscribers. AARP CEO: A. Barry Rand AARPAmerican Association of Retired Persons Nolan Dluzneski AARP is a very large interest group that provides security, protection, and empowerment to older persons. It is a non-profit and non-partisan group that helps and promotes independence to Americans over the age of 50 years old. AARP does not endorse any party or candidate. AARP has done many things for the elderly including persuading congress to block a pay cut that would have led to less Medicare patient treatment. Goals: As stated by Rand, “To restore prosperity to the middle class.”
Benefits to members: Provides helpful resources to medical professionals. Distributes medical publications for a low price. Price of membership: Varies according to position in the field and number of years in practice of medicine. Ranges between $20 to $420 Qualifications for membership: Must be a doctor or a medical student. Members must also follow the AMA’s bylaws and comply with their rules on ethical and judicial affairs. Things the AMA advocates: Medical liability reform Medicare physician payment reform The Affordable Care Act Medicare Patient Empowerment Act Managed care reform Improving the health of the public Patient safety and quality improvement in health care. The American Medical Association The AMA is very active in judicial affairs dealing with the medical profession. The AMA believes that physicians should set quality standards, not others. (such as insurance companies and legislatures) Bobby L
AFL-CIOUnion Workers • Created in 1955 (merge of AFL and CIO) • Provide justice to workers in America • Build and change the American Labor movement • Build strong political voice for workers • Occupy Wall Street Movement support • 99% of Americans are the workers – the 1% is the rich population. • Stop Sweatshops • Benefits – discounts on retirement plans, mortgage and real estate, and credit cards. Sarah Hughes
President: Bob King United Auto Workers Secretary – Treasurer: Dennis Williams Four VPs, One female Main concerns involve protecting workers’ rights, assistance for the auto industry and manufacturing, and the reforming of U.S. trade and healthcare. Includes automobile, aerospace, and agricultural implement workers Founded 1935 Have over 700 local UAW offices nationwide Familiar products made by UAW Workers! Through partnerships and bargaining, they received the first employer-paid health insurance for workers along with further training for promotions. MORGAN
National Pork Producers Council Hogs on the hill blog Mission: Protect 67,000 people who produce pork by using legislation, trade initiatives and policies Public Policy Issues: Agriculture, industry, animal health, food supply, environment, energy, and international trade Who Runs the NPPC?: A board of 15 directors, who are delegates picked from state associations. Under them are four committees who make recommendations to think about at the National Pork Industry Forum (a business meeting that happens every year in March). More: The NPPC and National Pork Board have similar views on animal identification, animal well-being and food safety. The NPPC centers are in Des Moines, Iowa and Washington DC. Reasons To Join: It can protect your livelihood, you can “have a voice” in making policies, you will be closer with producers, you will receive recognition during the World Pork Expo, you will receive a magazine, you will get an invitation to two meetings, and you could have opportunities to be on a committee. LaurenVerso
National Rifle Association • Formed by union veterans colonel William C. Church and George Wingate in 1871 • To today it has about 4.3 million members • It is the largest and strongest pro-second amendment group • Fight congress from passing any gun laws mostly by using intimidation because of their large size in membership • Benefits include: Monthly magazine, preservation of gun rights, offer gun insurance, discounts on life and auto insurance • Specialize in gun safety, education and training • Events include: Annual meetings, banquets, shooting competitions and hunting competitions • 1-yr membership: $35 • 5-yr membership: $125 • Lifetime membership: $1,000 Brian McMullin
-Founded in 1892 by John Muir • Original purpose was to protect and create national parks • Has about 1.4 million members • Members receive a discount on Sierra Club merchandise and satisfaction of helping to preserve the wild lands and wildlife of America • Goals • Reduce dependency on foreign oil • Protect natural heritage and country from the dangers of global warming • -Cut greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050 Christian
GOALS: • Continue keeping on top of every market change • Watch markets between new homes, buying and selling of homes, apartment rates and rents • Keeping rates for “our” members the lowest we possibly can, and giving them the best rates • BENEFITS: • New Cash Allowance for Autos • Insurance Options just for Members • Limited-Time Discounts on Dell Peripherals • Make Your OfficeMax Discount Go Further • LOCATIONS: • Locations in every state • You can provide you info through online sources to find nearest locations to you, and their best online deals • Staff can be searched online by name