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TRAINING. A/RES/49/37. Recognizes that, while the training of personnel for peace-keeping operations is essentially the responsibility of Member States, the United Nations should establish basic guidelines and performance standards and provide descriptive materials;
A/RES/49/37 Recognizes that, while the training of personnel for peace-keeping operations is essentially the responsibility of Member States, the United Nations should establish basic guidelines and performance standards and provide descriptive materials; Welcomes the efforts of the Secretary-General to develop manuals, including a curriculum module, and a programme of correspondence instruction which will enable Member States to train personnel provided for United Nations peace-keeping operations in a standardized and cost-effective manner in accordance with agreed common standards, skills, practices and procedures, and looks forward to those manuals and other materials being made available to Member States;
Strategic Peacekeeping Training Needs Assessment – Oct. 2008 With inputs from: • Peacekeeping Training Institutions • Armed Forces’ Headquarters • Police Headquarters • Senior Leadership in DPKO-DFS and Missions • 6000 Peacekeepers
Training Standards as a Response to the Peacekeeping Training Needs Assessment Member States asked for more training guidance Peacekeeping personnel requested that training be more relevant to their work
ITS Developed Policies on peacekeeping training aimed at Member States Guidelines on Roles and Training Standards of Military Experts on Mission & Staff Officers Policy on Support to Military and Police Pre-deployment Training for UN Peacekeeping Operations SOPs on Training Recognition, Mobile Training Support Teams and Training of Trainers
ITS Developed defined and updated Un Peacekeeping training standards
Pre- deployment course Core Pre-deployment Training Materials (CPTM) + What are UN Peacekeeping Training Standards? Document outlining: Aim and objective of the training Target audience Course specifications Specialized Training Materials (STM)
How Should PDT Training Standards be Used by Member States? Pre-deployment training standards are the minimum standard for PDT for that category of personnel Instructors are encouraged to improve and adapt the materials Supplemented by mission-specific and operational training Standards are the basis for Training Recognition
What training support services can Member states request? Training Recognition To assess adherence to UN PK Training Standards Mobile Training Support Teams To provide direct in situ assistance to a particular PKTI Training of Trainers To familiarize multiple PKTIs with UN PK Training Standards
Accessing UN peacekeeping training Standards & Policies http://peacekeepingresourcehub.unlb.org
All Pktis and Permanent missions receive a password upon request
PKT COP https://pktcop.unlb.org