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Becky McLean Supervisor, Enrollment Reporting and Categorical Funding (360) 725-6306

Fiscal Model Discussion Running Start in the High School Setting Dual Credit Workgroup June 27, 2014. Becky McLean Supervisor, Enrollment Reporting and Categorical Funding (360) 725-6306 becky.mclean@k12.wa.us T.J. Kelly Director of School Apportionment and Financial Services (360) 725-6301

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Becky McLean Supervisor, Enrollment Reporting and Categorical Funding (360) 725-6306

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  1. Fiscal Model DiscussionRunning Start in the High School SettingDual Credit WorkgroupJune 27, 2014 Becky McLean Supervisor, Enrollment Reporting and Categorical Funding (360) 725-6306 becky.mclean@k12.wa.us T.J. Kelly Director of School Apportionment and Financial Services (360) 725-6301 Thomas.Kelly@k12.wa.us Mike Hubert Director of Guidance and Counseling (360) 725-0415 mike.hubert@k12.wa.us

  2. Review of Basic Running Start Fiscal RulesFTE Calculation • Enrollment reporting is based on enrolled FTE on count day. • A student is either enrolled in a high school class or a Running Start class. • A student enrolled in a Running Start class cannot be claimed both by the high school and a college. • FTE is: • High school enrollment is based on enrolled weekly instructional minutes. 1,500 instructional minutes = 1.0 FTE. • Allowable passing time can be claimed. • Schools with late starts or early releases must reduce their claimable FTE. • Running Start enrollment is based on enrolled college credits and beginning for 2014-15 school year, number of months class is offered. ([enrolled class credits]÷ 15) x (3 ÷ [class’s # of months]). 15 credits = 1.0 FTEConverts 3 month college quarter class over actual length of class.

  3. Review of Basic Running Start Fiscal RulesCount Day • Monthly count days are: • Fourth instructional day of September. • First instructional day for remaining months. • Running Start in high school setting classes must follow the high school calendar. • Running Start in high school setting classes has a September count day. • Students who participate on or before the count day, has not withdrawn, was not expelled or long term suspended, or at a state institution, can be claimed on the count day based on their enrolled minutes (high school) or their enrolled college credits (college).

  4. Review of Basic Running Start Fiscal Rules1.20 FTE Limitation • Running Start student is limited to a combined 1.20 FTE for each month except January and 1.20 AAFTE. • AAFTE is the annual average of the monthly FTE. • Running Start at the college campus AAFTE is a nine month average (Oct - June). • Running Start in the high school setting AAFTE is a ten month average (Sept - June). • An exception is allowed for January when a student’s high school first semester and winter college quarter overlap. • A student who exceeds the 1.20 FTE in January may be at risk of exceeding the 1.20 AAFTE and may have his spring quarter eligibility reduced. • Students who exceed the 1.20 FTE or 1.20 AAFTE pay tuition to the college.

  5. Review of Basic Running Start Fiscal RulesApportionment and Distribution Funds • Running Start rates for 2014-15 are: • Non-vocational FTE - $5,755.84. • Vocational FTE - $6,097.56. • Running Start apportionment is sent to reporting school district. • 93% of Running Start funds generated are forwarded to college. 7% of funds is retained by district. • Districts can negotiate recovery of cost for hosting Running Start classes in the high school setting.

  6. Example #1 Student is enrolled in: • Five high school classes where each class averages 60 daily minutes including allowable passing time and late start/early releases. • Two 5-credit RS in high school setting classes over two HS semesters. • District receives HS funding for 1.0 FTE and 7% of the 0.20 FTE RS funding. • College receives 93% of the 0.20 FTE RS funding. • Student has the opportunity to earn 10 college credits.

  7. Example #2 Student is enrolled in: • Five high school classes where each class averages 55 daily minutes including allowable passing time and late start/early releases. • Two 5-credit RS in high school setting classes over two HS semesters. • District receives HS funding for .90 FTE and 7% of the 0.20 FTE RS funding. • College receives 93% of the 0.20 FTE RS funding. • Student has the opportunity to earn 10 college credits.

  8. Example #3 Student is enrolled in: • Four high school classes where each class averages 73 daily minutes including allowable passing time and late start/early releases. • One 5-credit RS in high school class setting over a school year. • District receives HS funding for .96 FTE and 7% of the 0.10 FTE RS funding. • College receives 93% of the 0.10 FTE RS funding. • Student has the opportunity to earn 5 college credits.

  9. Example #4 Student is enrolled in: • Four high school classes where each class averages 60 daily minutes including allowable passing time and late start/early releases. • Two 5-credit RS in high school setting classes over two HS semesters. • District receives HS funding for 0.80 FTE and 7% of the 0.40 FTE RS funding. • College receives 93% of the 0.40 FTE RS funding. • Student has the opportunity to earn 20 college credits.

  10. Example #5 Student is enrolled in: • Four high school classes where each class averages 60 daily minutes including allowable passing time and late start/early releases. • Two 5-credit RS in high school setting classes over two HS semester. • Three 5-credit RS at the college campus classes over three college quarters. • District receives HS funding for 0.80 FTE and 7% of the 0.40 FTE RS funding. • College offering RS in HS receives 93% of the 0.20 FTE RS funding. • College offering RS at the college receives 93% of the 0.20 FTE RS funding. • Student pays tuition for the 0.13 RS FTE that was exceeded. • Student has the opportunity to earn 25 college credits.

  11. References • OSPI Bulletin No. 028-14 – Running Start Programs in the High School Setting. http://www.k12.wa.us/BulletinsMemos/Bulletins2014/B028-14.pdf • OSPI Bulletin No. 032-13 – 2013-14 Running Start Updates on 1.20 FTE Limitation. Will be updated for 2014-15. http://www.k12.wa.us/BulletinsMemos/Bulletins2013/B032-13.pdf • OSPI 2013-14 Enrollment Reporting Handbook.Will be updated for 2014-15. http://www.k12.wa.us/BulletinsMemos/bulletins2013/B036-13.pdf • OSPI Memorandum No. 033-13 – Running Start Enrollment Reporting for 2013-14 School Year. Will be updated for 2014-15.http://www.k12.wa.us/BulletinsMemos/Memos2013/M033-13.docx

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