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Understanding Mexico's Government and Demographics

Learn about the democratic structure, key government issues, educational system, and special programs in Mexico. Discover demographic facts and global leadership insights. Delve into the country's unique political and social landscape.

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Understanding Mexico's Government and Demographics

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  1. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders México es…

  2. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders

  3. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders

  4. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders

  5. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders

  6. Introduction Formed by 31 states and a Federal District Mapa Structure of Government México is a democratic, federal republic Headed by the president Demographics 15 secretaries ECD One of the largest Secretaries is Secretaria de Educación Pública (SEP) Executive Branch Special Programs Structure of Government Key issues Two-Chamber Congress Chamber of deputies, 500 seats; and a 128 seats Senate Project Global Leaders Judiciary 11 members Supreme Court

  7. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD México is a democratic, federal republic. The republic is formed by 31 states and a Federal District. Each states is run a governor (elected for 6 years) and a congress (elected for 3 years). Federal authority is divided in three independent branches: Executive Branch (headed by the president, elected for 6 years); Two-Chamber Congress (Chamber of deputies, 500 seats; and a 128 seats Senate); and the Judiciary (11 members Supreme Court). Special Programs Structure of Government Key issues Project Global Leaders

  8. Introduction The Executive Branch is organized in Secretaries. There are some 15 secretaries (cabinet members), although there are around 40 other top-rank officers. Mapa Structure of Government Demographics The Executive is responsible for managing annual budget, which has to be approved by the Chamber of Deputies. ECD Special Programs Structure of Government Key issues One of the largest Secretaries is Secretaria de Educación Pública (SEP), which is in charge of the Mexican Educational System. Project Global Leaders

  9. Introduction • Mexico: • 104 million inhabitants. • 60 percent are less than 30 years old • Educational System has around 34 million students. • 90 percent of the attend public schools. • 6.5 million children in the age groups 3-5 years old. Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders Demographics

  10. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government Mexico’s total population is approximately 104 million inhabitants. Over 60 percent are less than 30 years old Mexico’s Educational System has around 34 million students. 90 percent of the attend public schools. There are around 6.5 million children in the age groups 3-5 years old. (presently, around 3 million attend pre-school). Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders Demographics

  11. Introduction Mapa • There is not a national plan of action on ECD proper. • Congress makes mandatory 3 years of pre-school as from 2008. • Basic Education minimum age is 6-7 years old. • Pre-school education is formed by three school grades for children in age groups 3 to 6. • SEP runs day care centers called: Cendi’s (Centro de Desarrollo para la Infancia) which received children from 48 days to 4 years old. Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders ECD

  12. There is not a national plan of action on ECD proper. However, a recent law passed by Congress makes mandatory 3 years of pre-school as from 2008. Pre-school is loosely defined as pre-Basic Education ages. Basic Education minimum age is 6-7 years old. There are both public or private preschools with a wide variety of curricula available. Pre-school education is formed by three school grades for children in age groups 3 to 6. Infant and toddlers younger than that may also attend public and private day care centers. SEP runs day care centers called: Cendi’s (Centro de Desarrollo para la Infancia) which received children from 48 days to 4 years old. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders ECD

  13. Introduction • Special government programs : (extreme poverty, Indigenous languages, rural and migrant families, etc. • One is the so-called “Oportunidades” (“Chances”): + “Oportunidades” focuses on education, health and nutrition for families living in extreme poverty. + The program combines broad coverage. + The best anti-poverty programs worldwide. Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Special Programs Project Global Leaders

  14. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government Demographics There are several special government programs aimed at children with specific problems: (extreme poverty, Indigenous languages, rural and migrant families, etc) However a program worth mentioning is the so-called “Oportunidades” (“Chances”). “Oportunidades” is the off-spring of two programs implement in the previous two Administrations, so it has benefited from more than 15 years experience. ECD Special Programs Key issues Special Programs Project Global Leaders

  15. Oportunidades focuses on education, health and nutrition for families living in extreme poverty, taking care of the children. Each mother receives a monthly allowace in return for securing that her children receive timely vaccination and vitamin suplements, pay regular visits to a doctor, and attend school. The program combines broad coverage –more than 5 million households- and effective targeting, and was recognized last year by the World Bank as one of the best anti-poverty programs worldwide. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Special Programs Project Global Leaders

  16. Introduction Mapa Perhaps the two key issues at the moment are: + Therecent reform making mandatory three years of preschool by 2008. + The newly approved Pre-school Program, There is discussion about its aplication, goals, organization and theoretically framework. Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders Key issues

  17. Perhaps the two key issues at the moment are: + The recent reform making mandatory three years of preschool by 2008. This means that during the next three years, Mexico will have to open pre-schools (either goverment-run or private) and train teachers to double present attendance which is about 3 million children. This is an enomus challenge. + The newly approved Pre-school Program, which is now being implemented. There is discussion about its aplication, goals, organization and theoretically framework. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders Key issues

  18. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government Our Global Leaders Advocacy Project sponsored by the IBM It is a new website name “Educación para Ellos” (Education for Them) Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders

  19. Mexico has not an established, national level, integral, united “voice” to conform teachers, researchers, or associations on early childhood or pre-school education. Perhaps this may not be regarded as a problem for many researchers or educators, since it could be observed as the country’s pluralism as well as a feature of having several “voices” on this field. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Nevertheless, the lack of such integral voice implies that we have no classified information on all educational and institutional offers available at this level. The lack of information jeopardizes the chances for parents, researchers, educators, or groups interested on school activities, to learn and compare about financing, and childhood care matters. Project Global Leaders Project relevance

  20. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government • To desing and implement a media (Internet Website) at the national level, through which preschool educators or interested people can interact and communicate among themselves. • To establish a net and possibly a link for all people interested on, and involved with, childhood education in Mexico. Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders Project Objective

  21. Introduction • By these means, the internet page could be referred to find out about: • Counseling • Resources • National or foreing parents who are not acquainted with all different educational options or who change their residence and search for information regarding the different educational available options. Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Key issues Project Global Leaders Project Objective

  22. Introduction Mapa Structure of Government • Public (Goverment) Organizations • Private Organizations and Non – Goverment Organizations (NGO) • Private and Public programs for parents. • Researchers and research centers. • Professional Colleges (“Colegios profesionales”) on early childhood and pre-school education. Demographics ECD Special Programs Information could be clustered under Key issues Project Global Leaders

  23. Introduction • Universities dealing with Bachelor of Arts, Master Of Arts, Doctorates (PHD’S) degrees, Diplomas and Special Trainings programs on Preschool Education. Even a special SEP (Secretaria de Educación Pública) compulsory leveling course for all preschool teachers (“Curso de Capacitación Didáctica en Educación Preescolar”) could be found here. • Educational Projects. • New Publications (references). Mapa Structure of Government Demographics ECD Special Programs Information could be clustered under Key issues Project Global Leaders


  25. Mexico’s educational system has some 33 million students. 90 percent attend public schools. There is a Federal (national) authority responsible for the educational system. The authority lays on the Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP). SEP has the status of a full ministry and the Secretary is part of the President´s cabinet.

  26. SEP has just been re-structured. It is now organized in three main Undersecretaries: Basic Education, Middle Education, and Higher Education. There are as much as 30 General Directors. SEP is also responsible for cultural institutions and programs (for example the Institute for Fine Arts and the Institute for History and Anthropology).

  27. SEP is in Charge of regulating and over-seeing Basic Education curricula, Programs and text-books. Additionally, each state has its own educational authority, which is in charge of the day-to-day school affairs. Basic Education (pre-school, primary and secondary schools –K plus 9 years) accounts for around 30 million students.

  28. There are approximately 6.5 million children in ages 3-5 years old. Around 60 percent of them attend pre-school, mainly public schools. Pre-school attendance varies from one region to other, showing Mexico’s acute social and economic contrasts. National average attendance is 70.8 percent for age-groups 4-5 years old.

  29. A recent reform passed by Congress will make mandatory three years of preschool by 2008. In the next three years, Mexico will have to open preschools (either government-run or private) and train teachers for about 3 million children.

  30. SEP´s pre-school guide –lines have the following features: • Theoretically, it bears a constructivist approach. • Group-aging is more flexible now (it used to be quite rigid and a minimum age was required for admittance). • Some of the curriculum goals still stress the achieving of children “competences” in different Knowledge areas. • Children interests are now considered, and they are an important part of pre-school activities.

  31. Secretario Unidad de Planeación y Evaluación de Políticas Educativas Subsecretaria de Educación Básica Subsecretaria de Educación Media Superior Subsecretaria de Educación Superior Oficialía Mayor Dirección General de Educación Preescolar Dirección General de Educación Primaria Dirección General de Educación Secundaria Técnica Dirección General de Educación Indígena Dirección General de Desarrollo Curricular Dirección General de Materiales Educativos Dirección General de Desarrollo de la Gestión E Innovación Educativa Dirección General de Formación Continua de Maestros en Servicio

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