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Electronic patient record in primary care. TDT4210 Health care informatics Professor Anders Grimsmo, DMF, NTNU. 1935. 2005. 1935. 2005. Pasientjournal anno 1872. - a challenge to NTNU:.
Electronic patient record in primary care TDT4210 Health care informatics Professor Anders Grimsmo, DMF, NTNU 1935
- a challenge to NTNU: Create a productive and viable competence community for research, development, implementation and knowledge sharing in conjunction with electronic patient record (EPR). • Five millions NOK for five years
People per month Level of care Patients and Level of care • 2 Regional hospital • 13 Local hospital • 150 Primary care • 500 Self-care • 85 Symptoms, no treatment • 250 No symptoms • 1000 Risk population
Cooperation in the health care services Internett The patient in center Ministry of health and social affairs (SHD) National Insurance Administration (RTV) SSB, NPR,misc. central regisgistres Central Psychiatry Health company Hospitals Specialists Local Health center Pharmacy Nursing homes, physiotherapists, Care services
FOREBYGGENDE TJENESTER Helsestasjon/skolehelsetjeneste Miljørettet helsevern SOSIALTJENESTER Skole/Barnehage/PP-tjeneste Bolig Bedriftshelsetjeneste Barnevern REHABILITERING PLEIE/OMSORG Fysioterapi Ergoterapi Vernepleie Hjemmesykepleie Syke- og aldershjem Psykiatri ADMINISTRASJON BEREDSKAP Helsesjef Legevakt, AMK, ambulanse Helse- og sosialstyre 2. LINJETJENESTEN Poliklinikker, sykehus Privatpraktiserende spesialister Collaborating partners of the general practitioner See glossary avaliable from the web pages Municipal services FRIVILLIGE ORGANISASJONER The general practitioner APOTEK ALKOHOLISTOMSORG Specialist services LABORATORIER Klinisk-kjemiske Patologiske TRYGDEKONTOR POLITI HELSETILSYNET Fylkeslege ANDRE STATLIGE INSTITUSJONER OG REGISTRE Folkehelsa Statens helseundersøkelser Fødselsregistre Statistisk sentralbyrå Kreftregistre med mer. Governmental entities
Information exchange in primary care Is written and sent: • 20 millons single bills to national assurance (contact bills). • 1,9 millons referrals to hospital or specialist • 3,8 millons epicrises from hospitals and out-patients’ clinics • 1,0 millons physiotherapist requisitions • 1,3 millons image requisitions • 3,5 millons medical certificates and sickness benefit certificates • 200.000 medical certificates on disablement • 7 millons test requisitions to laboratories, each with 6-7 analyses • 17 millons prescriptions per year
Health service characteristics Primary care service Specialist health service Organisation Decentralized, autonomous Governed, hierarchical Economy Price per unit, own risk, Framework, price per unit low costs High costs Services Large volume, broad-spectrum, Segragated and specialized brief contacts Patient-doctor Continous , persona, Short-lived, limited relationship and binding
Work Technique Characterestics Primary care service Specialist service No of health problems Usually several Usually one Clinical picture Early in the disease course Fully developed clin. picture Disease prevalence Low and unselected High and selected Diagnostic method Reductionistic Systematic complete Pattern recognition ”Puzzle” Probability evaluation Tests and procedures Few and simple Numerous and advanced Treatment Patient oriented Organ- and disease-oriented Simple, searchingly More advanced, based on certain diagnosis
Revision of hypothesis Dignosis Presented health problem Reason for contact The diagnostic process Former knowledge about the patient Anamnesis, symptoms Pattern recogn. Hypotheses Probability evaluation Searching for caracteristics (finds, results) Treatment
Prediction value in medical diagnostics Prevalence, sensitivity, specificity Positive test Negative test True positive False negative Ill 2 x 2 table: False positive True negative Healthy
Positive test Negative test Ill 617 33 650 Healthy 3 218 61 132 64 350 65 000 Examination of school children The meaning of sensitivity and specificity – an example: • Prevalence: 1% (near-sighted at school start) • Sensitivity: 95% • Specificity: 95% • No of children: 65.000
Prediction value of symptoms % av pasientene General practice Internal medicinal dep. Symptom Diagnosis Gastric catarrh Gastric ulcer Gastric cancer 90 10 0,5 30 60 10 Pyrosis General practice Hematologic pol Depression Leukemia 37 0,05 4 24 Spinelessness
% % 100 100 60 60 40 40 0 0 Prevalence most important for the test result • Example: Test sens. = 95 % • Test spec. = 95 % False positives False positives Share of true pos. True positives 1 % 10 % 100 % Prevalens of disease
Diagnosis - name of disease based on: • Information from the patient • The anamnesis • Symptoms • Clinical investigations • Laboratory tests To diagnose is to classify
Migraine Criteria: Recurrent episodes of headache with three or more of the following finds: unilateral headache, nausea/vomiting, aura, other nevrological symptoms, migrain in the family Inclusion: vascular headache with/without aura Expulsion: cervikogen headache, cluster-headache, tension headache
Diagnostic process Name disease/-problem Arrange classes Collect information Classify Reason for contact/ hospitalization Symptoms, clinical finds, lab. results Inclusion and expultion criteria Diagnosis criteria Code Classification of diagnosis Classification of Diagnoses
Systems for diagnosis class. Hospitals and specialist services: ICD(International Classification of Diseases) Primary care services: ICPC(International Classification of Primary Health Care)
Main objective of the patient record - is now documentation: • Medical, for the physician as a tool in diagnostics and treatment • Juridical, for the patient according to rights. • in the future also: • Communication • Decision support
Main functions in todays EPR: • Pasient data/card file function • Contacts and diagnosis • Record notes (free text about symptoms, finds and considerations) • Prescription module • Laboratory module – requisitions and answers • Correspondance – Referrals, certificates, word processing • Schemes – archive, filling in • Appointment book/waiting list • Accounting module • Simple statistics
ERP challenges A record which can give: • Better overview and be adapted to the working methods of the general practitioner • Support in diagnose and treatment • Quality assurance of procedures • Information sharing • Information reuse
Mirror the contents and process of the consultation S Subjective – symptoms (anamnesis) Objektive – Signs and finds (clinical examination/tests) Assessment – Considerations and conclusion (diagnosis) Plan – effectuation of action (prescr, report sick etc.) O A P
Problem oriented record "While the core of earlier patient records were schemes of book-keeping, the core of EPR ought to be the patient’s health problems represented by episodes of care"
”Episode of care” Care services Primary care Hospital Primary care Nursing home Contacts: GP GP GP Hospitalization GP GP GP H GP=General pract. Episode of care H=Home nursing Episode of disease
Case history (episodes of care) Diabetes Osteoarthritis Depression Appendix Tendinitis Pneumonia T
Information needs in daily work • Questions arise regularly while working with patients: • attached to treatment, most often medication • can be about much more than medical knowledge • passes usually unanswered • Preferably physicians ask their colleagues – oral/on the phone relevance x validity • Information utility value = the effort needed to find the info
Guaranteed to create problems ? Error • Use models and routines from ”best-practice” as foundation • Convey models and systems from private sector and into the public health care sector • Try to convey solutions developed in one county, to another
Research at NSEP Pasientjournalens rolle og funksjon Implementering og anvendelse Feltmetodikk Deling av pasientinformasjon Legemidler, Individuell plan, Helsekort for gravide Helseinformatikk laboratorium Brukbarhetstesting, Drama og prototyping Meldingsutveksling Alle til alle kommunikasjon (ELIN-prosjektet) Mobile enheter Stemmegjenkjenning, Brukergrensesnitt, kurve Gjenbruk av data ”Datagruvedrift” Helse- og sykdomsregistre Helhetlige forløp Problemorientert journal Representasjon av forløp Pasientdeltagelse Tilgang til egen journal, rekvirere tjenester via nettet, Egenjournal Beslutningsstøtte Integrering av retningslinjer og behandlingsplaner Sikkerhet Rolle- og oppgavespesifikk tilgangskontroll, Automatisert anonymisering