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St. David Catholic Elementary School Thursday January 24, 2008 7 P.M. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE (ARC) PUBLIC MEETING #3. Prayer Welcome Introduction of Committee Members Background Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee – Options Discussion – Questions
Prayer Welcome Introduction of Committee Members Background Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee – Options Discussion – Questions Adjournment - 8:30 p.m. AGENDA HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Chair – Patricia Amos Superintendent of Education Trustee – Linda DiBartolomeo Ward 5 Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee Members HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
St. David Principal – Sandra Scime Catholic School Council – Ralph Urciuoli St. Eugene Parish – Maxine Whitehead Incarnation Parish – Kerry Dwyer-Mitchell Community Rep. – Luisa Butera Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee Members HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
St. Christopher Principal – Loretta Ferro Catholic School Council – John Zimmerman St. John the Baptist Parish – Terri Persaud Community Rep. – Bill MacIntosh Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee Members HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
St. Luke Principal – Marcelo DeAngelis Catholic School Council – Anita Thompson St. Luke Parish – Lucienne Rowan Community Rep. – Marco Fortino Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee Members HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board shall review its pupil accommodation requirements annually. In keeping with the following: Education Act s. 8(1)Ministry of Education Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines – October 31, 2006Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board Policy S. 09 HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School board is responsible for providing schools and facilities for its students and for operating and maintaining its schools as effectively and efficiently as possible to support student achievement. Pupil Accommodation Review Policy(S.09) HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
School boards are funded by the Provincial Government based on actual student enrolment. The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board is facing the challenges of declining enrolment across the city. Some schools are not or will not be viable based on declining enrolment. Grade structures and the reduction of teaching staff make it difficult for the Board to accommodate the needs of all students. (triple grades) School Board FundingEffects of Declining Enrolment HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
For the Board to sustain and offer appropriate services for program delivery, special education, co-curricular activities, as well as responsible, cost efficient facilities, schools in areas of significant declining enrolment – with lower utilization levels or higher per pupil operating costs, need to be reviewed and considered for possible closure/consolidation. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Comparison of Elementary Enrolment 2000-2007 HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Enrolment Projections 2005 – 2015(From March 2, 2007 Board Report) HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The Board established 4 Accommodation Review Committees: Hamilton East Ward 5 Hamilton Central Ward 3, 4 Hamilton West Ward 1, 2 Hamilton South Ward 8 Board Response to Annual Accommodation Review Report HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
A School Valuation Framework shall be conducted on each school under review. The process shall examine each school under review in each of the following areas: Value of the school to the student Value of the school to the Board Value of the school to the community Value of the school to the local economy Pupil Accommodation Review Policy(S.09) HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The Hamilton-East Accommodation Review Committee completed the School Valuation Frameworks for the 3 schools in Ward 5 currently under review. St. Christopher St. David St. Luke Hamilton-East Accommodation Committee Review Area HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The School Valuation Frameworks for St. Christopher, St. David and St. Luke Catholic Elementary School were presented at the second Public Meeting held on November 29, 2007. The documents are posted on the Board Web Site. Links can also be found on each of the school’s web pages. www.hwcdsb.ca School Valuation Frameworks HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee met on January 9, 2008 to review the input from Public Meeting #2. The committee discussed possible options for the three schools under review based on the review of the data. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Based on the School Valuation Framework data and community consultation, the committee is recommending that St. David and St. Luke not be recommended to the Director of Education and Board of Trustees for possible consolidation or closure. Committee Discussions HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Based on the School Valuation Framework and input from the Public Meetings, the committee understands that St. Christopher Catholic Elementary School may need to be considered for possible consolidation or closure. St. Christopher Catholic Elementary School HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
St. Christopher Catholic Elementary School Value to Students The school offers a range of academic and co-curricular programs. The school is adjacent to parkland including a play structure and a sports park. The school is close to museums, libraries and historical sites. The school has experienced declining enrolment and the long term enrolment projections indicate a continued decline. Current enrolment 103 or 97 FTE students. Twenty-one students at St. Christopher are currently “out of boundary” students. Triple grades are likely in the next school year and thereafter. EQAO assessment results – below provincial standard, however it is based on a small number of students writing the assessment. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Value to the Community Only Catholic school in the Rosedale community. Close knit community with strong community ties as evidenced by the 40th anniversary re-union celebration. Community supports each other in times of difficulty as evidenced by the recent death of a student. School located next to park land and green space Good traffic flow Children can walk to school Parents can walk to the school to volunteer Rosedale Public School is a JK-Grade 5 school Pastor from St. John the Baptist Parish visits the school frequently. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Value to Local Economy Use of local Pizzaria for school lunches. Families shop at the local Barn grocery store, Shopper’s Drug Mart, local convenience stores. Although this would continue as families still live in the neighbourhood, it may affect other families moving into the neighbourhood if there is no Catholic School. This could have an effect on real estate and possibly on the local economy. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Value to Board Offers a Catholic presence in the Rosedale community. Cost to operate is significantly higher than other two schools in the review area St. Christopher $11, 150 per student St. David $6, 375.43 per student St. Luke $5, 920.94 per student From the school year 2008-2009 onward, the cost to operate St. Christopher would increase based on the lower number of full time equivalent students and the increasing long term renewal costs. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
95 students or 89 FTE (full time equivalent) In September 2008-2009, based on current enrolment there would be 17 out of boundary students at St. Christopher. Actual in-boundary students would be 72 students or 66 FTE St. Christopher Catholic Elementary Projected Enrolment 2008-2009 School HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
JK 6 (projected) K 6 Grade 1 8 Grade 2 5 Grade 3 8 Grade 4 9 Total Enrolment Grade 5 12 95 Grade 6 13 89FTE Grade 7 19 Grade 8 9 2008-2009 St. Christopher Enrolment Including 17 Out of Boundary Students HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
If the school were to remain open in 2008-2009 the classroom teaching staff would decline to 3.5 or 4 classes resulting in triple grade combinations. St. Christopher Catholic Elementary School HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
JK/K Grade 1 14 students – triple grades ( 6 JK in am with 8 grade 1, 6 K in pm with 8 grade 1 ) Grade 2, 3, 4 22 students – triple grades Grade 5/6 25 students - 2 grades Grade 7/8 28 students – 2 grades Total classroom teaching staff = 4 Option # 1 2008-2009 Including Out of Boundary Students HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Challenges 60 % of the students would be in triple grades 100% of students in combined classes Difficult to cover the large range of learning expectations in triple grades / multiple subjects Lack of grade level staff for teacher planning/mentoring Difficulty for supervision, co-curricular activities due to reduced staff HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
JK/K = Possible 12 students Grade 1, 2, 3 = 21 students Grade 4, 5, 6 = 34 students Grade 6, 7, 8 = 28 students Total classroom teaching staff = 3.5 Option #2 HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Challenges 100 % of students in triple grades Fewer staff available for teaching, co-curricular activities and supervision. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
JK 6 K 6 Grade 1 6 Grade 2 8 Grade 3 5 Grade 4 8 Grade 5 9 Grade 6 12 Grade 7 13 Grade 8 19 Enrolment 92 or 86 FTE 2009-2010St. Christopher – Including Out of Boundary Students HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
JK / K / Grade 1 / Grade 2 = 20 (6 JK come in am 6 grade 1 and 8 grade 2 6 K come in pm with 6 grade 1 and 8 grade 2) Grade 3 / 4 / 5/ 6 = 30 Grade 6/7/8 = 25 2009-2010St. Christopher – Including Out of Boundary Students HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
70 % of classes - 4 grade combinations: JK/K/Grade 1/Grade 2 Grade 3/4/5/6/ 30% of classes - triple grade Grade 6/7/8 Difficult to teach broad range of curriculum Less teaching staff for supervision, co-curricular, teacher planning/mentoring Challenges HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
JK 6 K 6 Grade 1 6 Grade 2 6 Grade 3 8 Grade 4 5 Grade 5 8 Grade 6 9 Grade 7 12 Grade 8 13 Enrolment 79 or 73 FTE 2010-20111St. Christopher – Including Out of Boundary Students HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
JK / K / Grade 1 / Grade 2 = 18 Grade 3/4/5/6 30 Grade 7/8 25 2010-1011 HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The committee discussed the possibility of boundary changes to increase the enrolment at St. Christopher. This option did not present itself as a viable option to the committee given that all the schools in the immediate area are also under review due to the significant decline in enrolment in the entire lower east and central Hamilton area. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
If it is determined that St. Christopher’s Catholic Elementary School should be recommended to the Director of Education and to the Board of Trustees for consolidation or closure the committee discussed the following options: Other Options for Consideration HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
That all current students living in the St. Christopher school boundary, as well as all current out of boundary students be allowed to register at St. John the Baptist Catholic Elementary School for 2008-2009. That parents currently living in the boundary of St. Eugene Catholic Elementary school but attending St. Christopher be given the option of attending St. John the Baptist or St. Eugene Catholic Elementary Schools for 2008-2009. That parents be surveyed regarding possible options for school enrolment for 2008-2009. That the current bussing allocations of 1.2 Km for JK and K and 1.6 Km for Grade 1-8 remain in effect if possible (Transportation Consortium Review) HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
If all the current in-boundary as well as out of boundary students enrolled in St. John the Baptist school for September 2008 the following is the possible classroom organization based on current numbers: Possible Consolidation with St. John the Baptist 2008-2009 HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Consolidation of St. John the Baptist and St. Christopher’s entire student body including out of boundary students. JK 20 JK/K 20 K 20 Grade 1 20 Grade ½ 20 (14 + 6) Grade 2 19 Grade 3 19 Grade 3 19 Grade 4 30 Grade 4/5 29 ((15 + 14) Grade 5 32 Grade 6 27 Grade 7 29 Grade 7 30 Grade 8 25 Grade 8 25 HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
School enrolment 384 or 369 FTE No triple grades 13 of the 16 classes are straight grades 3 of the 16 classes are combined No cross divisional combined classes Straight classes for Grade 3 and 6 (EQAO) 15.5 classroom teachers Greater opportunities for teacher collaboration/planning/mentoring More teachers for supervision and co-curricular activities HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Possible savings Current annual operational costs of St. Christopher = approximately $40,000 for utilities, maintenance, snow removal and grass cutting. Elimination of long term renewal costs $1,240,000.00 Costs of staff salaries = $800,000 – 1 million dollars per year Additional Costs Transportation –approx. $45,000.00 HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
NEXT STEPS Committee Meeting – February 7, 2008 Public Meeting #4 – February 20, 2008 Committee Meeting - TBD The Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee finalizes their report and presents it to the Director of Education for his consideration. (Possibly by March 25, 2008) The Director of Education reviews all information and prepares a report to be presented to the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees will make a decision regarding the schools under review. (Possible dates : April 1 or May 6, 2008) HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Director’s Office: 905-525-2930 - Emilia Rastelli Superintendent’s Office 905-525-2930 Ext. 2203 Board Web Sitewww.hwcdsb.ca HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE