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How to Cite your Sources. What in the world is that?. It is a way to let people know where your information comes from.
How to Cite your Sources
What in the world is that? • It is a way to let people know where your information comes from. • Whenever you use material that you got from another source in your research project, you must let your audience know immediately where it came from, right after you use it.
Why should I do it? • It lets your reader know that you want to make clear to them which are your ideas/words/pictures, etc. and which are someone else's. If you do not cite your sources, you are committing plagiarism (Plagiarism is an unlawful act in which you use someone else's work as if it is your own. It can get you in big trouble. Avoid it.). • It gives your Thesis Statement a lot more credibility because you obviously didn't just make up what you are claiming. You did your research! • Your reader can check the original source for more information or for accuracy if they want to challenge you.
When do I have to do it? • You must cite your sources when using the following kinds of materials, in whole or in part: • Direct quotations whether in written or oral formats (includes stories, speeches, fiction and nonfiction) • Paraphrased quotations (these are quotes whose words you have changed somewhat) • Statistical Data (numbers about things) • Images that are attributed to someone (includes cartoons, photos, maps, artwork, computer graphics-but not free "clip art") • Song lyrics • Original ideas that are attributed to someone else, even if you put them in your own words
Making a Works Cited • A Works Cited is an alphabetical list of the sources (also called "works") you used in the body of your project. • It should be the last page in your project.
Sample of Works Cited Page Adams, Paul. "Furious Arafat Is Freed." Globe and Mail [Toronto] 2 May2002: A1+. Collins, Ronald K.L., and David M. Skover. The Trials of Lenny Bruce: TheFalland Rise of an American Icon. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 2002. Continelli, Louise. "A Place for Owls to Heal." Buffalo News 12 Jan. 2003: C2. King, Stephen. Black House. New York: Random, 2001.
Works Cited Page Tips • Use the source list to get your information • All of the boxes on the source list correspond to one of the pieces of information in your citation • Make sure that your punctuation is correct and exact! Check to make sure that all periods and commas are in the correct place. • Put all sources in alphabetical order by author’s last name. If there is no author, list those first. • Double-space the information • The 2nd line of each entry should be indented 5 typed paces or half an inch. • Titles or other words that would be italicized in print should be underlined.
Now…. Work with your MAY partner to complete a Works Cited page using the SAMPLE SOURCES and packet
Now…Check Your Answers • Be sure to check capitalization and punctuation carefully. • Each entry should be in alphabetical order. • First line is not indented but remaining lines should be.
Sources Cited Gerstenzang, James. “Eagle May Fly From Nest of Endangered.” Los Angeles Times 6 May 2004: A1. Grambo, Rebecca L., ed. Eagles: Masters of the Sky. Stillwater: Voyageur Press, Inc., 2004. Grier, James. “Eagle.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 2004 d. Martell, Mark and Mary Beth Marrigan. “Bald Eagle.” The Raptor Center. Sept. 2004. U of Minnesota. 18 Nov. 2004. http://www.raptor.cvm.umn.edu/ Sullivan, Vanessa. Personal interview. 17 Nov. 2004.
Cite Sources in your report • To give credit within your report put the author’s last name and page # in parenthesis or if no author, a shortened version of the title and page # in parenthesis. You should do this after a direct quote or using someone else’s facts or information. For example: “Language Arts is the coolest subject in the world” (Carpenter 18). The author and page #
Look at the first page of HOW TO CREDIT SOURCES IN A REPORT
Work by ONE author Write the author’s last name and page # you used in parenthesis. For example: Smiley face tricks can liven up your writing(Carpenter 18).
Work by MORE THAN ONE author Write the names of the authors and the page number in parenthesis (Wells and Carpenter 44) _______________________________ When there is more than 3 authors, write the first author’s last name followed by et al and the page # (Carpenter et al 87)
Work with no author Give the title or a shortened version of the title in parenthesis and the page # (“The People of France” 19) Title of book and page #
2 or more works by same author When you use more than one source by the same author, you need to clarify which book or website you are talking about. You will need to include the author’s last name, followed by the title and page #. (Carpenter, “The People of France” 79)
Look at the first example… • Although bald eagles were in danger of becoming extinct in the 1950’s, the efforts of many groups over the last ten years have helped them make a comeback. Bald Eagle: The U.S.A.’s National Symbol.1997.The National Foundation to Protect America’s Eagles. Nov. 16 004 http://www.eagles.org/moreabout.html HOW WOULD YOU CITE THIS IN A REPORT? You want to use these words in your report Website you got this sentence from
Since this information came from a website with no author listed and no pages, we would abbreviate the title and just put the word (Bald) in parenthesis following the information. Notice that the period should be placed after the last parenthesis. It should look like this on line 1: Although bald eagles were in danger of becoming extinct in the 1950’s, the efforts of many groups over the last ten years have helped them make a comeback(Bald).
Now complete the rest of the packet with your May partner.
Answer Key for “Giving Credit Where Credit is Due” • Although bald eagles were in danger of becoming extinct in the 1950’s, the efforts of many groups over the last ten years have helped them make a comeback (Bald). • Broley thought something was keeping adult birds from raising babies (Graqmbo 82). • The National Foundation to Protect Eagles estimated that 10,000 nesting pairs of eagles lived in the continental United Stages in the 1950’s. In the 1960’s, the number of eagles fell to fewer than 500 pairs. Eagles moved closer to extinction every day (Bald).
It is estimated that more than 100,000 bald eagles were shot while this policy was in effect (Graqmbo 76-78). • As early as 1930, much of America’s forest land was becoming unsuitable for many animals (Tucker 62-69). • Eagles that consumed DDT laid thin-shelled eggs that broke easily when the mother sat on them (Dudley 54-55). • Captive breeding successfully increased the number of bald eagles (Tucker 85). • In an interview, Babbitt said, “The eagle is doing splendidly. It’s making a wonderful comeback everywhere” (Gerstenzang).
www.citationmachine.net • Select MLA on the left side of the screen • Then select which one you are citing: • Book • Encyclopedia or other Reference Work • Journal Article • Magazine Article • Newspaper Article • NONPRINT • Online Journal Article • Online Magazine Article • Online Encyclopedia • Web Document • Web-Based Images or Videos • After that, fill in the boxes with the information and click submit • All you have to do now is copy & paste the finished project into your works cited page