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Cluster Finder Report Laura Sartori (INFN Pisa) For the L2Cal Team

Report on the L2Cal Cluster Finder upgrade for improved Jet cross-section at Level 2, including hardware path testing, system overview, and monitoring feedback.

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Cluster Finder Report Laura Sartori (INFN Pisa) For the L2Cal Team

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  1. Cluster Finder Report Laura Sartori (INFN Pisa) For the L2Cal Team Chicago, Fermilab, Madrid, Padova, Penn, Pisa, Purdue

  2. Motivation CrossSection Level 2 Jet (Et>40 GeV) • At high lumi, large Increase of the jet/Met based trigger cross sections.  Heavily prescaled search triggers. • Decrease of the multi-jets trigger efficiency. Merging of the jets @ L2 • Cause: • L2 cluster algo (Pacman) merges True/fake jets together: • Low Et jets  high Et jets. • Multi-jet event  single jet event. Reconstructed Jets @Level 3 CDF in Paris 2007

  3. L2Cal upgrade L2Cal • L1 calorimeter trigger tower infos are available to the L2 decision CPU with 10-bit resolution. • New algorithm in L2 CPU: • Jet clustering (cone-based). • Met calculation using the trigger tower energy info at the maximum resolution. • Possibility to implement different algo in the CPU (angular cuts, SVT matching..). Install parallel L2CAL hardware path to be tested in fully parasitic mode. CDF in Paris 2007

  4. New system overview L2CAL Cluster Finder Dcas L2 Decision Crate L1CAL Dirac Board New Hardware path Global L2 Decision • Duplicate L1 Trigger Towers Energy Infos to run in parasitic . • Collect, merge and send Trigger Towers to Global L2 Decision. 8-bits 10-bits • New cluster finder Algo and Met. Calorimeter CDF in Paris 2007

  5. Duplicate the information Goal: running in parasitic mode (current and new system together). How: A set of new 288 LVDS cables (L-shape) connect DIRAC with DCAS boards (like in the current system) and DIRAC with the new Pulsars Boards. We are running smoothly from April. New Pulsar Boards DCAS DIRAC CDF in Paris 2007

  6. New Hardware Path Pulsar Crate (6) Pulsar Crate (6) PC Pulsar Crate (6) Use PULSARS as receivers for LVDS data from Dirac • Build a new Mezzanine Card to interface the 40 bit cables with PULSAR. 6 slink outputs 6 slink outputs Pulsars receivers with 4 Mezzanine. Slink merger Pulsar (4) 6 slink outputs Serialize the data in Slink format • Receive on PC through Slink-PCI boards CDF in Paris 2007

  7. Test the system Global L2 Decision Crate0 Crate1 Merger Merger Merger Merger Merger Crate2 • Monitoring: • Full path up to CPU is monitored • Timing studies for hardware and software path. • New L2CAL bank (TUPD) in same format as old DCAS bank (TC2D). Comparison between the two banks. • Compare decision bits between the main and upgrade PC. CDF in Paris 2007

  8. TESTSTAND ROOM…et la vie est plus facile!!! Doesn’t matter when, doesn’t matter what…in teststand you’ll find it!! CDF in Paris 2007

  9. Status of the hardware and software: the pieces. • Hardware: • All in place and tested (Pulsars receivers, cables, Pulsars mergers). • Included by-default in beam and monitored since April without any outstanding problems. • Monitoring: • Online monitoring available (to check both data and timing). • Interface Software: • Code for decision interface, finalized; • ready to build trigger tables for L2Cal. • Clustering Software: • Finalized. • New L2Cal bank • Finalized. Included by-default in beam. CDF in Paris 2007

  10. Commissioning Commissioning started: we run in parasitic mode for 2 stores in the last week: Decision Comparison: • All decision bits (between main and upgrade PC) match in every events stream D (10k events) Timing • Faster than main system by 1.5 us Dead Time about 4.7% The system worked smoothly!! CDF in Paris 2007

  11. ToDo List Still work left to do before readiness review (middle june) CDF in Paris 2007

  12. Any Questions?? In the L2Cal web page you can found all the answers (tests results, status of the commissioning, hardware and software details, link, talks, howto, instructions, our pictures..). http://www-cdfonline.fnal.gov/upgrades/daq_trig/l2cal/l2cal_home.htm Progress, questions, comments, problems, doubts, documented in L2Upgrade e-log http://www-cdfonline.fnal.gov/cgi/elog/det-system-elog.pl?nb=l2upgrade Day by day the monitoring give feedback about the hardware status: http://www.pd.infn.it/~cortiana/TrigMonOut/TrigMonOut.html L2Cal Firmware http://www.pi.infn.it/~piendi/L2cal_upgrade CDF in Paris 2007

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