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Rome Astronomical Observatory technological activities, and the MOONS MOS-spectrograph…for a MOS @ E-ELT

Rome Astronomical Observatory technological activities, and the MOONS MOS-spectrograph…for a MOS @ E-ELT. Pedichini Fernando (INAF - OAR) Amsterdam October 2012. Overview of INAF-OAR technology group. D. Lorenzetti ( coordinator )

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Rome Astronomical Observatory technological activities, and the MOONS MOS-spectrograph…for a MOS @ E-ELT

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  1. Rome Astronomical Observatorytechnological activities, and the MOONSMOS-spectrograph…for a MOS @ E-ELT Pedichini Fernando (INAF - OAR) Amsterdam October 2012

  2. Overview of INAF-OAR technologygroup D. Lorenzetti (coordinator) • F. Pedichini (detectors, opto-electronic, controls) • A. Di Paola (control software) • R. Speziali (cryogenics, mechanical design) • F. D’ Alessio (electronic, software) • F. Vitali (NIR cameras, Si GRISMs) • G. Li Causi (interferometry, sim. software) • M. Centrone (LabWiev software) • M. Mattioli (electronic, engineering, FEA) Works are accomplishedmakingsinergywithitalian’s SMI

  3. INAF-OAR last technologicalactivities: • @ L.B.T. • Large Binocular Camera( with Padova, Arcetri and Trieste Obs.) at telescopesince 2005 • LINC NIRVANAPatrolcamera ( withMPIfAHeidelberg ,Padova Obs. Et Al.) tobecommisionednextyears • @ E.S.O. • REMtelescope(with Brera, ESO et Al.) operative since 2003 • ERISphase A study(with ESO and ArcetriObs.) p.d.r.accomplished on April 2012 • MOONSphase A study(with ROE et Al.) in progress p.d.r.next on March 2013

  4. LBC is a binocular prime focus withBLUE and REDoptimizedcameras at the LBT Telescope(SPIE 2000 Ragazzoni et al.) field of view ~ 23' x 23' sampling 0.23 arcsec/px 2 x 37.7 Megapixel

  5. L.B.C.’ story…… • 1998 Conceptstudy 2 x 4 Mpix 10x10 arcmin • 2000 Final design 2 x 37.7 Mpix 23x23 arcmin • 2001 CCD detectorsprocurement(sda 2002 Pedichiniet al.) • 2004 Blu channel delivery at LBT (SPIE 2004 Ragazzoni et al.) • 2004 Blu channel and LBT first light (SPIE 2004 Di Paola et al.) • 2005 Blu channelcommissioningstarts • 2006 Red channel delivery at LBT(sda 2006 Speziali et al.) • 2006 Blu channelstarts the SDT • 2007 Red channel first light • 2007 “Binocular” first light • Since 2008 Binocular deepimaging

  6. R.E.M.robotictelescope at ESO La Silla (SPIE 2003Vitali et al.) • GRB photo-spectral follow-up in VIS and NIR • Robotic scheduled observation • Serendipity…. • OAR responsible for the NIR camera REMIR

  7. SILICON GRISMs @ NIR WAVELENGTH (SPIE 2008 Vitali et al.)

  8. LINC-NIRVANA: INTERFEROMETRY @ LBT Linc-Nirvana: imagingon a 2’ FoVwith a resolutionof 10-20 mas (23m baseline) • From design toprocurement, assembly and laboratorytestingof the twoPatrolCameras: sub-systemsusingvisualopticsfor the referencing and pick-up ofseveralNGSsusedto drive the MCAO moduleof the LBT imaginginterferometer. • (SPIE 2006 Lorenzetti et al.)

  9. STUDY of: Pixel_Onefor EELT The philosophy of Pixel-One is to realize an array of elementary 1 pixel CMOS cameras well matched to the EELT seeing-limited PSF and to interconnect them through a dedicated backplane. • It performs photometry at ms. • It has an impressive dynamic range > 22 Mag • It is extremely modular and the cost of a pathfinder prototype 6 x 6 is 100 k€ • (SPIE 2010 Pedichini et al.)

  10. STUDY of: Wide FieldSpectroscopy at LBT • (SPIE 2006 Gentile et al.) • (SPIE 2010 Magrin et al.) • (SPIE 2010 Ragazzoni et al.) • (SPIE 2010 Bianco et al.) This design can be modified to work at the EELT Focal plane

  11. MOONS in a nutshell: P.I. M. Cirasuolo (ROE), Instr. Eng. H. Schnetler (Roe) • Bands: I (0.79-0.95 μm), YJ (0.94-1.1 μm), H (1.1-1.35 μm) • 2 x 500 Fiber feed spectrographs at ESO VLT Nasmith • Resolution 4000-6000 and 20000 in selected region of J and H • Use of Hawaii 4-RG (4k x 4k NIR detector) and CCDs

  12. MOONS at VLT: A fewtonsof Steel “taking care” of a half ton ofOptical Glass

  13. MOONS opticsdetails

  14. MOONS focalplane and itsauxdevices

  15. MOONS FIBER POSITIONER: 1000 smallmachines (parallelapproach) vs robots It moves slowly with accuracy It must RUN

  16. MOONS @ OAR: Fiber loss vsmicro/macrobending? Past activities for the building of a prototype of an “OH hardware suppressed spectrograph” helped us to understand possible losses of fibers in the NIR bands due to coupling with input lenses or bending. We are ready to redo this work, if needed, with a greater accuracy using a NIR spectrograph instead of a GaAs photodiode • (SPIE 2004 Speziali et al.)

  17. MOONS @ OAR: acquisition & guidance • Fix non common optical path • Register the VLT pointing to the fibers’ plate • Allow fine guidance from science focal plane • Based on CMOS technology and ARM processor • WiFi, ETH and USB interfaces via Linux

  18. MOONS @ OAR: Piezoactuators • “PCB motors” technology • Small drive units to be soldered with a “pick and place” machine onto a pcb • Prototype linear unit with 2 x 32 piezo pads it is now in procurement • May be trimmed to the required length… • May be used to build small Hexapods to position fibers or >>>

  19. MOONS @ OAR: “Crowlingfiberbuttons” Magnetic base 15 x 15 mm May be it can move, rotate and encode its position on the focal plane dragging a fiber LED source PIEZO pads Traditional approach with fiber magnetic buttons Bottom view MOUSE C-MOS camera

  20. CONCLUSIONS • We are grateful to the people who invited us to this meeting • We are interested in a MOS@EELT for its technologies • We are ready to join this project and to share our experience • We’ll like to enjoy its science • Thank you!

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