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SEEKING GOD’S Will together as a church. The sum of our dreams and visions. Leisure/ community. Global. Work. H omes. Schools. The sum of our dreams and visions. Leisure/ community. Global. The Crossing Community Centre. Work. H omes. Schools. The sum of our dreams and visions.
The sum of our dreams and visions Leisure/ community Global Work Homes Schools
The sum of our dreams and visions Leisure/ community Global The CrossingCommunity Centre Work Homes Schools
The sum of our dreams and visions Leisure/ community Global Work Homes Schools
SEEKING GOD’S Will The vision for The Crossing is very simple: create a welcoming, enjoyable Community Centre where we can “be good neighbours” and relationships can grow. To create a quality, friendly and versatile facility, a hub of community life for the people of the Titirangi, Kaurilands, Glen Eden area. A place where no one is a stranger and everyone feels at home.
SEEKING GOD’S Will “I think we have to know if it is God’s will. If I believe it is God’s will then I will be fully behind it!”
SEEKING GOD’S Will 6 Questions to help us Discern God’s Will God’s Heart Strategy Stewardship History The Community Other Christians
SEEKING GOD’S Will Does it reflect God’s heart! “Christians are not to remain aloof from society where they cannot affect it, but are to become immersed in its life.” John Stott
SEEKING GOD’S Will 2. Is this good stewardship of what God has given to us? Parable of Talents Matthew 25
SEEKING GOD’S Will 3. Is this a good idea?
SEEKING GOD’S Will 4. Is this connected with our past? Is this a natural next chapter for us?
SEEKING GOD’S Will 4. Is this connected with our past? Is this a natural next chapter for us?
SEEKING GOD’S Will 5. Is this something our community wants or needs?
“Many Westies are shy about turning up and joining something. They need easy, gentle ways to get in … a new purpose built facility is crucial. The patronage doubled with new libraries. When you have the right facility with right people running it, it can become the heart of a community.” Judy Lawley (Chairman of the Waitakere City Culture and Community Committee)
“This would be a valuable asset to any community. A place for everyone to come together for the benefit of parents, families and many groups. The more opportunity there is for community based programmes, the better.” Jo Augustine (Principal of Kaurilands Primary School)
“I think the proposed Community Building by the Titirangi Baptist Church is an inspiring and timely concept. West Auckland is significantly lacking in such facilities. To have a modern and interesting building, that is welcoming to the general public, and which can offer flexible room sizes for courses, meetings and activities – will be an invaluable asset. It is a sound investment, which will provide a strong foundation for the sort of future that is being demanded.” Griff Richards (Lifewise Family Services)
SEEKING GOD’S Will 6. What do other wise and experienced Christians think? “Fully endorse it. You are thinking it through … what would Jesus do?” Kelvin Fairhall (National Administrator, NZ Baptist Churches)
“Admirable. We can’t expect the community to come to us. Church has to get out of comfort zone, and the limiting concept of bringing people to church to hear the gospel … This idea is at the cutting edge of thinking in establishing relationships with local schools. Don’t see any, churches of similar size doing similar. I’m encouraged by the thinking.” Rodney Macann (National Leader, New Zealand Baptist Churches)
… God must be very excited about being able to use your abilities to share the gospel message of love, forgiveness, healing, and hope to so many people. Don’t wait any longer – the world desperately needs you to open your doors, roll up your sleeves, and get into their mess. As William Carey put it, “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” Go for it!! Charles Hewlett (Principal of Carey Baptist College)
SEEKING GOD’S Will 6 Questions to help us Discern God’s Will God’s Heart Good idea Good Stewardship History The Community Other Christians
SEEKING GOD’S Will “I think we have to know if it is God’s will. If I believe it is God’s will then I will be fully behind it!”