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Text Mining Techniques for Patent Analysis. Yuen-Hsien Tseng, National Taiwan Normal University, samtseng@ntnu.edu.tw
Text Mining Techniques for Patent Analysis Yuen-Hsien Tseng, National Taiwan Normal University, samtseng@ntnu.edu.tw Yuen-Hsien Tseng, Yeong-Ming Wang, Yu-I Lin, Chi-Jen Lin and Dai-Wei Juang, "Patent Surrogate Extraction and Evaluation in the Context of Patent Mapping", accepted for publication in Journal of Information Science, 2007 (SSCI, SCI) Yuen-Hsien Tseng, Chi-Jen Lin, and Yu-I Lin, "Text Mining Techniques for Patent Analysis", to appear in Information Processing and Management, 2007 (SSCI, SCI, EI)
Outline • Introduction • A General Methodology • Technique Details • Technique Evaluation • Application Example • Discussions • Conclusions
Introduction – Why Patent Analysis? • Patent documents contain 90% research results • valuable to the following communities: • Industry • Business • Law • Policy-making • If carefully analyzed, they can: • reduce 60% and 40% R&D time and cost, respectively • show technological details and relations • reveal business trends • inspire novel industrial solutions • help make investment policy
Introduction – Gov. Efforts • PA has received much attention since 2001 • Korea: to develop 120 patent maps in 5 years • Japan: patent mapping competition in 2004 • Taiwan: more and more PM were created • Example: “carbon nanotube” (CNT) • 5 experts dedicated more than 1 month • Asian countries, such as, China, Japan, Korean, Singapore, and Taiwan have invested various resources in patent analysis • PA requires a lot of human efforts • Assisting tools are in great need
Typical Patent Analysis Scenario 1. Task identification: define the scope, concepts, and purposes for the analysis task. 2. Searching: iteratively search, filter, and download related patents. 3. Segmentation: segment, clean, and normalize structured and unstructured parts. 4. Abstracting: analyze the patent content to summarize their claims, topics, functions, or technologies. 5. Clustering: group or classify analyzed patents based on some extracted attributes. 6. Visualization: create technology-effect matrices or topic maps. 7. Interpretation: predict technology or business trends and relations.
Technology-Effect Matrix • To make decisions about future technology development • seeking chances in those sparse cells • To inspire novel solutions • by understanding how patents are related so as to learn how novel solutions were invented in the past and can be invented in the future • To predict business trends • by showing the trend distribution of major competitors in this map Part of the T-E matrix (from STIC) for “Carbon Nanotube”
Text Mining - Definition • Knowledge discovery is often regarded as a process to find implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful patterns • Data mining: from structured databases • Text mining: from a large text repository • In practice, TM involves a series of user interactions with the text mining tools to explore the repository to find such patterns. • After supplemented with additional information and interpreted by experienced experts, these patterns can become important intelligence for decision-making.
Text Mining Process for Patent AnalysisA General Methodology • Document preprocessing • Collection Creation • Document Parsing and Segmentation • Text Summarization • Document Surrogate Selection • Indexing • Keyword/Phrase extraction • morphological analysis • Stop word filtering • Term association and clustering • Topic Clustering • Term selection • Document clustering/categorization • Cluster title generation • Category mapping • Topic Mapping • Trend map -- Aggregation map • Query map -- Zooming map
Example: An US Patent Doc. • See Example or this URL: • http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=5,695,734.PN.&OS=PN/5,695,734&RS=PN/5,695,734
NSC Patents • 612 US patents with assignee contains “National Science Council” downloaded on 2005/06/15
Document Parsing and Segmentation • Data conversion • Parsing unstructured texts and citations into structured fields in DBMS • Document segmentation • Partition the full patent texts into 6 segments • Abstract, application, task, summary, feature, claim • Only 9 empty segments in 6*92=552 CNT patent segments =>1.63% • Only 79 empty segments in 6*612=3672 NSC patent segments => 2.15%
NPR Parsing forMost-Frequently Cited Journalsand Citation Age Distribution Data are for 612 NSC patents
Automatic Summarization • Segment the doc. into paragraphs and sentences • Assess sentences, consider their • Positions • Clue words • Title words • keywords • Select sentences • Sort by the weights and select the top-k sentences. • Assembly the selected sentences • Concatenate the sentences in their original order
Evaluation of Each Segment • abs: the ‘Abstract’ section of each patent • app: FIELD OF THE INVENTION • task: BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION • sum: SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION • fea: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT • cla: Claims section of each patent • seg_ext: summaries from each of the sets: abs, app, task, sum, and fea • full: full texts from each of the sets: abs, app, task, sum, and fea
Evaluation Goal • Analyze a human-crafted patent map to see which segments have more important terms • Purposes (so as to): • allow analysts to spot the relevant segments more quickly for classifying patents in the map • provide insights to possibly improve automated clustering and/or categorization in creating the map
Evaluation Method • In the manual creation of a technology-effect matrix, it is helpful to be able to quickly spot the keywords that can be used for classifying the patents in the map. • Once the keywords or category features are found, patents can usually be classified without reading all the texts. • Thus a segment or summary that retains as many important category features as possible is preferable. • Our evaluation design therefore is to reveal which segments contains most such features compared to the others.
Patent Maps for Evaluation All patent maps are from STPI
Feature Selection • Well studied in machine learning • Best feature selection algorithms • Chi-square, information gain, … • But to select only a few features, correlation coefficient is better than chi-square • co=1 if FN=FP=0 and TP <>0 and TN <>0
Best and worst terms by Chi-square and correlation coefficient Data are from a small real-world collection of 116 documents with only two exclusive categories, construction vs. non-construction in civil engineering tasks
Some feature terms and their distribution in each set for the category FED in CNT Note: The correlation coefficients in each segment correlate to the set counts of the ordered features: the larger the set count, the larger the correlation coefficient in each segment.
Occurrence distribution of 30 top-ranked terms in each set for some categories in CNT M_Best_Term_Coverage(Segment, Category)=
Occurrence distribution of manually ranked terms in each set for some categories in CNT R_Best_Term_Covertage(Segment, Category)=
Occurrence distribution of terms in each segment averaged over all categories in CNT M_Best_Term_Coverage(Segment)= R_Best_Term_Coverage(Segment)=
Maximum correlation coefficients in each set averaged over all categories in CNT *: denoted those calculated from human judged relevant terms
Term-covering rates for M best termsfor the effect taxonomy in CNT
Term-covering rates for M best termsfor the technology taxonomy in CNT
Term-covering rates for M best terms QDF: Quantum Dot Fluorescein Detection QDL: Quantum Dot LED
Term-covering rates for M best terms QDO: Quantum-Dot Optical Sensor NTD: Nano Titanium Dioxide MCM: Molecular Motors
Findings • Most ICFs ranked by correlation coefficient occur in the “segment extracts”, the Abstract section, and the SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION section. • Most ICFs selected by humans occur in the Abstract section or the Claims section. • The “segment extracts” lead to more top-ranked ICFs than the “full texts”, regardless whether the category features are selected manually or automatically. • The ICFs selected automatically have higher capability in discriminating a document’s categories than those selected manually according to the correlation coefficient.
Implications • Text summarization techniques help in patent analysis and organization, either automatically or manually. • If one would determine a patent’s category based on only a few terms in a quick pace, one should first read the Abstract section and the SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION section • Or alternatively, one should first read the “segment extracts” prepared by a computer
Text Mining Process for Patent Analysis • Document preprocessing • Collection Creation • Document Parsing and Segmentation • Text Summarization • Document Surrogate Selection • Indexing • Keyword/Phrase extraction • morphological analysis • Stop word filtering • Term association and clustering • Topic Clustering • Term selection • Document clustering/categorization • Cluster title generation • Category mapping • Topic Mapping • Trend map -- Aggregation map • Query map -- Zooming map
Ideal Indexing for Topic Identification No processing may result in low recall; More processing may have false drops.
Example: Extracted Keywords and Their Associated Terms • Yuen-Hsien Tseng, Chi-Jen Lin, and Yu-I Lin, "Text Mining Techniques for Patent Analysis", to appear in Information Processing and Management, 2007 (SSCI and SCI) • Yuen-Hsien Tseng, "Automatic Cataloguing and Searching for Retrospective Data by Use of OCR Text", Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 5, April 2001, pp. 378-390. (SSCI and SCI)
Clustering Methods • Clustering is a powerful technique to detect topics and their relations in a collection. • Clustering techniques: • HAC : Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering • K-means • MDS: Multi-Dimensional Scaling • SOM: Self-organization Map • Many open source packages are available • Need to define the similarity to use them • Similarities • Co-words: common words used between items • Co-citations: common citations between items
Document Clustering • Effectiveness of clustering relies on • how terms are selected • Affect effectiveness most • Automatic, manual, or hybrid • Users have more confidence on the clustering results if terms are selected by themselves, but this is costly • Manual verification of selected terms is recommended whenever it is possible • Recent trend: • Text clustering with extended user feedback, SIGIR 2006 • Near-duplicate detection by instance-level constrained clustering, SIGIR06 • how they are weighted • Boolean or TFxIDF • how similarities are measured • Cosine, Dice, Jaccard, etc, .. • Direct HAC document clustering may be prohibited due to its complexity
Term Clustering • Single terms are often ambiguous, a group of near-synonym terms can be more specific in topic • Goal: reduce number of terms for ease of topic detection, concept identification, generation of classification hierarchy, or trend analysis • Term clustering followed by document categorization • Allow large collections to be clustered • Methods: • Keywords: maximally repeated words or phrases, extracted by patented algorithm (Tseng, 2002) • Related terms: keywords which often co-occur with other keywords, extracted by association mining (Tseng, 2002) • Simset: a set of keywords having common related terms, extracted by term clustering
Multi-Stage Clustering • Single-stage clustering is easy to get skewed distribution • Ideally, in multi-stage clustering, terms or documents can be clustered into concepts, which in turn can be clustered into topics or domains. • In practice, we need to browse the whole topic tree to found desired concepts or topics. Topics Concepts Terms or docs.
Cluster Descriptors Generation • One important step to help analysts interpret the clustering results is to generate a summary title or cluster descriptors for each cluster. • CC (correlation Coefficient) is used • But CC0.5 or CCxTFC yield better results • See • Yuen-Hsien Tseng, Chi-Jen Lin, Hsiu-Han Chen and Yu-I Lin, "Toward Generic Title Generation for Clustered Documents," Proceedings of Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, Oct. 16-18, Singapore, pp. 145-157, 2006. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4182, SCI)
Mapping Cluster Descriptors to Categories • More generic title words can not be generated automatically • ‘Furniture’ is a generic term for beds, chairs, tables, etc. But if there is no ‘furniture’ in the documents, there is no way to yield furniture as a title word, unless additional knowledge resources were used, such as thesauri • See also Tseng et al, AIRS 2006
Search WordNet for Cluster Class • Using external resource to get cluster categories • For each of 352 (0.005) or 328 (0.001) simsets generated from 2714 terms • Submit the sinset heads to WordNet to get their hypernyms (upper-level hypernyms as categories) • Accumulate occurrence of each of these categories • Rank these categories by occurrence • Select the top-ranked categories as candidates for topic analysis • These top-ranked categories still need manual filtering • Current results are not satisfying • Need to try to search scientific literature databases which supporttopic-based search capability and which have needed categories
Mapping Cluster Titles to Categories • Search Stanford’s InfoMap • http://infomap.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/semlab/infomap/classes/print_class.pl?args=$term1+$term2 • Search WordNet directly • Results similar to InfoMap • Higher recall, lower Precision than InfoMap • Yield meaningful results only when terms are in high quality • Search google directory: http://directory.google.com/ • Often yield: your search did not match any documents. • Or wrong category: • Ex1: submit: “'CMOS dynamic logics‘” • get: ‘Computers > Programming > Languages > Directories’ • Ex2: submit: “laser, wavelength, beam, optic, light”, get: • ‘Business > Electronics and Electrical > Optoelectronics and Fiber‘, • ‘Health > Occupational Health and Safety > Lasers’ • Searching WordNet yield better results but still unacceptable D:\demo\File>perl -s wntool.pl =>0.1816 : device%1 =>0.1433 : actinic_radiation%1 actinic_ray%1 =>0.1211 : signal%1 signaling%1 sign%3 =>0.0980 : orientation%2 =>0.0924 : vitality%1 verve%1
NSC Patents • 612 US patents whose assignees are NSC • NSC sponsors most academic researches • Own the patents resulted from the researches • Documents in the collection are • knowledge-diversified (cover many fields) • long (2000 words in average) • full of advanced technical details • Hard for any single analyst to analyze them • Motivate the need to generate generic titles
Text Mining from NSC Patents • Download NSC patents from USPTO with assignee=National Science Council • Automatic key-phrase extraction • Terms occurs more than once can be extracted • Automatic segmentation and summarization • 20072 keywords from full texts vs 19343 keywords from 5 segment summarization • The 5 segment abstracts contain more category-specific terms then full texts (Tseng, 2005) • Automatic index compilation • Occurring frequency of each term in each document was recorded • Record more than 500,000 terms (words, phrases, digits) among 612 documents in 72 seconds
Text Mining from NSC Patents: Clustering Methods • Term similarity is based on common co-occurrence terms • Phrases and co-occurrence terms are extracted based on Tseng’s algorithm [JASIST 2002] • Document similarity is based on common terms • Complete-link method is used to group similar items
Term Clustering of NSC Patents • Results: • From 19343 keywords, remove those whose df>200 (36) and df=1 (12330), and those that have no related terms (4263), resulting in 2714 terms • Number of terms whose df>5 is 2800 • 352 (0.005) or 328 (0.001) simsets were generated from 2714 terms • Good cluster: • 180 : 5筆,0.19(standard:0.77, mpeg:0.73, audio:0.54) • AUDIO : 9 : standard, high-fidelity, MPEG, technique, compression, signal, Multi-Channel. • MPEG : 4 : standard, algorithm, AUDIO, layer, audio decoding, architecture. • audio decoding : 3 : MPEG, architecture. • standard : 31 : AUDIO,MPEG. • compression : 29 : apparatus, AUDIO, high-fidelity, Images, technique, TDAC, high-fidelity audio, signal, arithmetic coding. • Wrong cluster: • 89 : 6筆,0.17(satellite:0.71, communicate:0.54, system:0.13) • satellite : 8 : nucleotides, express, RNAs, vector, communication system, phase, plant, communism, foreign gene. • RNAs : 5 : cDNA, Amy8, nucleotides, alpha-amylase gene, Satellite RNA, sBaMV, analysis, quinoa, genomic, PAT1, satellite, Lane, BaMV, transcription. • foreign gene : 4 : express, vector, Satellite RNA, plant,satellite, ORF. • electrical power : 4 : satellite communication system. • satellite communication system : 2 : electrical power, microwave. • communication system : 23 : satellite.
2. Electronics and Semi-conductors 5. Material 1.Chemistry 4. Communication and computers 3. Generality 6. Biomedicine Topic Map for NSC Patents • Third-stage document clustering result