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The European Union Industrial Research Actions The ‘nanotechnology, materials, production’ research area (NMP). Hervé Péro, Christophe Lesniak DG Research. Main features The EU industrial research policy The new instruments (NI) in FP6 The second Call for NIs in 2004 International cooperation.
The European UnionIndustrial Research ActionsThe ‘nanotechnology, materials, production’ research area (NMP) Hervé Péro, Christophe LesniakDG Research
Main featuresThe EU industrial research policyThe new instruments (NI) in FP6 The second Call for NIs in 2004International cooperation
Amsterdam Treaty First Specific Programmes JRC Creation Maastricht Treaty ECSC Research Treaties fusion Euro 1951 55 57 67 84 87 90 91 93 94 97 98 99 2002 84 87 90 91 93 94 97 98 99 FP- 1 EEC/ EURATOM Treaties FP- 2 FP- 3 FP- 4 FP- 5 ECSC Treaty Single Act FP- 6 History of European Research The European Union’s research is implemented through framework programmes (Articles 163 to 173 of the Amsterdam Treaty)
Framework Programmes respond to EU objectives • Objective “Lisbon”:to becomethe most dynamic and most competitive knowledge-based economy • Objective “Göteborg”:sustainable development (environment, economy, employment) • Objective “Barcelona”:education and training, innovation ERA:Integrating, reinforcing, structuring… and stimulating investment in RTD (1,9% to 3,0%)
Participation in EU RTD+I programme is through Calls for Collaborative Proposals, periodically launched by the European Commission http://www.cordis.lu
Main featuresThe EU industrial research policyThe new instruments (NI) in FP6The second Call for NIs in 2004International cooperation
Instruments Traditional projects“Stairways of excellence” New Instruments Networks of Excellence (NE) Instruments to implement the thematic area and to ensure high European impacts on selected technical and socio-economic issues Integrated Projects (IP) Coordination Actions (CA) Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) Specific Support Actions (SSA)
Integrated Projects Objectives Real breakthroughs, Support to Industry, Sustainable Development Clear and Quantified Deliverables and Integration... … across Activities from basic research Technology transfer to dissemination and training… … across Technical Areas Design, life-cycle aspects, Materials, Processes, Maintenance, repair, etc... … among Participants and funding bodies governments, industry, universities, research institutes, banks… … and Networks of Excellence To assemble EU Research Capacities to face research challenges not achievable in single Member states or single organisations (Participants do not receive grants for research but for ensuring a progressive & lasting integration)
NMP calls in 2003 Number of partners / project
Main featuresThe EU industrial research policyThe new instruments (NI) in FP6 The second Call for NIs in 2004International cooperation
Thematic Priority 3concentrates on: • i) Nanotechnology, as a flagship of the next industrial revolution • ii) Multi-functional knowledge-based Materials, as critical drivers of innovation iii) New Production processes and devices, as the key to sustainable development
The primary objective of NMP is to promote real industrial breakthroughs, based on scientific and technical excellence. Radical breakthrough can be achieved through two complementary approaches: a) creation of new knowledge; b) new ways of integrating and exploiting existing and new knowledge. a) creation of new knowledge; b) new ways of integrating and exploiting existing and new knowledge.
Call CodeInstrumentDeadlineBudget (provis.) NMP-NI-3IP and NE March 2, 2004245 M€ June 22, 2004 NMP-SME-3 IP for SMEs March 2, 200480 M€June 22, 2004 NMP-STEEL-3 IP March 17, 200425 M€ IST-NMP-3 IP,NE,STREP to be defined 180 M€ (90 for P3) WP 2004 andnext calls for NIs
Focus on IPs: Nanostructured surfaces Industrially relevant production of nanoparticles WP 2004 and next calls for NIs AREA 1: Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
Focus on NEs and IPs: Understanding materials phenomena (NE) Development of nanostructured materials Tribology-related surface engineering for multifunctional materials Higher performance multi-materials for macro-scale applications WP 2004 and next calls for NIs AREA 2: KB multifunctional materials
Focus on IPs: User-friendly production technologies, factory of the future New production technologies for high added value products, exploiting nanoscale precision engineering techniques Hazard reduction in production plant and storage sites WP 2004 and next calls for NIs AREA 3: New Production Processes / Devices
Human-friendly, safe and efficient construction(IP) New generation of multifunctional materials and technologies for surface transport(IP) Mastering chemicals and creating new eco-efficient processes and synthesis routes(IP + NE) WP 2004 and next calls for NIs AREA 4(NEW FOCUS): Integration for improved construction, chemicals, surface transport
Instruments 2003 2004 No. of topics No. of topics covered covered 18 25 IP 15 15 (a) (a) 330 M€ 335 M€ 17 3 NE 18 3 73 50 STREP 16 12 (a) (a) 8 4 CA 13 6 170 M€ 125 M€ 10 6 SSA 4 6 7 15 IP SMEs 1 35 M€ 2 80 M€ 535M€ 540M€ (a) including the joint call WP 2004 and next calls Estimation of number of projects to be selected
What’s new? • More emphasis on industrial participation • Selective use of instruments (usually only one single instrument per topic) • More topics addressed by IPs than by NE • Higher integration of topics (see Area 4) We expect less proposals, but better focused on the call topics higher success rate
IPs flagship, ambitious, leading to radical innovation and transformation of industry in the long term Strong industrial participation and even leadership Include inter-related activities NEs: Lasting integration of research capacities to overcome fragmentation and improve EU research efficiency in key research domains Joint Programme of Activities to induce organisational change Research included, only if contributing to durable integration NewInstruments
Simpler, shorter “Stage 1”: Incomplete outline IPNE Relevance to call Relevance to call Potential Impact Potential Impact S/T excellence 20 pages strict maximum Go/No-go after “Stage 1”;Full proposal in “Stage 2” NMP calls in 2004 Revision of 2-stage submission and evaluation procedure for New instruments
IPs “Stage 1”: 20 pages Title page and partnerships (1 page) Title, acronym, core participants’ list Confidential summary (1 page) Overall objectives, appropriateness of IP and its impacts Relevance to call (3 pages) See specific “bullet point” in the WP; approach; activities; critical mass Potential Impact (4 pages) Societal and economic benefits; EU dimension; contribution to ERA S/T excellence (10 pages) Clearlobjectives, S/T approach (incl. exploitation); progress beyond SoA Budget (1 page) Breakdown by partners and activities Go/No go – min. score 12 out of 15
NEs “Stage 1”: 20 pages Title page and partnership (1 page) Title, acronym, core participants’ list Confidential summary and objectives(1 page) Overall objectives and cost-effectiveness, appropriateness of NE towards lasting integration, partnership, impact Relevance to call (8 pages) See specific “bullet point” in the WP; outline activities (JPA) and its different components Potential Impact (10 pages) Clear added value at EU level;strategic impacts of the activities towards integration and related indicators; effectiveness of management and resources Go/No go – min. score 8 out of 10
Main featuresThe EU industrial research policyThe new instruments (NI) in FP6 The second Call for NIs in 2004International cooperation
Increased problem complexity Need for multi-disciplinary and global approaches
All thematic priorities are open for participation from third countries – budget is 285M€ for funding of less wealthy countries Specific measures support health, environment, food safety, new production systems – budget 315M€ There are specific measures under “human resources” International Co-operation in FP6
Road 1Participation in the thematic priorities 1 Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine Authority, Syria, Tunisia 2 Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYROM, Serbia and Montenegro. 3 Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. 4 Industrial States : participation may be subject to arrangements of a reciprocal nature which could take the form of a S&T Agreement.
Road 2Support to International Cooperation 1 Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine Authority, Syria, Tunisia 2 Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYROM, Serbia and Montenegro. 3 Armenia, Azerb., Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkm., Ukraine, Uzbekistan
Objectives: attract the best, most promising researchers from third countries promote the training of European researchers abroad. Means: In-coming fellowships to work and undertake research training in Europe; provision to assist fellows to return to their countries of origin in case of emerging and transition economies and developing countries. Out-going fellowships For more information see http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/inco.html Road 3Support for international mobility of researchers
Normally, participants from third countries do not submit a proposal, but join a consortium that is setting up in the current NMP-calls They need mobilisation of European contacts to join a consortium for the current NMP calls They can use network of National Contact Points … also use the CORDIS partner seach database Remember: Commission cannot insert a third country participant in a consortium What to do to participate in the NMP-calls
New technologies: a future for our society!For more information … http:// www.cordis.lu/fp6/nmp.htm http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/ http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/contractpreparation/ europa.eu.int/comm/research/industrial_technologies