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Task 5-A Development and test SESANS

Task 5-A Development and test SESANS. Instrumental activities SESANS applications Measurements on gratings. Instrumental activities. Past Finished building monochromatic SESANS with magnetised foils : working instrument * Showed proof of principle NRSE TOF-SESANS* Future

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Task 5-A Development and test SESANS

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  1. Task 5-A Development and test SESANS • Instrumental activities • SESANS applications • Measurements on gratings

  2. Instrumental activities Past • Finished building monochromatic SESANS with magnetised foils: working instrument * • Showed proof of principle NRSE TOF-SESANS* Future • TOF-SESANS with foils • Started cooperation with ISIS to build at 2nd target station SE-option at Off-Spec (task 5B)Dutch, ISIS and European funds * NIMA 529 (2004) 16-21

  3. z sample SESANS = interference spin-states neutron, yields density correlation functions • Tunable magnetic fields with tilted interfaces separate = |> |> state neutron • Polarisation as function spin-echo length = scattering length density correlation function

  4. Colloidal interaction - - - + + - + - + - + - - - - - + - - 1 yoghurt 0.9 milk 1 P(z) curd 0.9 0.8 0.8 lognormal 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.3 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 2 4 6 8 10 z[nm] Test applications of SESANS Dairy products m-emulsions • Granular materials • Gels • Gratings

  5. SESANS on silicon gratings Collaboration with: M. Trinker, E. Jericha & H. Rauch, Technische Universitaet Wien

  6. SESANS measures directly shape ridges

  7. Rotating and tilting fits expectations 15 • Conclusion • Exciting applications for SE in elastic scattering techniques • New fields of science

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