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Glueballs. References. Scientific American, Nov 98 Fritzsch, Gell-Mann, Leutwyler, Advantages of the Color Octet Gluon Picture, Phys Lett 47B,4,26Nov73 Fritzsch,Minkowski, Ψ-Resonances, Gluons and the Zweig Rule, Nuovo Cimento V30A,N3,1Dec75

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  1. Glueballs

  2. References • Scientific American, Nov 98 • Fritzsch, Gell-Mann, Leutwyler, Advantages of the Color Octet Gluon Picture, Phys Lett 47B,4,26Nov73 • Fritzsch,Minkowski, Ψ-Resonances, Gluons and the Zweig Rule, Nuovo Cimento V30A,N3,1Dec75 • D. Aschman, Possible Gluonium States in Radiative ψ Decay, Proc 2nd Morional Workshop Jan, 82 • Crowe, et. Al. Scalar Mesons and Glueballs, lbl/nsd/1998/rnc/crow_2.pdf • Bjorken, Elements of Quantum Chromodynamics, Lectures on Lepton Nucleon Scattering and QCD, 1982 • Amsler, Non-qq Mesons, Phys Rev D (PDG) Mar 2002 • He,Jin,Ma, Radiative decay of Υ into scalar glueball, Phys Rev D66,074015 (2002)

  3. Quark/Gluon Interaction

  4. Possible Gluon-Interactions

  5. Color Octet GluonsFritzsch, Gell-Mann,Leutwyler, 1973 Fritzsch, Minkowski, 1975 Halzon & Martin eq. 14.40

  6. QCD Lattice Mass Calculations as= lattice spacing r0= hadron radius

  7. Glueball Production Interactions Radiative decay pp annihilation Central production

  8. Glueball Candidates Amsler, PDG, 2002

  9. PP Central Production Mass Spectrum for 2 Pion Final State Cuts applied to remove pions from decay of heavy baryons

  10. PP Central Production Fit to S-Wave Mass Spectrum Fig c and d are fit to 3 Breit-Wigners: f0 (980) f0 (1300), f0 (1500) Fig e is 4 Breit-Wigners including f0 (1710); needed to fit spectrum in 1.7Gev region

  11. Mixing from Experimental Data Branching Fractions from Mixing and Lattice QCD

  12. Conclusions Glueballs are unavoidable prediction of QCD Lattice QCD makes predictions about glueball masses and branching ratios with minimal parameters. Scalar glueball (0++) appears to exist around 1.3-1.7 Gev but there is much uncertainty Precise measurements are needed to determine masses, widths, mixing with nearby meson states. Results will test Lattice QCD and other theories. Radiative decays of J/Ψ or Υ provide excellent enviroment for precision measurements with strong γ signature and simple final state. CLEO III (Υ) and CLEO-c (Ψ) can achieve the integrated luminosity needed for partial wave analysis which provides best determination of mass, width, and spin values Precise measurements of glueball spectrumcan support Lattice QCD and stimulate further theoretical analyses of glue content of hadrons, and gluon potential

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