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considerING Hist 380: Egyptology? How about Studying it in England? Pre-session : May 14 – 30 th Earn credit toward Graduation in an international setting Have Access to important Egyptian Collections at the British and The Ashmolean Museums.
considerINGHist 380: Egyptology?How about Studying it in England?Pre-session: May 14 – 30thEarn credit toward Graduation in an international setting HaveAccess to important Egyptian Collections at the British and The Ashmolean Museums Contact Dr. Carlis White for more information: carlis.white@sru.edu/724-738-4912
considerINGHist 331: England to 1689?How about Studying it in England?Pre-session: May 14 – 30thEarn credit toward Graduation in an international setting HaveAccess to the british museum, battle fields, and historical sites Contact Dr. paularieder for more information: paula.rieder@sru.edu/724-738-4923
General Course Schedule: May 14-16 (3 Days on SRU campus to reduce class time in England -- more time to see/experience sites) May 19 (Departure from Pittsburgh International Airport) May 20 (Arriving in England and moving into Wroxton Abbey campus – light local activities) May 21-30 (Making the most of our accessibility to both Oxford and London and other sites of interest to both courses – includes 1night stay in London) May 31 (Departure from London)
Additional Sites: Oxford
Additional Sites: Oxford The Ashmolean Museum
Additional Sites: Oxford The Ashmolean Museum Stonehenge
Additional Sites: Oxford The Ashmolean Museum Stonehenge Stratford on Avon
Additional Sites: Oxford The Ashmolean Museum Stonehenge Stratford on Avon Tower of London
Additional Sites: Oxford The Ashmolean Museum Stonehenge Stratford on Avon Tower of London Parliament (with a planned discussion with a member of Parliament)
Additional Sites: Oxford The Ashmolean Museum Stonehenge Stratford on Avon Tower of London Parliament (with a planned discussion with a member of Parliament) Cromwell House
Additional Sites: Oxford The Ashmolean Museum Stonehenge Stratford on Avon Tower of London Parliament (with a planned discussion with a member of Parliament) Cromwell House
Additional Sites: Oxford The Ashmolean Museum Stonehenge Stratford on Avon Tower of London Parliament (with a planned discussion with a member of Parliament) Cromwell House Viking exhibit at the British Museum
Additional Sites: Oxford The Ashmolean Museum Stonehenge Stratford on Avon Tower of London Parliament (with a planned discussion with a member of Parliament) Cromwell House Viking exhibit at the British Museum Broughton Castle
Additional Sites: Oxford The Ashmolean Museum Stonehenge Stratford on Avon Tower of London Parliament (with a planned discussion with a member of Parliament) Cromwell House Viking exhibit at the British Museum Broughton Castle Naseby Battlefield
Additional Sites: Oxford The Ashmoleon Museum Stonehenge Stratford on Avon Tower of London Parliament (with a planned discussion with a member of Parliament) Cromwell House Viking exhibit at the British Museum Broughton Castle Naseby Battlefield With time to visit sites of individual interest
Estimated costs per student: $3600 (includes airfare, lodging, excursion costs, some meals) + tuition for 1 or both courses (on top of the trip costs) Note: this price is based on a certain number of students enrolling and could be adjusted downward somewhat based on final enrollment figures Deadline for Registration: Feb 14th with a deposit of $125 (non-refundable unless the trip is cancelled; if cancelled due to too low enrollment, the deposits will be refunded). Deposit and registration to be made in the Office of International Services, 114 CarruthRizza Hall (724-738-2057); Registration forms are available at: http://www.sru.edu/academics/internationalservices/Documents/SA%20app%20packet,%202012.pdf Other considerations: Financial Aid is possible as long as 2 courses are taken in the same Summer session Arranging for passports can take a while to complete, begin the process as soon as possible