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Istituto Des Ambrois – Oulx, Italy. We come from. A closer look. Our School... outside. Our School... inside. Here we are!!!. At school. At school. At school. Sustainability. Let's start!. What is Sustainability?.
Sustainability Let's start!
What is Sustainability? Development that satisfies our present needs without putting at risk the capacity of future generations to satisfy their own needs • 1987: “Our Common Future” (Brundtland report) tells us for the first time about “sustainable development” • 2012: Heart Summit: a green sustainable economy • Aspects of environmental sustainability: • The use of natural resources • The emission of waste products into the environment • Limitating the natural resources of the planet • Habits, behaviour and cultural aspects
What is Sustainability? • Inter-generational Sustainability • Use responsable of resources • Preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity • Keeping of natural balances • Role of science and technology. • Intra-generational Sustainability • Access to resourses guaranteed to all people. • Equitable distribution of wealth • Responsability of treating of wastes and slags. • Non-violent management in conflicts.
Sustainability: a definition • There isn't a definition of Sustainability accepted all over the world. • Sustainability can be read as a body of knowledge, behaviours and actions which- taken individually or collectively- allow humanity to live indefinitely in harmony with natural systems that host.
One World, many paths to Sustainability Energy production Economy Behaviours, Culture, Lifestyles Sustainability Indicators of Sustainability Natural resources
One World, many paths to Sustainability Energy production Economy Behaviours, Culture, Lifestyles Sustainability Indicators of Sustainability Natural resources Agriculture Fishing Industry Settlements Trade
One World, many paths to Sustainability Energy production Economy Behaviours, Culture, Lifestyles Sustainability Indicators of Sustainability Natural resources Fossil fuels Nuclear energy Renewable sources Savings on energy
One World, many paths to Sustainability Energy production Economy Behaviours, Culture, Lifestyles Sustainability Indicators of Sustainability Natural resources Consumptions Wastes Green-thinking Policies Equity Human Rights Nonviolence
One World, many paths to Sustainability Energy production Economy Behaviours, Culture, Lifestyles Sustainability Indicators of Sustainability Natural resources Water Soil Forests Biodiversity Climate
One World, many paths to Sustainability Energy production Economy Behaviours, Culture, Lifestyles Sustainability Indicators of Sustainability Natural resources WHAT is sustainable? Ecological footprint Biocapacity
How much water??? If all the water on the planet was contained in this acquarium which holds 100 litres… …what would the volume of natural water corrispond to? …how much natural water is available? …and how much drinking water?
How much water??? If all the water on the planet was contained in this acquarium which holds 100 litres… Natural water:3 litres Available natural water:0.5 litres Drinking water:0,003 litres
Wie lernt und wie lehrt man das? Es ist nicht genug neue Technologien oder politische Massnahmen zu treffen um die Mentalität der Leute zu ändern. Man braucht ein Jahrzehnt um die Leute der nachhaltigen Entwicklung zu bilden. Sustainable development - Nachhaltigkeit How to learn and how to teach it? • There aren't enough new technologies or political measures to change the minds of the people. • It needs a decade of education towards sustainable development.
Verbreitung von dem Begriff der Nachhaltigkeit, zum Beispiel in Deutschland schon in den '70er Jahren. Sustainable development- Nachhaltigkeit • Spreading of sustainable culture, for example , in Italy and other countries, from '70s. At school Experiences with nature for children Erfahrungen schon mit den kleinen Kindern in der Natur Architecture In der Schule In der Architektur Education about Nuclear energy Thinking of Green economy Kern der Bildung Grünes denken
Vorteile Wenig CO2- Emission Umweltfreunlich. Entlastung des Ol-Nachfrage Olpreis bleibt konstant Hohere Produktion der Energie Nuclear energy - Kernkraft Advantages • Less CO2- Emission environmentally friendly • Decreased demand for oil the price of oil remains constant • Much energy is produced
Nachteile Radioaktiv und gefärlich. Keine Platz fur die Abfall auf den ganzen Welt. Kein Schutz gegen Terrorismus Neuen Bauen sehr teuer. Wenn Unfall = Katastrofe Tschernobyl Nuclear energy- Kernkraft Disadvantages • Radioactivity is dangerous • There aren't any places in the world for all the radioactive waste. • The danger of nuclear energy stations being attacked by terrorists. • They cost a lot of money. • If any accident happens then it is a disaster.For example Cernobyl.
An indicator of Sustainability Ecological Footprint
Ecological Footprint • The Ecological Footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems. It compares human demand with planet Earth's ecological capacity to regenerate. • It represents the amount of biologically productive land and sea area needed to regenerate the resources a human population consumes and to absorb and render harmless the corresponding waste. • Source: Wikipedia An indicator of Sustainability
Human activities and Biocapacity Biocapacity refers to the capacity of a given biologically productive area to generate an on-going supply of renewable resources and to absorb its spillover wastes. Unsustainability occurs if the area’s ecological footprint exceeds its biocapacity.
Global ecological footprint Source: WWF, Living Planet Report 2008 – data related to year 2005
Our journey emissions • Calculation of emissions due to our international journey from Italy to Finland • We calculate emissions of: • Carbon dioxide (CO2) • Nitrogen oxides (NOx) • Particulate • Data are calculated for each traveler • Calculation tool: • www.travelfootprint.org
Milan – Riga km: 1637.7 Riga - Turku km: 411.7 Turku – Oulu km: 516.1 Our journey Milan – Oulu km: 2565.5
Emissions: Milan - Riga CO2: 387.7 kg NOx + PM: 527.5 g
Emissions: Riga - Turku CO2: 97.5 kg NOx + PM: 132.6 g
Emissions: Turku - Oulu CO2: 122.2 kg NOx + PM: 166.2 g
CO2 (Kg) NOx+PM (g) Milan Oulu 607.4 826.3 Oulu Milan 607.4 826.3 Total 1214.8 1652.6 Our journey emissions (per-capita) Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulates
Our journey emissions • Italians (7 persons) are responsible for these total emissions: • CO2: 8.5 tons • NOx + PM: 11.5 kg
Do I consume wisely??? Resultate Fangen klein an! Grosses Ersparnisse Veränderungen Ein einzelner Fels ist wie ein Tropfen auf heiβem Stein. Bitte! Mache etwas mit! Was soll ich erwarten, wenn ich etwas schlechtes mach? Nicht Gutes! Mutter Natur. Um einer Tisch zu bauen braucht man einen Baum. Um ein Buch zu drucken braucht man einen Baum? NEIN nicht mal ein Blett Benutze Altpapier!...
Do I consume wisely??? Einen Baumfällen als ein Biβchen Leben töten Mache mit einem ”Baum” nichts, was er nicht auch mit dir machen soll. Besser haute wieder verwenden als morgen nichts haben!
Do I consume wisely??? Save water... shower with a friend! Modern technology owes ecology an apology! We owe a lot to Thomas Edison - if it wasn't for him, we'd be watching television by candlelight!
Do I consume wisely??? Si tout le monde s’y met on aura moins de déchets Il n’y a pas de petits gestes si nous sommes 60 millions à les faire